That is one of the descriptor pheromones for redheads.You don’t like the Iris?
Did you know that redheads do not get B.O.? <-- A racial trait of redheads and Koreans. TINS
That is one of the descriptor pheromones for redheads.You don’t like the Iris?
Yep, you are fortunate, I've looked up on the map of your area and it really is quite lovely with it's sandy beaches and dunes.Good afternoon Oldman and crew!
Im fortunate to be in between the Long Island Sound and the Atlantic ocean.
Learned how to drive in Cedar beach in Mt Sinai
Learned how to French kiss there too![]()
Me too.I like living at the edge of the ocean too but don’t spend as much time on the beach as I use to. Still nice to live close to it tho as I always have.
She has the Witch's Peak and the grin lines. And she always smells good.
I hope one of these days to take my Mrs to Bamfield in the Barklay Sound anytime I'm in that area I feel the change from the interior of the province to the rugged coastal area. I feel alive and the power of the ocean, while walking the beach shoreline, it's an incredible experience for me.
They don't get grey hair either.That is one of the descriptor pheromones for redheads.
Did you know that redheads do not get B.O.? <-- A racial trait of redheads and Koreans. TINS
Good morning Old Man!Gray you recall how the tech got rid of your Mc Afee pop up?
A curious mind wants to know.
Hello GW![]()
Good afternoon BC friend!!!DB...the master of his destiny!
Hello DB![]()
Walt have you seen this?Thanks to the Incredibobble Subbie, I have repaired the original file lost in my leprous old 'puter ! YAY!
Irv Snedeker landing file
View attachment 19169526
Irv Snedeker landing the Rovin’ Rhoda / 4 BOLTS at airfield in England. His wife was Rhoda, and the 4 BOLTS were four tight fighter pilot buddies.
Irv was shot down while strafing Prague Aerodrome (where Me-262’s were based). He was at ten feet altitude, and quoting Irv:
“Some sharp-eye German weenie shot my prop off with a 20mm round. The plane hit the ground immediately, and the tail broke off. I climbed out and sat down on the wing and lit a cigarette as some trucks approached while I could see my flight buddies heading home. It was a lonely feeling.”
The German Luftwaffe types treated him well, shared their schnapps with him and ragged him about flying an old-fashioned airplane that had a fan on the front. He did have to go into an underground shelter where there were many civilians and kids. They were all very nice to him, although at one time he was told by a guard he must face a wall and not turn around. He never found out what they did not want him to see.
About a week into this captivity, the German Commandant came to Irv and told him the Russian forces were just a couple of miles away, and that since he was the highest ranking American officer around (Irv was a lowly lieutenant), he would like to surrender the entire Luftwaffe Group to him!
So they packed up a long line of trucks, covered them with white sheets, everybody climbed in and headed south towards the US 8th Army heading their way north.
A last quote: “We met the 8th Army, and with a very good deal of very definitely American invective, nobody got shot. When I reported back to my own group, my CO said, “Hellfire, Sned! I told you to strafe the Luftwaffe, not capture it!”
There are some really spectacular humans out there.One of my buddies back in my Army days would get the ounce all deseeded and ready to go then with a paper in each hand roll near perfect doobies as fast as you could imagine. He'd bang them out like a machine and be all done in about 30 seconds popping out joints from each hand.
Scoop, roll, lick and flick.
Walt have you seen this?
View attachment 19169533
I got it from this page
Letecká badatelna
If the guy in the top pic is unca Walt’s GF, I guess the guy in the second pic is not as the 4 on the two planes are different but maybe he flew both. I can’t translate the words…
Hope you get to feeling better my brother.Good morning folks, I hope all are doing well. I finally climbed out of bed today and can breathe fairly well but my body feels like I’ve been on a rack for a week being stretched and torn up… this was the worst case of the flu I’ve ever had. My buddy was about five seconds away from loading me up and taking to the hospital. When your throat is so stressed and swollen from coughing for days and your head is so congested you can’t breathe through your nose things get scary real quick… I must’ve lost a quart of water in my body from all the snot I’ve been blowing out of my nose. It’s hard to believe Ivan has become such a good and affectionate dog, luckily Dutch taught him all the ropes and now I’m waiting for Ivan to teach the next pup the ropes… he lays at the foot of the bed when I’m ill and tries to anticipate every move I make… I think I’ll keep him…![]()
Holy Smokes!!! You've tracked down Unca Irv!Walt have you seen this?
View attachment 19169533
I got it from this page
Letecká badatelna
Check this out Walt. A picture of him…Holy Smokes!!! You've tracked down Unca Irv!
I never knew this existed. Jeez, Subbie, you are definitely adding to the Sneakydicker lexicon, no error!
As the Fambly Hysterian, this is excellent news! Thank you.