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The Original O'l Farts Club.

Unca Walt

Well-known member
View attachment 19141100 View attachment 19141096
Got a letter telling me my LDL cholesterol is a bit high at 3.3mmol/l - should I be concerned?
From the grape, not the grapevine:

"An optimal level of non- HDL cholesterol for most people is less than 130 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL), which is 3.37 millimoles per liter (mmol/L)."

"According to StatPearls, you should try to keep your cholesterol ratio below 5, with the ideal cholesterol ratio being 3.5."

From the Doctor's Daddy: The numbers you show tell us one thing clearly -- Keep it up, brother, you are doing fine.

HEY! The guy from Australia! Forgive me for not thinkin of your handle right now, but I am as high as the Eiffel Titter... Nevertheless, I have a great handle:

The Great Reef Reefer

Unca Walt

Well-known member
I’m quite the pack rat and I’ve been collecting junk all of my life. About 10 years ago I was pretty close to Skitty, one of the folks over at the Cabana. He collects junk as well and I sent him an original 1950s erector set metal box with the parts in it to build an electric crane. I haven’t talk to him for many years and I wonder if he still has it… I collect Colt Woodman handguns, who would’ve thought that the box was worth almost as much as of the gun nowadays… I have at least 20 different types of 22 caliber handguns rifles and AR15 platforms and I can spend 20 bucks and pretty much enjoy the entire day of shooting… my favorites are the subsonic rounds with an agent suppressor. I could shoot a button off the top of your ball cap and you wouldn’t even know I did it…
(drool) envy (drool)

Unca Walt

Well-known member
Smoke one for me! I'm still laying off until I find out what is causing my A-fib.
Hey, @Gray Wolf -- I don't think you've got all the info on A-fib. Most folks can live with it with no problem.

My EKG shows I have A-fib. Have it, like gray hair. Alla fukkin time. And I am miles ahead of you and doing fine; it is as if it did not exist. TINS.

Here's your basic rules to try to catch up to yer Unca:

1. Zerio caffeine from any source. DeCaf... has caffeine.

2. Take your prescribed A-fib med religiously.

3. Zerio, comma, NO alcohol.

No "days off" or "just one glass of wine" or "gotta have my morning coffee" bullshit.

Unca Walt

Well-known member
that's great news!

Now they'll have to PROVE climate change exists for reals and not just some made up liberal nonsense!
What grinds my gears is no one seems to have noticed the total victory of these people:

"Climate Change" <-- You all use the term.

Change to... what? Pick a front page of TIME magazine: The Coming Ice Age vs The Sky Is Falling Hot Lava

They touted the New Ice Age, remember? Then Global Warming

They can't go back to Global Warming (*blip*) Global Cooling (*blip*)

So they go (*blip*)-(*blip*) "GLOBAL CLIMATE CHANGE!!" <-- They can't miss!

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Hey, @Gray Wolf -- I don't think you've got all the info on A-fib. Most folks can live with it with no problem.

My EKG shows I have A-fib. Have it, like gray hair. Alla fukkin time. And I am miles ahead of you and doing fine; it is as if it did not exist. TINS.

Here's your basic rules to try to catch up to yer Unca:

1. Zerio caffeine from any source. DeCaf... has caffeine.

2. Take your prescribed A-fib med religiously.

3. Zerio, comma, NO alcohol.

No "days off" or "just one glass of wine" or "gotta have my morning coffee" bullshit.
Thanks brother, but most of the time I don't have A-fib and am almost off the DULoxetine, so I don't take the Metoprolol unless I do. I am taking the Eliquis until I get into see the cardiologist, which is not until 2-4-25.

I did stop using caffeine as ordered by the ER doctor and rarely drink alcohol anyway. Last time was a beer on my birthday, which isn't until September.

I'm hoping that it will go away when I finally get weaned off the DULoxetine that brought it on but will consider shocking my heart if it doesn't.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Good morning venerable ancient ones!

Another double gaugus clear day here, starting at 32F and predicted to soar to 45F.

Still haven't gotten the McAfee popup virus off my computer. Will try again today with my webmaster.

Gym, cleaning ladies, and webmaster scheduled this morning and a haircut this afternoon, followed by Takahachi for dinner. Who says old folks can lead exciting lives?

Unca Walt

Well-known member
Thanks brother, but most of the time I don't have A-fib and am almost off the DULoxetine, so I don't take the Metoprolol unless I do. I am taking the Eliquis until I get into see the cardiologist, which is not until 2-4-25.

I did stop using caffeine as ordered by the ER doctor and rarely drink alcohol anyway. Last time was a beer on my birthday, which isn't until September.

I'm hoping that it will go away when I finally get weaned off the DULoxetine that brought it on but will consider shocking my heart if it doesn't.
Eliquis is what I take. But I see I gotta 'splain further. This is how Scooter 'splained it to his (shaken) Daddy:

While just a few days old in the womb, a heart begins to beat. It is triggered by a tweeny electric switch. This little switch worked day and night for 80 years.

That is 3,027,456,000 on/off click cycles in 80 years. Three billion and a few hundred million and change. You can do you own math if you like. But you will find your switch has functioned literally billions of times.

It gets a little sticky when you get old. Like your back does. And your teeth. And your pecker. And your eyes.

So don't go pickin' on that gutsy little switch. IT IS WORKING. No different from your eyes, fingers. It just misses a coupla beats every now and then.

The only time you should worry is when you get the sooper goosey feeling (you know what feels like -- it is different). Otherwise, just live without fear.

One moar sekrit: The lower your BP, the less A-fib you will have/feel/be aware of.
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Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Eliquis is what I take. But I see I gotta 'splain further. This is how Scooter 'splained it to his (shaken) Daddy:

While just a few days old in the womb, a heart begins to beat. It is triggered by a tweeny electric switch. This little switch worked day and night for 80 years.

That is 3,027,456,000 on/off click cycles in 80 years. Three billion and change. You can do you own math if you like. But you will find your switch has functioned literally billions of times.

It gets a little sticky when you get old. Like your back does. And your teeth. And your pecker. And your eyes.

So don't go pickin' on that gutsy little switch. IT IS WORKING. No different from your eyes, fingers...

The only time you should worry is when you get the sooper goosey feeling (you know what feels like -- it is different). Otherwise, just live without fear.
I would rather not have to take the Eliquis blood thinner to prevent blood clots in my heart from the A-fib. Not only is it expensive @$472/mo and not covered by my insurance, it leaves me vulnerable to bleeding in places like my brain.


Historical records say we are not in a warming trend at all.
More warmth and co2 means more life not less the historical record shows that as well.
Unless the education system is completely overhauled with mass purges our society will continue down this path of retardation.

Unca Walt

Well-known member
I would rather not have to take the Eliquis blood thinner to prevent blood clots in my heart from the A-fib. Not only is it expensive @$472/mo and not covered by my insurance, it leaves me vulnerable to bleeding in places like my brain.
My doctor made some deals, and I pay about $115 a month. You may want to talk to your physician an see what he can do. <-- This ain't as flighty as it sounds. Please try it.

My reason: The ONLY fukkin reason I have confidence and know I am not going to get a stroke is because of Eliquis. Oh, I'm pushing practical age limits, here, but I still can think clearly (no bloody brain bullshit), run a chainsaw, and shoot my crossbow. 84.

You will not get brain bleeding fer Chrissake. You WILL get a clot in that little pointy cup in your upper right ventricle if you DO NOT have a blood thinner on board with your A-fib. <-- Get that straight.

I got my information from a Board Certified doctor. With years of interaction with him so he knows my health situation like a father. Hm.

Anyway, his advice trumps anything you have in your mind about Eliquis and staying with both sides of your face still working.

Let's jump ONE year into the future. You are paralyzed on one side. Would you go back and spend the $472 each month for being healthy and active and essentially carefree, or would you be glad you saved that money, even though you are bedridden.

This is tough love, but you are playing Russian Roulette right now over the cost of staying healthy.
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Unca Walt

Well-known member
Want to stay in the game? Lissen to yer Unca who lissened to his son.

ONE more minute later, and I find there is a generic Eliquis.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved a generic version of Eliquis called apixaban.

Do some damn' due diligence. This is serious shit you are trying to hide from.


Well-known member
Morning gang. Was easy to go to work this morning. My method of drinking a pint of water before bed failed to wake me halfway through the night.
No, no. No wet sheets
But a cold fireplace. I stirred it and added kindling and stacked it back with red oak so it would have the house warm by the time everyone wakes up.
But no warm bricks to perch upon this morning for me.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
My doctor made some deals, and I pay about $115 a month. You may want to talk to your physician an see what he can do. <-- This ain't as flighty as it sounds. Please try it.

My reason: The ONLY fukkin reason I have confidence and know I am not going to get a stroke is because of Eliquis. Oh, I'm pushing practical age limits, here, but I still can think clearly (no bloody brain bullshit), run a chainsaw, and shoot my crossbow. 84.

You will not get brain bleeding fer Chrissake. You WILL get a clot in that little pointy cup in your upper right ventricle if you DO NOT have a blood thinner on board with your A-fib. <-- Get that straight.

I got my information from a Board Certified doctor. With years of interaction with him so he knows my health situation like a father. Hm.

Anyway, his advice trumps anything you have in your mind about Eliquis and staying with both sides of your face still working.

Let's jump ONE year into the future. You are paralyzed on one side. Would you go back and spend the $472 each month for being healthy and active and essentially carefree, or would you be glad you saved that money, even though you are bedridden.

This is tough love, but you are playing Russian Roulette right now over the cost of staying healthy.
I got it straight about A-fib and blood clots right off the bat or I wouldn't be on Eliquis, because I don't take any medication that I don't have to.

If after I talk to the cardiac specialist I have no other alternatives, I check into buying it from Canada. The ER doctor and the last cardiac specialist that I talked to said there may be alternatives.

How do seniors pay for Eliquis?

Patients who have prescription insurance through Medicare pay, on average, $55 per month. And 5 out of 10 ELIQUIS patients pay $40 or less.
God bless them. The pharmacy charged me $472.

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