Thought he was SwedishYes you are extremely royal for a cherokee . So you are Danish oh my
Thought he was SwedishYes you are extremely royal for a cherokee . So you are Danish oh my
Or Finnish and possibly IrishThought he was Swedish
Don't make me tell you again.let me repeat the question
sounds serious see someone before something falls offCant tell but it was somewhere close to Area you know something 31…. Must have been abducted…they stuck those weird probs up my bongoli silly cornelion
gets me hot....I ordered this little gem the other day on a black Monday deal and saved over $350 on it View attachment 18925899
Swedish Danish Norsk… they are the same darn Vikings with their Mario mushroom trips🫶Thought he was Swedish
Are you going by the pork store perchance?screw the bag , Wow. can I get you anything
"Oh, Mongo straight"I think the Persian is hitting’ on ya Bubba…
Yes yes did so, a while back… darn its only now you mentioning the Red Witch is an elite sharp shooter🫣Pers: Lookit real close at the end of the barrel: .22 Mag (two shot) My Red Witch can hit a paper plate at 20' with it every time.
How many times I need to repeat ha!!!!"Oh, Mongo straight"
I "found" a top dresser drawer full of Rohr 714 sample cards once upon a time, in a friend of mine's doctor dad's house....I was the most popular kid on the block! I didn't know what they were at the time. I knew it said they were a hypnotic, and we're for sleep. Good enough.At least now and I dont want to temp fate a Tylenol or whatever one I can take is fine.
I remember ludes 50 cents a piece.
I remember taking a half one with a beer and came home trashed AF
I remember little 108 lb girls eatin 2 of them ,
Congratulations Subbie !
So cute and gentle…what a teady bearCongratulations Subbie !
Handsome Boy you gots there !
Persian, direct descendants of the Assassins aka HashishiansScandinavian , descendants of the Annunaki