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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Well-known member
Morning :coffee: :coffee: :coffee:

Sling paint first thing. Sealing up the 100% of the wood in the greenhouse to slow the rot from the humidity. If it last 10 years, I'll be happy.

enjoy the day

SB #3 top at harvest

Unca Walt

Well-known member
This ain't politics... unless you count it as history in the making. I got in a discussion on another site with a guy I've known (and never met) for 20 years regarding his belief that all is lost. I post it here because I want folks here to have hope for America and its future:

QUOTE (Casey Jones @ 9/24/2024, 03:02 AM)
QUOTE (Walt The Elder @ 9/23/2024, 03:32 PM)

Tsk, tsk, CJ. We are nowhere near warmed up yet. Chill.

The average US citizen is armed to the teeth. Because of the Cabal's "Forever Wars" there is an extraordinarily high percentage of Americans with military/combat time. <-- The Cabal's tactics fight each other.

And every fucking one of those veterans is armed. You will not find a veteran without weaponry. And you will not find a veteran that does not know how to use it.

Here. Make some of these. They can be resized all the way up to 155mm:


QUOTE (Casey Jones) Walt, you old hoss...you were old when I was working; and THAT was a long time ago.

I envy you your hope-and-faith. I'm fresh out my own supply.

QUOTE (Walt The Elder

The situation at the moment is awful. When the president says that his constituents American citizens would have to face his F-16's, and it goes on from there... yeah -- doesn't sound like 1950 America does it.

BUT!! <-- And here comes a "but" bigger that Whoopie's -- When you have been in the grass, and you have actually seen those who have lost everything and have no no weapons of any kind, and no hope except to find enough to eat that day...

You realize we have not come anywhere near to being lost. And men cannot come every night with guns to do what they will. Remember the first two troopers through the door in Star Wars...

We just have not found specific targets for our millions of firearms. Yet. Show up at Chateau Sneakydicker when TSHTF. I can teach you stuff. I am absolutely not anywhere close to a hero, but I am one stubborn sonuvabitch. Just ask my wife.

John Paul Jones was doing battle with a British ship when his own ship was badly damaged, and the British commander called over to ask whether Jones had surrendered. He answered, “I have not yet begun to fight.” He and his crew then captured the British ship. <-- We're gonna go thataway. Trust yer Unca. The sekrit is simply NOT TO QUIT.

PROOF THIS IS NOT PUFFERY: Did we, or did we not get our giant Amerkin asses kicked in the South East Asia Games? Yes or no.

What did the winners have? Makeshift, improvised weapons (toe poppers see above diagram) man-traps, SKS semi-auto rifles that are useless except to take out enemy sojers. In the beginning, they even used crossbows... TINS

What did the losers have? Centralized commo, radar, Navy, Army, Air Force, hoppycoptators, B-52 (ArcLight, Linebacker II, etc) Agent Orange, BLU-3's, 155 howitzers, tanks, artillery... and 50,000-Plus dead.

I am not saying it will be easy. The VC/NVA did not have it easy. But they made it a hill too steep to climb even for those rich American armaments companies, didn't they.


Well-known member
Premium user
Good sunday farts, time to put the little guys to work and start the winter season. The amount of thrips, whiteflies and aphids outdoors this year was ridicilous and just to prevent any future problems it's good to have ladybugs and predators in the veg tent.
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Deadhead OG mother ~1 year old. Took enough clones and have a new mother growing so this will go to the big tent in a week or so after resting from transplant that will happen tomorrow.
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Same thing with the Dark Ghost Train mother. Transplant, a bit of rest and into the big tent.
View attachment 19075097

So basically all todays work is done and I can roll a huge one. 😎 have a great day all! 😘
Do you find those ladybugs in your house? I would think they would get out every now and then…


On a mailtrain.
Premium user
last time we ordered lady bugs was from Arbico..

ordered them about once every 3-4 years depending on how many were still around the following year

one year they wintered over in the attic and came out the next spring..into the house

boy was that fun



Well-known member
last time we ordered lady bugs was from Arbico..

ordered them about once every 3-4 years depending on how many were still around the following year

one year they wintered over in the attic and came out the next spring..into the house

boy was that fun

As long as they were ladybugs and not Japanese Musk Beetles they look like ladybugs

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