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The Original O'l Farts Club.

Unca Walt

Well-known member
Hmmm... What do I click on that green line above?

I feel like Sergeant Schultz: I see NOTH-ing! Just stuff like

Forums What's New Media Members Chat Quick links Vendors Boutique Breeders Buy Ads <-- Nuthin' about "change yer password, Unca, the pin has been pulled awready on the one you used to get here!!"

HALP! Mueller??


One Toke Over The Line
Premium user
AGAIN!! It is the Prophecy!!

Note to anyone with the knowledge: I am gonna RE-load a new password into the sign-on thingy, as I have been told by @Boo that the one that got me here is TEMPORARY.

Now I wonder what the specific procedure is to do that here?

AGAIN!! It is the Prophecy!!

Note to anyone with the knowledge: I am gonna RE-load a new password into the sign-on thingy, as I have been told by @Boo that the one that got me here is TEMPORARY.

Now I wonder what the specific procedure is to do that here?
On the home page click on your icon in the top right. Go password and security bingo


Cabana’s bitch
Garden chores are done. Time to cut the grass before the Bronco game comes on.
I headed out earlier to cut the grass as well. This week I’ve replaced the starter and the solenoid fuel the mower up and put on new blades. I pulled on the safety turn key and I heard a stutter and then it stopped. Obviously the battery has taken a shit so I’ve got it on a hot charge to get it to kick over, so I have an opportunity to mow before it rains again


What do you all make of this? I’m thinking it is a bit root bound. It is my neighbors plant and pretty much all the leaves have this going on both top and bottom growth. She has another plant of a different strain that is actually bigger but looks happier. Her plants are at about 5 weeks of flower(hers started to show about a week before mine). This is a Heri-Berry plant which is a 60 day flowering plant so it is more than half way home. It has been fed Jack’s Classic up until last week when she started seeing the brown spots. I hit them with some AN pH Perfect nutes a couple times and she switched to Jacks Bloom nutes. View attachment 19066820
Over fed just water a couple waterings then back on the Jacks at 1\2 teaspoon ler gallon water.
I have done this thing. Does anyone want to know my new password?
May be the only way back on in the future?
Why would you share your password? Asking for Boo's friend.
He is planning ahead.

Unca Walt

Well-known member
I headed out earlier to cut the grass as well. This week I’ve replaced the starter and the solenoid fuel the mower up and put on new blades. I pulled on the safety turn key and I heard a stutter and then it stopped. Obviously the battery has taken a shit so I’ve got it on a hot charge to get it to kick over, so I have an opportunity to mow before it rains again
Which is about every third hour at this time of year.

Gawd, I hope this password stays with me.

@Putembk -- would you gimme your email addy for WHEN, not IF everything turns to catbarf again, I can contact you without grinding @Boo 's gears with my whimpering?

And I tried calling Subbie onna horn since I haven't go anyone's email addy anymore -- and the result:

Subbie's phone number is disconnected. Jeez. Subbie Dear -- Yer email addy sil vous plait?

And a shoutout to @bigsur51 <-- After all these years, I haven't got a way to contact you. I don't even know the name of the latest Gold Is Money site where we see each other sometimes. Cannot get there for the exact same reasons my pecker kept getting caught in the zipper here.
Why would you share your password? Asking for Boo's friend.
So SOMEBODY would have it so they could rescue me next time.

Unca Walt

Well-known member
(*snork*) <-- One this particular site, I would prolly get a kick out of sumbody impersonating me to post stuff.

The worst thing that could happen is someone finds that pic (Bud of the Month) of my best MJ plant in 50 years: 8" high with 9 yellowish droopy leaves on a cotton-swab thick stem... and posts it here.

O! The shame.

Just to letcha all know how deep in the stank yer Senior Arsehole has gotten computerwise: Amazon Prime's software did EXACTLY the same thing to me as the software on this site did:

1. Required a gone-forever password from the 20th century (*poofed*)
2. Wanted new password, but would not accept it until the quarter-century old password is discovered
3. Triggered a "Suspicious Activity" report requiring me to make a photocopy of my driver's license!! and bring it to my bank to verify who I am.
4. Meanwhile, Amazon Prime has announced it will continue to bill me for the account I cannot use.

no shit -- And there is NO FARGIN WAY to send an email to Amazon that is not a clickable set routine. And there is NO clickable set routine for doing what Boo, Pute, Explosiv have done. Meanwhile, no Amazon for me.

Unca Walt

Well-known member
Sumbody suggested I get the $3 USB thingy that plugs into the hardfile to hook it to my new 'puter.

I did not get back to whoever that was (1500 posts back in this noisy room), but I need to pass on that was one of the things my $175/hr guy tried as he camped out for a week or two on my clock. No joy.

Would anyone like a hardfile? It has some really interesting shit onnit. No porn, unfortunately -- but amongst other things are about 50 or so magazine articles, mostly humor.


Well-known member
I have a pretty low opinion of vets myself.
Emotional predators and manipulators in my experience.
I nave seen quite a few outright scams regards "sick" or "cancerous" animals that cost thousands and did absolutely nothing.
I only use the vet for rabies shots and actually needed bloodwork.
All shots and treatments are done in house with the exception of the rabies tags and major surgeries.
I do take them in if they need a scrip I cannot buy at the feedstore but that's very rare.
Hello dogzter, after my last experience with vets I have to agree. I won't generalize and say all vets are greedy money sucking vampires but there certainly is enough of them.

Good thing fire season is coming to an end, it is coming to an end, right, no more grass fires, talking of thermite drones:)

hope your day is going well


Well-known member
The wife cross country skis around the property and our sons love skiing.
Due to my osteoporosis if I even look at anything faster than a walk that's not enclosed my wife gets extremely stressed out.
Then she yells at me and tells my doctor who is also a friend of mine and then they gang up on me with the kids...........I just walk these days.
Isn't it nice when someone cares about you.


Well-known member
Premium user
Which is about every third hour at this time of year.

Gawd, I hope this password stays with me.

@Putembk -- would you gimme your email addy for WHEN, not IF everything turns to catbarf again, I can contact you without grinding @Boo 's gears with my whimpering?

And I tried calling Subbie onna horn since I haven't go anyone's email addy anymore -- and the result:

Subbie's phone number is disconnected. Jeez. Subbie Dear -- Yer email addy sil vous plait?

And a shoutout to @bigsur51 <-- After all these years, I haven't got a way to contact you. I don't even know the name of the latest Gold Is Money site where we see each other sometimes. Cannot get there for the exact same reasons my pecker kept getting caught in the zipper here.

So SOMEBODY would have it so they could rescue me next time.
Hey Walt. My phone is not disconnected. If you looked me up and tried that number, I don’t usually pick up the landline if I don’t recognize the number. I’ll pm you my email
did you see I found your missing video?


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
(*snork*) <-- One this particular site, I would prolly get a kick out of sumbody impersonating me to post stuff.

The worst thing that could happen is someone finds that pic (Bud of the Month) of my best MJ plant in 50 years: 8" high with 9 yellowish droopy leaves on a cotton-swab thick stem... and posts it here.

O! The shame.

Just to letcha all know how deep in the stank yer Senior Arsehole has gotten computerwise: Amazon Prime's software did EXACTLY the same thing to me as the software on this site did:

1. Required a gone-forever password from the 20th century (*poofed*)
2. Wanted new password, but would not accept it until the quarter-century old password is discovered
3. Triggered a "Suspicious Activity" report requiring me to make a photocopy of my driver's license!! and bring it to my bank to verify who I am.
4. Meanwhile, Amazon Prime has announced it will continue to bill me for the account I cannot use.

no shit -- And there is NO FARGIN WAY to send an email to Amazon that is not a clickable set routine. And there is NO clickable set routine for doing what Boo, Pute, Explosiv have done. Meanwhile, no Amazon for me.
Change your bank card to a new one, which will stop Amin dead in their tracks.


Well-known member
AGAIN!! It is the Prophecy!!

Note to anyone with the knowledge: I am gonna RE-load a new password into the sign-on thingy, as I have been told by @Boo that the one that got me here is TEMPORARY.

Now I wonder what the specific procedure is to do that here?
Hello Unca Walt, the anti virus company I use says you need to use passwords that have 16 numbers, digits, lower case and upper case etc. for them to be safe.

I can forget many things in a day and trying to remember several lengthy passwords, that's just is not possible.

good to see you back


Well-known member

In this age of electronic POOF memory I write passwords down.

I use a spreadsheet because some places won't allow certain characters.

A piece of paper works, but I must have 200 sites I've frequented over the years.

If security is what you're looking for, choose a word like "Hotdog", or "Paddles", or ??

Then you can modify it like this: H0td0g, or H0tD0g, or P@ddle$ etc.

Then you write down the name of the site: icmag.com

with the password as: H00, or H0D0, or P@$, if security is a concern....

Nobody knows what 'word' you used but you and you can look the password up and use it.

It really works... unless you forget the word. Then you're back to square one....


Well-known member
Premium user
(*snork*) <-- One this particular site, I would prolly get a kick out of sumbody impersonating me to post stuff.

The worst thing that could happen is someone finds that pic (Bud of the Month) of my best MJ plant in 50 years: 8" high with 9 yellowish droopy leaves on a cotton-swab thick stem... and posts it here.

O! The shame.

Just to letcha all know how deep in the stank yer Senior Arsehole has gotten computerwise: Amazon Prime's software did EXACTLY the same thing to me as the software on this site did:

1. Required a gone-forever password from the 20th century (*poofed*)
2. Wanted new password, but would not accept it until the quarter-century old password is discovered
3. Triggered a "Suspicious Activity" report requiring me to make a photocopy of my driver's license!! and bring it to my bank to verify who I am.
4. Meanwhile, Amazon Prime has announced it will continue to bill me for the account I cannot use.

no shit -- And there is NO FARGIN WAY to send an email to Amazon that is not a clickable set routine. And there is NO clickable set routine for doing what Boo, Pute, Explosiv have done. Meanwhile, no Amazon for me.
Try this walt