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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Well-known member
My guess is that he doesn't have any nearby kids or grandkids he can recruit to help with risky tasks that require getting on the roof and his money is too tight to hire someone to do it for him. Either that or he's just too cheap to hire someone. Although with all the stories you hear about old people doing without medicine to afford food or cutting back on food to afford medicine I'm going to guess the odds favor his money being too tight.
The man was half owner in a decent size building supply business. He was not poor by any means. Maybe not super rich but very well off. My neighbor worked for him and his partner I got the idea the business owner was kind of a stubborn person and if he took the mind to do something, well, that's what was going to happen. I kind of got that idea with the 8 days we spent together in the same hospital room.


Well-known member
Until just a few months ago I only had an old school meat thermometer which as you know is not good for a steak or chop. All the nice recipes say that the thermometer is your best friend so I put it on my research list but the next day went to an estate sale and picked one up for a dollar. I’m sure it’s a cheap one but it does measure temp in just a few seconds opposed to minutes. How long does yours take? Is it instant Like one of those the doc uses now not even touching the skin? I have much better luck cooking meat by temperature.
I have a digital thermometer that is remote. Probably like Joe’s. Stick the probe in the meat and the readout stays outside the oven or grill. You can even set an alarm on mine to tell when the desired temp is reached. I think it was about $30


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Hell, even the Veteran's Administration lets me have 15 hydrocodone per month even testing hot for cannabis. I have to request them every time as it's always a onetime script with no refill. I've managed to accumulate a fair number as I really hate the side effect, but they will kill most persistent pain the cannabis doesn't touch.
As I understand it, ever since the opioid crisis started (not sure when but several years ago) and they started forcing doctors to stop prescribing so that people would have to go to a pain management clinics, the government changed the rules on refills. Even before the "crisis" most narcotics required you to come into a doctor to get a refill every month. Before the "crisis" hydrocodone was one of the few if not the only one where you didn't have to come in every month and instead the doctor could put 2 call in refills on the script so that you didn't have to come in every month. This was because hydrocodone used to be considered on the low end of the narcotics scale and so they were less worried about people abusing it. Then they changed it so that you had to see a doctor every month for refills even hydrocodone.

It still all boils done to the doctor, most stopped messing with it and made people go to pain management rather then jumping thru all the hoops and doing all the additional paperwork that the government started requiring from any doctor prescribing narcotics. Despite that there are still doctors around that aren't considered pain management doctors that still prescribe narcotics but they're few and far between and usually have so many patients they don't take any new ones.

It's really all rather bogus if you ask me. The government getting involved and changing the rules made things worse in my opinion. There were people who had legitimate needs for narcotics that fell thru the cracks in one way or another. Maybe like me their new pain management doctor was just a hardass about narcotics or in other cases due to insurance and copays some couldn't afford to go every month. Some of those people started turning to the black market to get the help they genuinely needed for their pain and ended up dying because they got stuff laced with fentanyl and/or other stuff. At this point it doesn't really matter now you just have to either follow the rules, do without or gamble with stuff in the black market. I feel like they could have handled it better on a case by case basis rather then a wide reaching blanket approach. What's done is done and us citizens just have to deal with the way things are now.