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The Original O'l Farts Club.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Good morning brothers and sisters!

Another gorgeous day starting at 63F and predicted to reach 97F.

I ordered a different Bloom for my tamaters and it is due today. I've got gorgeous plants, full and taller than I can reach, but damn few blooms and only four tamaters. Hope the new Bloom one works better than the last one.

Off to the gym first thing and then I'm off seeking joy, amazement, and pleasure, wherever that takes me.


Well-known member
I may be in Tulsa within the next 30 days and I can keep her until then and when I hit the road I will swing by and drop her off….

say , do you have any RV hookups on your place and some cheap rates for nomad gypsy who will soon be on the road again?….i will gladly pay for any utilities imuse..🤓😍🤓
Boss said bring her. She should get along with the other girls. Bugs the rat terrier we rescued from the side of the road. Moved in like she had lived here all her life.

Actually the neighbor lives like a gypsy and has RV hookup. She is up there in Co. atm and not using the hookup. I'll ask if it's ok and the rates. Think a day or 3 won't be a problem.

Getting more humidity falling this morning. Going to make it unbearable to be outside this afternoon when the temps hit 101f

Off to pic materz, chillies, jalapeños. Then start bagging the sourbubble plants for the breeding proses. (pics of the proses)

butt first, paperwork.....

Unca Walt

Well-known member
Alright you youngsters, just turned 75 (and feeling every ache and pain from a failing lower lumbar too).

Who's the Elder around these parts?

View attachment 19041848
GrayWolf: "Last I heard it was Uncle Walt who must be getting close to three digits."

Well Himself here gots news for you Grasshoppers:

A (long) while back 80 became the new 60 for me. <-- (This may have something to do with my driver's license being revoked.)

The odd part is that everyone my age is older than me.


Well-known member
Premium user
Watching this brought back a memory (of course it did lol).

My gf wrote music, sang and had her own rock band since
she was young. When she got older and wanting to play
at the bigger bars, she switched over to country as the
rock clubs all had house bands.
On weekdays after rehearsal, we'd hit the karaoke bars
so she could rock out. She nailed this song. Folks started
coming out just to hear her sing Zombie. Was crazy.

That is not the memory that came up... well, not the one
I want to tell anyway.
She wanted a new guitar player and had her sights set
on a guy who looked and dressed like Prince and played
like Hendrix. He was phenomenal. She got him and they
began getting regular gigs. She landed a regular gig in
her home town (cow town) and they were killing it.

As you can imagine, there were those 'good ole boys'
that just didn't take kindly to someone who looked
like Prince in their bar. smh.
One night after the gig we headed to the local biker
bar. Oh boy... one of the cats in there didn't take
kindly to a white girl sitting with 'Prince'. Nothing
happened in the bar but when we left ole dude followed
them out.
I saw what was about to happen and told the gal I was
riding with to stop! Then yanked the side door of the van
open. Just then, this angry fella punched the drummer (HU?)
and not the guitar player. Drummer went down like a stone.

Mayhem broke out as I leaped from the van picked up that
poor little drummer, slung his dead weight over my shoulder
and got him into the van. Dude was out cold.

The trouble dispersed quickly and no one else was hurt.
Everyone was asking how the hell did I pick up the drummer
like that? Mind you, I was about 135lb soaking wet back
then. I didn't have a clue how but I got him to safety.
Thinking about moms that lift cars off their children
and stories of the like. I was running on pure adrenaline for sure.

Drummer was okay. Took a mean hit though.

I'm pretty high... pardon my rambling :)

Rambling ☝️
Are you kidding?
I had to stop reading ,so I could grab me a samich and I could really pay attention😊


Well-known member
Premium user
GrayWolf: "Last I heard it was Uncle Walt who must be getting close to three digits."

Well Himself here gots news for you Grasshoppers:

A (long) while back 80 became the new 60 for me. <-- (This may have something to do with my driver's license being revoked.)

The odd part is that everyone my age is older than me.
and not as good looking


Well-known member
Premium user
Good morning brothers and sisters! View attachment 19042086 View attachment 19042087

Another gorgeous day starting at 63F and predicted to reach 97F.

I ordered a different Bloom for my tamaters and it is due today. I've got gorgeous plants, full and taller than I can reach, but damn few blooms and only four tamaters. Hope the new Bloom one works better than the last one.

Off to the gym first thing and then I'm off seeking joy, amazement, and pleasure, wherever that takes me.
you forgot debauchery


Well-known member
70 degrees 100% RH dark and dreary.
40% chance of (more!) thunderstorms
forecasted 83 degrees for the high.
Translation: miserable! lol

I have a hot date w/ an xray machine so, I'm heading out.

@bigsur51 & @Littleleaf You two have caused my
heart such to soar with joy this morning.
Perty dern good way to begin an otherwise dreary day :)

This is how 'real' men handle and solve 'problems'.
Compassion rules. And, I thank you both for being compassionate :tiphat:

Everyone else... if ya can... do :)


Well-known member
Jiminy!! Where the hell did you come up with 1000 muskrat skins??? Jeez, I had four skin stretchers and never had all four in use at once.
It's all I did from nov4 till Jan 10 was trap and hunt.
Was laid off and shit unemployment checks.
We got marshes round these parts, it's not that tough had done it for multiple years.
Family to support
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Well-known member
The soldiers home in Holyoke was a massacre....like 200 dead during COVID. Everyone got it. The director is facing criminal charges. Are you from Taxachusetts?
I'm from Southern California. That was just something that popped up on my feed
Talking of Zombies - we get alot of what I call PHONE ZOMBIES - around these parts - people that walk at you - so totally engrossed in their smart phones - that they don't see anything else but their phones - and are not even aware of what's coming at them - even if it is another PHONE ZOMBIE

- and the other day - I witnessed two PHONE ZOMBIES crashing into each other - which made me bellow with laughter so much so - when their two phones crashed to the pavement - and they both had that shock and awe look on their faces - that they both turned on me - verbally - as if I should have had some sympathy for those two idiots - instead of looking at the situation as COMEDY GOLD!

- because the tension has been building within me for a coupla years or more now - with myself having to move over for oncoming PHONE ZOMBIES on countless occasions - then seeing two of them walk into one another right in front of me - was a huge hysterical relief - and even when the two of them were scrambling around picking up their fractured phones - I just couldn't stop laughing - at their misfortune - and told them - thru a barrage of very mundane expletives - '

'You should both get matching T-shirts - with 'PHONE ZOMBIE!' - emblazoned across the front of them - just so that everyone approaching you knows!' - then I walked on - feeling very satisfied 😌 -
That's just too damn funny.

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