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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Well-known member
My Cousin It brood…


In my empire of dirt
here is a thing i don't understand, i own guns, but i dont misuse them in any way
/but i can only buy certain guns now and they have a limited ammo capacity

the problem isnt guns, the problem is gun crime and people who misuse guns
why not come down hard like thors hammer on those people and let the rest of society be free
i do agree with not letting certain people own guns, high risk people or people who have lost that right, but as far as im concerned free guns for all!


Well-known member
here is a thing i don't understand, i own guns, but i dont misuse them in any way
/but i can only buy certain guns now and they have a limited ammo capacity

the problem isnt guns, the problem is gun crime and people who misuse guns
why not come down hard like thors hammer on those people and let the rest of society be free
i do agree with not letting certain people own guns, high risk people or people who have lost that right, but as far as im concerned free guns for all!
We have to be over 18 to buy a pair of scissors in this country. 😂


Well-known member
here is a thing i don't understand, i own guns, but i dont misuse them in any way
/but i can only buy certain guns now and have a limited ammo capacity

the problem isnt guns, the problem is gun crime and people who misuse guns
why not come down hard like thors hammer on those people and let the rest of society be free
i do agree with not letting certain people own guns, high risk people or people who have lost that right, but as far as im concerned free guns for all!
Hey pop-rocks we all know that but it only takes that 1%, there we go back to that 1% again.
It's not ever gonna get any lower, half wits covers the 1%.
It like inventory 1 - 1/4" nut will put you into that 1% loss column.

I was warehouse Mgr for the largest wash chain at the time in the US.
Inventory would come up and inevitably
Count would be off such minute fin things, fin piss me off.
Was never able to produce a perfect inventory but that fin 1%.
Help make this owner make Entrepreneur, Small Business of the year 2 years in a row.
Plus put him on the Fortune 500 list

Let's face it everyone should not be able to have a gun.

Unca Walt

Well-known member
Ivan decided this morning that he needed to go out and do some hunting. I’ll let him out around 630 and he just kind of cruised around. This is a picture off of my back porch that I just took when I let Ivan in… I love the weather down here, but the heat can get oppressive. I heard we’re having some serious hurricanes coming our way this season, my yard has been in tatter multiple times but it always bounces back.
fargin beautiful


Well-known member
It’s hot here too. I got a workout at the eye doc today. Getting ready for cataract surgery and they had to try out all their machines on me. I was in there for 2-1/2 hours while poor Mr Sub waited it out in the freezing office. Eyes are tired now so I’m in my dark bedroom kicking back