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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
That is my understanding of it.

Most bombs have a "best before date" on them and it costs governments millions to dispose of them before the new ones already on order arrive.
Cheaper to send them to warzones to dispose of them and then puff out their chests saying look at all the billions of pounds/dollars we're sending to help fight the good fight.

War, huh, good god ya'll... What is it good for?

Making weapons manufacturers owned by shareholding politicians BILLIONS it would seem.
I'm sure in some instances you are correct about it being a way to use up older stockpiles before they pass their expiration date. In the case of Ukraine though I think it's more about what is best for getting the weapons to the Ukranians as quickly as possible. Most of the weapons we've sent have been of the type used for a ground assault. If the US were to get directly involved in a conflict we would most likely first show up in the air since that is where our greatest strength is. So what we have been sending would have little to no impact on our ability to have those weapons ready for our own use. Plus it's not as if we are sending all of our stockpiles but rather just a small fraction and our replacing them is just a matter of returning our stockpile to their normal levels..

Just an interesting little tidbit of information, the US Air Force has the largest fleet of warplanes in the world. The second largest fleet of warplanes in the world is owned by the US Navy. China comes in 3rd on the list of most warplanes. The US Army has the 4th largest fleet of warplanes in the world and the 5th largest fleet of warplanes in the world is owned by the US Marines.
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Well-known member
Its legal for me to grow 6 plants but I have about 30. The are supposed to be in a locked enclosure. They are not but the are in the middle of a 10 acre parcel of private property and no one can get to them without getting shot. Also, Im not allowed to have a gun legally because I am growing. Ha ha ha. Fuck em ! 🌈
You can’t own a gun if you grow?


Active member
Your plants only have three leaves. Seems that they should have at least 5 by the amount of nodes there. Is this strain a three leaf strain? I was not questioning your skills just commenting on your question boleman. ✌️
They are clones, taken from moms that had been tipped a couple times before the 5 leaf segments. One of the cuttings has 5 started (center left) but it is best to clone while there are still 3.


Active member
You can get heat sinks for LEDs off eBay for $5 that you can attach directly to a PC fan like I do!!
I have 3 cob LEDs 2 veg and a flower. The bright pic barring the camera with photons is at 50% power. I build all my own LEDs.


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Active member
They are clones, taken from moms that had been tipped a couple times before the 5 leaf segments. One of the cuttings has 5 started (center left) but it is best to clone while there are still 3.
The day after cutting the clones are all standing at attention!


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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Besides traditional carbon filters, I remember one grower who discharged his fan exhaust through a sewer vent after passing it through a chamber containing urinal deodorizer blocks.
I don't know if it's true but I've heard it said that if you could vent out of an exhaust pipe that went 32' up in the air you could do away with needing to use carbon filyers because by the time the odor reached anyone that might smell it, it would be so far down wind from the source that nobody would be able to tell where it came from.


Active member
I don't know if it's true but I've heard it said that if you could vent out of an exhaust pipe that went 32' up in the air you could do away with needing to use carbon filyers because by the time the odor reached anyone that might smell it, it would be so far down wind from the source that nobody would be able to tell where it came from.
It’s legal here, so I don’t worry about that jazz


Well-known member
Premium user
Some didn’t like the dogs point of view (how every question was answered). It was ment to be funny but some took it to the next level. I also sold doggie treats which I made and listed all of the ingredients and some would argue that even meat was bad for dogs. I would tell them that the ingredients were listed so that if your dog could not have them, don’t buy them. I think I got tired of defending them and my dog Rambeau’s opinion on the
”why does my dog like to shit in the ocean” question Which was my last newsletter and when Rambeau retired.
The proper rely to that last question is ' Because he can"


On a mailtrain.
Premium user
Its legal for me to grow 6 plants but I have about 30. The are supposed to be in a locked enclosure. They are not but the are in the middle of a 10 acre parcel of private property and no one can get to them without getting shot. Also, Im not allowed to have a gun legally because I am growing. Ha ha ha. Fuck em ! 🌈

so many stupid rules made by stupid people for all the stupid reasons

feck em!



Well-known member
Waitaminnit. Waitaminnit. As the resident GOF** here, I gotta axe WTF happened to get you to that kinda thinkin'?

**Guaranteed Oldest Fuck

For my bonafides, I took in my mother and step-father for the last 15 years of their lives because they were broke. They had their own private part of my house in Virginia.

My kids colluded (Oh Gawd... one of my "kids" is 60 this year!!) and surprised Himself and the Red Witch with a prepaid assisted living setup for if/when the time comes for us.

But there are benefits that you can take shameless advantage of. When I see a beautiful female, I have no problem walking up to them and saying something like, "You are one gorgeous human being -- I just wanted you to be sure you know."

If I wuz 20, that would either get me a date or arrested. In my 80's, absolutely every one of them opens up with a big, friendly smile. <-- win-win
I guess Unca Walt I should have more clarity with my intended humor. It was not intended to be taken seriously. I shall endeavor to bring more precision to my wording.

But being the age I am with all the health problems I have , I am not always on my game, nor do I suspect I always will. Sorry, if you found my words to be offensive, that was not the intention.

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