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The Original O'l Farts Club.


Well-known member
We are seriously thinking of providing 24 hour security for Her.
Many want to steal Her😊
Hey I’ve earned my ol’fart stripes and i already gotta security guy…


Well-known member
Hello Sub, thank you for your comment.

What do you mean by taking additional antihistamines? I take Claritin every morning, should I consider something else?

I don't get a cough but my nose is a real problem. I also have nasal rhinitis, when I first seen the Ears Nose and Throat specialist, he treated me with steroids but they will no longer treat in that way. The nasal rhinitis was caused by years of working in dust, asbestos, silica and who knows what other powders. They have caused significant scar tissue in my nose. Then you add allergies on top of that, it's get out of control. My nose can get so soar I can't eat. When I chew it causes my nose to move and that can be painful. I had no idea a soar nose could stop me from eating.

I also dislike how allergies can mess with my state of mind, discombobulated. I can remember having allergies as far back as childhood.
Disclaimer this is what work for me.......

I've lived in Ok. most of my life. Never had problems with allergies (besides chem allergies soaps ect.ect.) TILL I moved back from se. NM. for the 10+ years, nothing but cacti.

When I moved back it was WTF is going on with my nose. Always plugged up couldn't breath. It got so bad I couldn't even swallow food, water or I would choke. Tried every over the counter med, nothing worked.

When the plandemic hit with the rona. I was listening to a Dr. on Alex Jones and he was talking about fighting the rona. He said mix iodine with distilled water in a nasal sprayer as soon as you felt it coming on. Well I stated feeling the bio bug coming on. I mixed up nascent iodine and colloidal silver. Kicked it down in 2 days. I kept using it every day for a solid week. Till I finally blew out the plug of green bio goo.

After that. I started to be able to breath again. So I started using it every other day. Still use it once every 3 to 4 days now. I'm guessing I have a infection that keeps coming back. I quit using it for 2 weeks and it came back with a vengeance.

I'm not saying you have a infection like me, but you just might have one. I'm in the same boat of have been around toxic sht.

The mix wont hurt you. In fact it will make your dreams more vivid. (the iodine) Did mine after a few weeks of using it.

Find what they call a snoot fine mist sprayer (everything at amazon) add 1 dropper full of nascent iodine 1 dropper full of colloidal silver, there are different ppm's of colloidal. I use 250ppm. Fill it the rest the way up with pure distilled water ONLY. Use it once a day for a week. (1 to 2 squirts per side)

If you see improvement. Well keep using it. If not, at least you got the iodine you need. We all are deficient in iodine if we don't eat enough seafood. (look up iodine deficiency)

best of luck


Well-known member
Disclaimer this is what work for me.......

I've lived in Ok. most of my life. Never had problems with allergies (besides chem allergies soaps ect.ect.) TILL I moved back from se. NM. for the 10+ years, nothing but cacti.

When I moved back it was WTF is going on with my nose. Always plugged up couldn't breath. It got so bad I couldn't even swallow food, water or I would choke. Tried every over the counter med, nothing worked.

When the plandemic hit with the rona. I was listening to a Dr. on Alex Jones and he was talking about fighting the rona. He said mix iodine with distilled water in a nasal sprayer as soon as you felt it coming on. Well I stated feeling the bio bug coming on. I mixed up nascent iodine and colloidal silver. Kicked it down in 2 days. I kept using it every day for a solid week. Till I finally blew out the plug of green bio goo.

After that. I started to be able to breath again. So I started using it every other day. Still use it once every 3 to 4 days now. I'm guessing I have a infection that keeps coming back. I quit using it for 2 weeks and it came back with a vengeance.

I'm not saying you have a infection like me, but you just might have one. I'm in the same boat of have been around toxic sht.

The mix wont hurt you. In fact it will make your dreams more vivid. (the iodine) Did mine after a few weeks of using it.

Find what they call a snoot fine mist sprayer (everything at amazon) add 1 dropper full of nascent iodine 1 dropper full of colloidal silver, there are different ppm's of colloidal. I use 250ppm. Fill it the rest the way up with pure distilled water ONLY. Use it once a day for a week. (1 to 2 squirts per side)

If you see improvement. Well keep using it. If not, at least you got the iodine you need. We all are deficient in iodine if we don't eat enough seafood. (look up iodine deficiency)

best of luck
I don’t think huffing the iodine is safe. It can cause respiratory problems but I’m glad it works for you tho. I do the netty pot when I feel something coming on which helps


Well-known member
Disclaimer this is what work for me.......

I've lived in Ok. most of my life. Never had problems with allergies (besides chem allergies soaps ect.ect.) TILL I moved back from se. NM. for the 10+ years, nothing but cacti.

When I moved back it was WTF is going on with my nose. Always plugged up couldn't breath. It got so bad I couldn't even swallow food, water or I would choke. Tried every over the counter med, nothing worked.

When the plandemic hit with the rona. I was listening to a Dr. on Alex Jones and he was talking about fighting the rona. He said mix iodine with distilled water in a nasal sprayer as soon as you felt it coming on. Well I stated feeling the bio bug coming on. I mixed up nascent iodine and colloidal silver. Kicked it down in 2 days. I kept using it every day for a solid week. Till I finally blew out the plug of green bio goo.

After that. I started to be able to breath again. So I started using it every other day. Still use it once every 3 to 4 days now. I'm guessing I have a infection that keeps coming back. I quit using it for 2 weeks and it came back with a vengeance.

I'm not saying you have a infection like me, but you just might have one. I'm in the same boat of have been around toxic sht.

The mix wont hurt you. In fact it will make your dreams more vivid. (the iodine) Did mine after a few weeks of using it.

Find what they call a snoot fine mist sprayer (everything at amazon) add 1 dropper full of nascent iodine 1 dropper full of colloidal silver, there are different ppm's of colloidal. I use 250ppm. Fill it the rest the way up with pure distilled water ONLY. Use it once a day for a week. (1 to 2 squirts per side)

If you see improvement. Well keep using it. If not, at least you got the iodine you need. We all are deficient in iodine if we don't eat enough seafood. (look up iodine deficiency)

best of luck

I began using nascent iodine in my electrolyte mixture about 1 mo ago for my hypothyroidism.
I began to sleep better and actually dream. Hadn't dreamt (that I could remember in the a.m.)
in years and had slept restlessly all those years also.

Found it odd that I now will sleep for 2 hrs., get up to pee, go right back to sleep for 2 hrs.
repeat through the night and still was falling easily and dreaming for those 2 hrs.

Never gave thought to the addition of iodine to my health regiment as a possible reason
for this awesome change in my sleep patterns.

Dig it, I am actually sleeping less hours total per night yet when I decide to get up in the morn,
I am so much more rested than I've been in years.

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