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The Original O'l Farts Club.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -

That sign was calling me last night - lol


Well-known member
Good Morning All (OF's):

Wishing each and every one of you, a pleasant morning, wonderful day, and outstanding evening.
I am currently pretty tied up with projects and work, so wanted to start with a daily check in hello.
Today is duly considered a "hump day". So, I hope and trust all of us will get over any big humps!

See you all tomorrow (again)! (y):)

Unca Walt

Well-known member
While we are on the subject of UAP (UFO's)... Looks like the lady's water is about to bust. This guy is gonna spill the alien beans:

There's a jillion military incidents not reported to the common herd. There definitely is another...

So here comes Shake back outa the grass, grinning like I had a fresh lobotomy. What a great birthday for me if they hold these meetings on CIA-Day (they shot Kennedy on my birthday).

This is great. I mean, truly great!

I was born in 1940, so I am among the few who have seen progress unlike any humans before or after us in history.

Think about it. If you are reading this... you haven't seen all I have.

We had horses for plowing on our farm. And an oak wall-mounted hand-crank phone. I have seen blue and yellow military biplanes fly over my house...

And that has transformed into computer-photo-phone users who have watched videos taken on Mars, and a twenty-story tall rocket landing in a hoop. We've seen Pluto's heart. Voyager has left the sun's heliosphere after 47 years. Men have walked on another world.

Why not an alien menace/friend/zookeeper/etc.? Why not? Considering the "divide by zero" rate of changes that have occurred in my specific lifespan, this is not anywhere near as big a thing for me as it is for you as you read this.

I am ready for it. Bring it; I've been tested and tempered. Went from gunpowder to thermonuclear already.

Unca Walt

Well-known member
everyone can make an investment in bitcoin right now , $100 at a time

the new Administration has announced that the government will purchase a million bitcoins for a National Reserve , sort of like the oil reserves

but yeah , $100 bucks ain’t much..

if one bought $100 of bitcoin in 2015 it would be worth about $40,000 today

so if one buys $100 of bitcoin today , what will it be worth in 9 years?…

something to ponder
Good point: Anybody wanna bet a full bitcoin that there will NOT be a US dollar in nine years?

How would the gummint be able to deficit spend bitcoins? Gold? <-- Issuing certificates won't work; that scam is what shot down the dollar.


Well-known member
While we are on the subject of UAP (UFO's)... Looks like the lady's water is about to bust. This guy is gonna spill the alien beans:

There's a jillion military incidents not reported to the common herd. There definitely is another...

So here comes Shake back outa the grass, grinning like I had a fresh lobotomy. What a great birthday for me if they hold these meetings on CIA-Day (they shot Kennedy on my birthday).

This is great. I mean, truly great!

I was born in 1940, so I am among the few who have seen progress unlike any humans before or after us in history.

Think about it. If you are reading this... you haven't seen all I have.

We had horses for plowing on our farm. And an oak wall-mounted hand-crank phone. I have seen blue and yellow military biplanes fly over my house...

And that has transformed into computer-photo-phone users who have watched videos taken on Mars, and a twenty-story tall rocket landing in a hoop. We've seen Pluto's heart. Voyager has left the sun's heliosphere after 47 years. Men have walked on another world.

Why not an alien menace/friend/zookeeper/etc.? Why not? Considering the "divide by zero" rate of changes that have occurred in my specific lifespan, this is not anywhere near as big a thing for me as it is for you as you read this.

I am ready for it. Bring it; I've been tested and tempered. Went from gunpowder to thermonuclear already.

I often think about the technological advances through the generations and wonder what exciting advances our children will see.

I wonder when the computer experience will be fully integrated within our brains. Elon is trying to do this now and what will this do to our consciousness and thought of self?

I'm young at 53 and can't wait till they figure out a proper hoverboard.


Well-known member
They've mapped the entire brain and all its neuronal connections for the fruit fly.

In theory, such mapping should be able to recreate an exact copy including memories and consciousness of the fruit fly and in time, humans too.

Personally i can't imagine this would contain all memories and enable an exact copy of someone to be made, but if not stored there, where are our memories stored and will hackers have access to our memories when we are all connected to the grid and our neuronal connections are scanned?

I wonder what will happen when Elon meets himself face to face.

Maybe there are already many Elons locked in basement somewhere.

Unca Walt

Well-known member

How about the cannacoin? I would be willing to store the charas that backs the currency.
Barring Carrington Events, EMP attacks, or disruption of communications, bitcoin is light years better than the US dollar.

And considering how the US dollar is used electronically far more rather than physically, the US dollar is immediately disrupted for the same reasons as bitcoin.

But there is something... something that can ignore the above fatal weaknesses... Hmmm...

The kewlest maneuver anyone could do, IMO, is to cash in half their bitcoin into PM's. They'd still be in great shape in bitcoin, and now in great shape in the best of all. Gold will always be with us. Always.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Good morning brothers and sisters! Hugz all around!

Mucho rain today starting at 50F and predicted to reach 56F.

Gym at 5:30AM this morning, first dawg walk, and then an empty calendar. Hee, hee, hee...............

This is the sixth day since I placed three requests for a return call from the Ford dealership service depart, without them returning my call.

Clearly, we won't be doing business again but today I will have my way with their maximum leader explaining why, as well as providing advice and encouragement.


Well-known member
:coffee: :coffee: :coffee: morning

Nice day expected today, just a little windy. :tumbleweed:

Finished up the plumbing and heater wiring for the pool. Only to find out the heater needs 50 amps and only have 40 amp breaker. The breakers are obsolete stab-lok in this house built in 1976. Oh joy get to go hunting for one and spend more monies...

But first after waiting for 5 days to get thermostats for simi. I get to finish it up this morning.

another day, another $100.oo in the hole.

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