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The Official Hempy Bucket Thread


I hold El Roacho's
I might try switching from perlite/verc to Coco with the bottom of mixed with Hydroton hempy & see what bubbles with that endeavor...


Hey RoachClip, there is a thread somewhere on here were a guy did several grows trying different mediums with hempy. He found coco and perlite got him the best results. He also did coco and hydroton and I think he had good results. Its a interesting thread sorry I don't have a link but its worth a search. Maybe somebody here knows where to find it. I think its a tree growing thread and a member named "tree esa"(not the right spelling) was heavily involved in the thread.
cyril: sorry, i don't use an ec meter at all and, once things seem stable, only check ph if i notice a change or problem developing... my bad.

i started out at 1tsp/gal and simply watched the plants reactions as i slowly moved the nutrient strength up from there... my water is good quality with a natural ph of about 7... i can't tell exactly b/c i only use ph drops to get a cheap yet close reading...

dans: my ph runs about 5-5.5 range after maxigrow is mixed in with my tap water... i just roll with it that way...

i like the KISS idea alot, but i use the acronym of SAFE instead... simple, appropriate, flexible, economical...


I hold El Roacho's
Gracias for all the suggestions, I guess sometimes your mind never stops wanting to Improve your yields and growing needs to make it easier and get better results.

The KISS Thread is amazing and I'm about 40 pages in so far lol... MaxiBloom & KoolBloom are just amazing as many of the pics in that thread are killa..


Active member
I too used coco/maxi bloom for veg at 1 tsp with tap. I am in an apt. I think I have water softeners in the tap.

I started to see mag deff. So I switch to flornova bloom because it is almost 6mn old and needed to use it up before it goes to shit.

I have an ro filter and today I flushed the girls with ro. But my ph in the run off is 5. Then I feed e.c 0.4-0.5

I think it is causing lockout. My ph going in is 5.8 -6.2 always

My girls are all 32in. Light is a 400mh.

the 45 king

Active member
My first attempt at this method and I overwatered the seedling by pouring directly over the rockwool. I'll just try try again. :)


in the thick of it
45-I had no luck with RW and this method...it worked best for me to either (with seedling) directly sew into the medium and with a cutting, the best method for me was using rapid rooters, directly into the medium. I'm not saying folks don't use it and have success with it....I'm just saying that it was easier for me to do it without rockwool.


I might try switching from perlite/verc to Coco with the bottom of mixed with Hydroton hempy & see what bubbles with that endeavor...

Yea Roach, I've been temped to try this too, I used Per-verm for a year or so, but I was sick of those tiny little shiny specs of verm EVERYWHERE even on my joints cause it was stuck to my fingers and on my clothes and.. well, I since just switched to straight perlite, it's ok, but I'm sure its not doing the job as well as a mix would do. Or I think. I'm timid to use coco, man I don't want ph issues :noway: but I gotta suck it up and learn I guess.

I kind of did that. I ran a few experiments. At first I grew them all in 100% perlite, then perlite/verm, then perlite/shredded rapid rooters, and finally coco/perlite.

The best mix was coco/perlite without a doubt. The reason being: All the other mixes didn't provide enough support, requiring me to tie the girls up to keep them from falling over. The other mixes also wasted too much solution, but the number one reason I like coco/perlite is because it promoted superior side branching of the roots. All the other mixes tend to produce one big winding taproot with little branching out. The coco roots were healthier.

Alas, I'm hanging up my 100%-perlite-boots. Originally I wanted to reuse the perlite, but well.. its such a mess. I want to figure out a light soilless organic media for next time. Trying to avoid soil and peat since they are no bueno for the environment. Can you use bat guano and stuff like that with coco?

I reuse my perlite and it can be a mess :cuss: I have a huge home made screen in a rubbermaid that I wash it in..helps a lot. Are you thinking that you won't reuse your perl/coco ? I was hoping to do just that. :chin: I absolutely will avoid soil.


in the thick of it
I've been lucky so far to not have vermiculite getting everywhere. It gets mixed in a large tote with the perlite and the perlite by far is dustier than the vermiculite....I know that there is three times as much perlite, but still it's not that bad. Honestly, flushing the medium at the end of its cycle and then cleaning the used medium in a large tote seems to be the key for us. When we grew in 100% hydroton, the reusing aspect was a pain becuase of having to clean roots off of the medium. We had to do it in a 100gal open top tank and it was just a hassle. We chop the plant all the way to the top of the medium and then in a few days the container and stub w/ roots has dried out. All of the roots are removed and the used medium goes into the washing tote. It gets cleaned with a 3% bleach solution, dried and then onto the medium tote where it waits its next run. We've been doing this method for a nice little amount of time and couldn't be happier. The key to reusing it (IMHO) is a good cleaning and good drying before future use. This is by far the most labor intensive portion of the grow(not counting trim time) but at $40-$50 in medium, one time, growing perpetually with up to 30 plants in both rooms, it has been very efficient.
I know this has been asked some where in this thread, but cant or dont feel like reading the whole thing.
How many times a day do 16oz hempy cups need to be watered , with seedlings. Ive just got it in a cup right now, will be transplanting it into a 3 gal bucket later. Im useing perlite with water cystals that i picked up at home depot, could not find vermiculite anywhere.
If it works good, if not it really does not matter to much. I had planted a tangerine dream, and it never came up also planted to another TD, and a nypd . the secound TD came up, and what i thought was nypd came up in the other one. six days later another seed poped, might be TD might be nypd, took the new sprout out and put it in a hempy cup. I all ready had the perlite, sense i didnt have vericulite, i did have water crystal so i added 3 tsp to the perlite.


Just keep the coco moist. Heft the cups and feel the weight after watering. Try to keep them from drying out. Situation dependent on watering. Size of plant, temp/humidity, airflow etc. will all play a role in how much to water.
I water once a day usually, but as for seedlings, they don't use as much water, and it is better to not waterlog the coco so they can develop a better root structure. Let them search for the water, but don't get the coco too dry.


Trying some Hempy for the first time
Transplanted 4 cuts from the bubbler into my hempy set up a week ago, and so far love what I'm seeing. So much easier than dealing with soil/coco mixes. I'm using perlite in the bottom rez section and 3 parts perlite to 1 part coco above. So far so good.


I hold El Roacho's
for me I am getting older so I figured changing to organic soil would be the way to go but after some rethinking helpy is better for my aches and pains of old age and arthritis.

I'm going to either stay with the 8 to 12 plant limit or go with 30 to 35 depending on if I want to take out the cash and spend on the larger tent but mainly the larger tent makes it easier to move around inside while working...

I might try the perlite/coco method right now I was using my first 3 grows 70%perl/30%verc. so because I want to switch it up for bigger yields and try a new mix to keep it Interesting I'm still looking for what I want to try next and won't kill my back or suprise me with creepy crawlers....


Just keep the coco moist. Heft the cups and feel the weight after watering. Try to keep them from drying out. Situation dependent on watering. Size of plant, temp/humidity, airflow etc. will all play a role in how much to water.
I water once a day usually, but as for seedlings, they don't use as much water, and it is better to not waterlog the coco so they can develop a better root structure. Let them search for the water, but don't get the coco too dry.
I'm using 3 parts Perlite to 1 part Vermiculite Hempy
one's in a beer cup the other one is in a slightly bigger cup
I'm watering 4 times a day and thinking about bumping it up to 5.
Here's a look at the girls at 22 day after flipping:


Hello Hempiers of icmag ,

Now that you talking about watering each day.

I would like to know if you notice
that if you give a watering (with runoff)
every day in a Hempy in vegative stage
the growth rates explode.

I was out of town for 3 days and my partner
give a watering every day for 3 days ....i return
and i was socked from the growth.

Is there any truth or your Hempy plants still
can surprise you with 3 days growth


Active member
I do notice more growth when watered everyday, as I've learned how much to water I usually don't water until runoff.


New member
Hi Highlight I read some one's comment in other forum that phitocell works a treat in hempies,I haven't tried it myself because is expensivish,I imagine mapito,or rockwool scraps / cubes working well too...