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The Official Hempy Bucket Thread

Hello ,
I'm trying to grow Big Bang FEM from GHS. My box is 40cmx60cmx70cm h with 150w MH lamp. Temperature is oscilating 25-26 C. Plant is about 3 weeks old. I'm using GHE Flora Bloom/Micro/Grow , water from RO filter , PH seems to be ok - I don't have electronic PH meter I'm using chemical one from GHE. And i Have problem because my leafs is curling down like on the picture. What i'm doin wrong? Please Help me!!!

ps Sorry for my English :)
I see spots that look like the beginning of a calcium def. Would make sense if you're using RO water.

How strong are you feeding with the GH? 3/5? is that 3ml micro / 5ml bloom per quart?

They definitely don't need much food at this stage.
hempy bucket trees

hempy bucket trees

vicious bee: here are a few shots of the plants that were attached to those huge stems in the earlier pics...

its hard to give a perspective but the grow area in the garden for just six of these monsters was 14' x 20'.

even after extensive bending and some being topped once, they were still 8-10+ feet tall.

at harvest, the canopy was solidly filled in except for a strip in the center...

came out nice and juicy and stinky and gooey and frosty too! YUM YUM

i was blessed this season indeed...

happy holidays to all and good luck with your growings on in 2011...


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vicious bee

I'm impressed. Those look good. Amazing what a hempy bucket and a "dutiful grower" can do. I wish I could do that. I live in a State that ..ah...humm... frowns on that sort of thing. I wonder what you could do using your step method and have a fifty gallon drum as the last step. Start a lumber yard? :)
I'll add one more thing about the NAPA oil dry. I throw my roots on a 1/4" screen on top of a 30 gallon bin when they are through. Few days they dry and you just shake a couple times. All the media falls in the bin and the roots stay in the screen. Easy.


in the thick of it
Our plants in bloom can get watered every day, as long as our temps are right. When it gets a bit too cool they slow way down. Those in veg are different, they tend to like to be fed every two to three days.

@mary-WOW! those are great looking ladies!
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New member
Hello Again,
I did some research and i think a know what happened. My plant get....wait for it. .. FUSARIUM WILT!!! <scary music>. i've check it in J. Cervantes book and like in description my plant has droppy look, spots on older leaves , and reddish stem. Next time i think i'm gonna boil my perlit first because this time i have only flushed it.

But thanks for Your help and we will see soon because next seed is sitting in a rockwool :]


in the thick of it
Herb-you may have figured out your issue, but for what it's worth, I've flushed and reused my perlite many many times with no ill effects.
Hello Again,
I did some research and i think a know what happened. My plant get....wait for it. .. FUSARIUM WILT!!! <scary music>. i've check it in J. Cervantes book and like in description my plant has droppy look, spots on older leaves , and reddish stem. Next time i think i'm gonna boil my perlit first because this time i have only flushed it.

But thanks for Your help and we will see soon because next seed is sitting in a rockwool :]

Those symptoms are awfully general and could easily describe any combination of P def, K def, Calcium def, or other issues. I very seriously doubt you have the wilt, especially in a hempy. It is typically a soil born disease.

I hope you didn't trash the plants.


Hey everyone, This is my 5th grow, and first hempy grow. I have 6 plants in 3 gallon buckets (i think.) under 600w HPS and 400w MH. I reckon' I may have mixed too much vermiculite, because 1 month in, they have only needed watering 4 times. Do you think as the roots grow, the pots will dry out quicker? Will too much vermiculite be a problem?
Here's how they look, a bit droopy because I just watered em.


When I used to use vermiculite, I would add more if I knew I was going to be too busy to water/check my ladies often. I personally don't like using too much as roots need to sip on water & not drown in it. Once a week watering early in life sounds about right. Once they get bigger & into flowering - you'll probably be watering about every 2-3 days.


New member
Hello all, I'm doing Hempy with 5 different strains.

I have one "Earth Box" with 4 girls, Papaya/ Northern Lights/ White Widow/ Bubbelicious

Lemon Skunk in it's own 2.5 gallon bucket.

I have noticed that in my EB a smell of nasty rotten farts when I last flushed, also pale fan leaves starting on mostly one plant but spreading to the rest.

My worst fear is Root rot, so I flushed the EB with 1/2 cup H2o2 x gallon x 3 gallons, last night and cut off the mostly pale fan leaves.

Has anyone here ever had this sort of problem, if so, would you go as far as to check the roots?

I'm very sad about this so if any one here has any suggestions, I would be most grateful.:tiphat:


I hold El Roacho's
You def want to check the bottom of the roots to make sure theirs no dead water thats not draining properly and if that's the case you need to tweek your mix so it drains better but still lets the plants draw enough water, next time around I'm going 100% organic and just water with no added nutes because it's all in the mix.


New member
If I do that, am I looking for "dead water"??? I flushed yesterday so there would only be that water, right?

Thanks for the prompt reply..


I hold El Roacho's
yes, make sure your hole is at least 1/2 inch and is about 2 inches above the bottom of the bucket and it will give you a reservoir that last a couple of days without starting any form of root rot. Also do be over watering every day, your plants will tell you when they need to be watered...


Thank You.

Thank You.

interesting turn in the thread but i still want to share

i just set up a drip line on my 50/50 coco perlite hempy's and woooooow life is sweet. I fill up my 44gall res, mix nutes, turn on the pump and watch them get watered. as soon as one starts to dribble out i turn it off, usally using around 30galls, then the next two days i finish off that remaing 14gal in that res with turning the pump on for about 2 mins a day, then fill res with water the next feeding, feed them for the next two days, then start over. Im not even cleaning up the runoff because the drip is soo slow that the coco fully wicks the water as its feed, and the tiny bit of run off is gone in a couple hours.
the coco loves being slightly moist all the time, but not wet

Love hempys, I even talked my girl into doing them on a 4x8 table, water them every other day, with drip lines in 2 gal buckets.

my 5 run with hempy's and a slow drip line makes life better

Your not lying. Life is sweet. I would suggest anyone who has quite a few plants growing in Hempy Buckets to use this method.

When you have quite a few plants growing watering is the hardest part.


New member
yes, make sure your hole is at least 1/2 inch and is about 2 inches above the bottom of the bucket and it will give you a reservoir that last a couple of days without starting any form of root rot. Also do be over watering every day, your plants will tell you when they need to be watered...

I think you meant, don't over water.. which makes sense to me, but the last three days I've been flushing with H2o2. Today was the last time. Less smell coming out of the bucket.

I'd like to post a picture but can't for the life of me figure out how.

Thank you RoachClip for your help.:wave:


I dont see how you guys can over water. I can water ever 2 days and I can water every 4 days, it wouldn't make much of a difference. It seems like they grow faster when I water them every 2 days.
I have never had signs of over watering.

Roots in a dwc always sit in the bottom. I know, the water is oxygenated, but the water in the rez of a hempy bucket should have enough oxygen in it if you are watering often. Perlite adds plenty of oxygen as well.

Next time, I am going to use perlite alone. I have only done hempy's in perlite/verm mix. I figure tomato cages should help support them better in perlite.


I hold El Roacho's
RuKind > it is very easy to over water and if your hole or system /mix\ Is not the right combination you can have dead water that sits at the bottom and starts to rot the roots, I myself will be going soil organic no nutes just plain water but for newbie's their are some mistakes that can easily be made or we wouldn't have this Thread ;)

Also RuKind watch what you say because you make a comment ( You Guys ) did you ever read any post were I had over watering Issues? Enough Said:
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Shady Smoka

Active member
I dont see how you guys can over water. I can water ever 2 days and I can water every 4 days, it wouldn't make much of a difference. It seems like they grow faster when I water them every 2 days.
I have never had signs of over watering.

Same here. If you just follow the perlite/verm ratio I don't see how you could over water.
I have a few hempy grows under my belt....and I gotta tell ya, I love it. I have a mix of hempys and DWC in my garden now.


New member
Sorry, I forgot to mention one critical thing!

I had origianaly put 5 plants, which were all Fem. seeds from Nirvana... into the "Earth Box"
one bad thing about that is if one Hermies, you have no way to pull it out without leaving some of it's roots in the bucket.

I am 95% sure that, that was the problem. Roots must have started to decay and start to spread the fungi.

No over-watering issue, just a bad idea to put more than one plant per bucket.

Do I need to post a bunch so I can get to upload pics???

Oh, and I'm using 100% perlite.

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