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The Most Influential ICMag Threads... lets see them

Awesome thread LilWayne.

Here are my top three.


of course the diy linkorama-http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?p=678179

Hempy Buckets-http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=98419

Freezerboy's collection of cloning-http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=169382

well thats four not three and i'm sure there's more i will find and make me fall in love with icmag even more. peace.
I've been using ICmag a long time. The threads that have helped me most of late are:

He3ds sticky thread in the coco forum.

The Defoliation sticky thread in the indoor hydro forum.

Spleebales thread on root aphids in the infirmiry forum.

Krunchbubble's thread on powdery mildew/Eagle-20 in the infirmiry forum.

This entire forum is invaluable, I read daily, great info and great education.


Active member
The recent surge of PL-L lighting based systems has many contributors -- but none of them were more influential than Ineffectualize's High-Pod thread.

This remains my favorite grow and technical design on ICM and continues to inspire innovations and tweaks all using the same basic concept of 55w PL-L lights in cool tubes.


Cautiously Optimistic
12/12 from Seed: A Different Way to Grow

Defoliation: Hi-Yield Technique.

Aerohead's PC case thread.


The Defoliation sticky thread in the indoor hydro forum.

Defoliation: Hi-Yield Technique.

Yeah, I joined because of that thread. It's a great read allthough it degenerates at page 95 or 96.

There's so many great reads in here, I'd agree on the Dr. Bud Greengene's perpetual micro grow, and the CS thread.

And thanks to LiLWayne, this thread have entertained me the last two days :)


Heath's tree thread! (See my sig)
Close second has to be the "Growing large plants, outdoors" thread.

Tough to beat the impact of giant trees!


ICMag Donor
I don't know if this one has been mentioned, but waaay before the defoliation thread, this thread got it all started for myself and many others.

Size does matter

This thread started out as a discussion about pot sizes. Good info abt that, but it gets really interesting at post #39. Jrosek changed the way I grew from then on. No fan leaf has been safe since.

Thanks Jro
:thank you:


Active member
Dang i remembered when that thread started, I wasn't a member and couldn't see the pics, just went back and reread it. I'm gonna hafta try somtheing similar in my tents with dirt perlite instead.
Thanks again Marlo, (and Jorsek) if your out there.

one Q

Marlo posting in this thread is ironic... he's got one of the most influential threads right now in his pocket. Peace MARLO!