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The Most Influential ICMag Threads... lets see them


Look at my thread signature at the "Great thread about growing reefer". It's a great basic guide to MJ in general. Covers almost every aspect of how the plant grows, as well as some nutrient defiency keys, etc. Great read IMHO.



Now in technicolor
Even though it was Chronic, Borat's 450g yield from 1 plant 400w hempy/scrog was influential to me.

1lb yield in a small space with a single plant and a low wattage light - It pushed my friends and me to begin growing.


edit: just saw that this was posted at least twice in previous pages


Hahaha, that is fucking funny dongle69`s deleting thread in protest to ban yummybud....anyways I would help this very very great thread (thanks Lil wayne) but I believe that everyone is inspirational here in there own way, ICMAG in general is inspiration central....this site has helped many many many people come ALONG way...


Active member
Yes! NBG's 400w 1lb plant scrog...that thread inspired me to start growing. I started out as a 250w scrogger.

I'm glad you mentioned stoney 419's thread. The BEST SOG thread I've ever seen. :bow:

Krunchbubble- http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=141353

Krunch's threads have inspired me to make the switch to vertical. :thank you:

Lets not forget L O U G R E W ! What happened to him anyway?
He inspired me to grow some balls and go commercial.
I used to just be a headsmoke scrogger...I make some serious cake now growing indoors and outdoors. FUCK DUH COPS!
Thanks L O U G R E W... hope you're safe.


Just Call me Urkle!!
I've gotten MANY pm's about how my threads inspired them to grow since I did the DrBud Method and documented it and still use a modified version of it today in my secondary flower cab.... All the links in my sig should help you out some and I have a few more I'll post..


I Feel Good
ICMag Donor
thanks to king ralph and everyone else who participated in making this thread what it is today...

DIY Aero Cloner the EZ-Cloner Replica in 10 Easy Steps!


this thread definitely has been very influential to not only myself but many others... it has been the reason for MANY clones, and ALOT of money saved versus purchasing an ez cloner..
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steve green

I'm going to blow my own horn here, which I know isn't cool, but I KNOW my thread has helped to provide a LOT of people to create THEIR OWN FEMINISED SEEDS (and several ppl have posted pics approving of my Colloidal siler methods)... and yes I get warm fuzzies about that.


nice thread LiLWayne - :)

Phenomenal- toot that horn-Your the man-thank you.:tiphat:
that thread of yours was an eye opener and still is ..for me and many others.
i'm superscribed to it and find myself always coming back to read See ya around.

here's another great thread from Silverback
this guy was a star (R.I.P)Yield increasing planting method
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