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The Marijuana Control, Legalization and Revenue Act of 2016


Just Say Grow
you're absolutely entitled to you opinion, if you knew me you probably wouldn't say things about me like that because it's simply not true.

I am a native Californian, I was born here...my family has been here for over 6 generations that I can personally account for...

if you had witnessed first hand the max exodus to my home state to capitalize on laws that my family had a hand in passing(just voting nothing more) and the dramatic crash in prices that was a direct result of unconnected people that moved here from out of state bottoming out the market just to find someone to take their stuff than you may be singing a different tune... why do people think it's a better option to move to a different state to capitalize on the measures achieved on a political level by the citizens of that place(with the intent of benefiting it own residents...we aren't passing laws in CA with the intention of effecting say AZ) than it is to change the political environment in their own homestates/hometowns...all I'm saying is that if you can't even vote on the bill, it would be nice if you didn't hold the same licensing priority that I would...

I'm definitely not afraid of any competition, none of em can come close anyways...

but hey that's all just shit spewing from the finger-mouth of unethical scum.

the rest of the country can and will eventually follow suit, I'm sorry that our political advancement is something that makes you jealous...

I'm all for anyone that wants to move here to have the freedom to no be arrested for getting their stoner/grower on, but the simple fact is a vast majority are not qualified enough to even be entering their trash into an "artisan" market...

how about you do something to change the laws where you live?

fwiw- I am poor, I used to make a decent living doing this before the out of staters bottomed out the market with their trash...

legalization already opens up the floodgates to people that would not otherwise have even considered this industry, and may have previously even had negative thoughts of it to capitalize on it...all I'm saying is it would be nice to keep it "ours" for just a little while before every business man in every sector across the country see's nothing but $ signs, and opportunity to capitalize and starts a cannabusiness...ultimately I'm more against the thought of that than some stoner/grower from a shitty state coming over and doing something because that's what they love doing...

I'm sure Jimmy buffet LOVES tequila, and I respect that.


Active member
If someone is a current califormia resident, a California medical patient and has been living in California for 1 or 2 years they should be legally allowed to participate.

It already notes small growers (artisans) won't be capped so the argument that they will block access to "native" Californians is false, which the idea of "native" is hilarious as it is a state founded on and filled by immigrants who killed off all the real natives. Anyway.

Where you are born is random, your parents are random and your state is certainly random. Let's not segregate on randomness, were all humans looking for happiness. Let small farmers stay united as that, no need for further segregation. We are already persecuted enough. People who move to California to participate in the industry come from an even more persecuted and tortured area in regards to cannabis and has most likely been supporting our "artisan" farmers for many years at very inflated prices. They've earned their right as much as any other "random" Californian resident who will be allowed to participate. Shit I'm just happy if the $$$ makers in the business actually partake in ganja.

On prices id be more worried with the quadrupling of production by every present medicinal farmer which is going to happen in just a couple years.


I'm really disappointed that none of the legalization bills include amnesty for non-violent cannabis felons.

its nice that we can save future generations from persecution, but can't we get some relief for those that were persecuted fighting to get us this far.


Just Say Grow
the bottom line for me is that any business man that says that they wouldn't love a chance to have something in place to limit the amount of competition is simply lying... things are going to be fierce, there's no doubt about it.

I'm ready for this business, and if anyone is standing in my way they need to watch out...I will be just as ruthless as the guy next to me, because if I'm not I'll be out of business...it's all smiles and rainbows until the real world hits ya.

friends don't pay my bills...


Please, help Mary Jane. She needs our support now. We need to stop smoking her and really respect her power, and virtues.
you lost me there...

No plant counts for home grown. You can spend $1000 in order to make a half a fucking million. Invest a bit more and you can make billions!
yah just what we need, more billionaires

rich people get richer and poor people lose their jobs..


Well-known member
As a fifth generation northern California resident,I understand where the closed door policy folks are coming from....but I disagree with it, honestly.

Is it the out of towners fault that a lot growers I know are from out of state? No.

Some of the best growers I know are from out of state. Some are og nor cal locals,

The plant doesn't discriminate, why should we?


Active member
ICMag Donor
I am waiting for you to post the patent numbers.
Still........ waiting...............

I emailed Deje today, i'll call the # tomorrow.

I'm not making this shit up.

That lady dropped that bomb and I am just repeating it.

If you know the name of the big pharma company that is tied to Monsanto that will help me in my search because I don't htink Monsanto specifically holds the patent but there is supposedly a 0.03% plant or something, its practically hemp, and they want ot synthesize it for pills.

I know you are eager ot get to the bottom of this too, but I don't have time to spend on this subject indefinitely.

I'm confident i'll be getting a good answer or some more information to share.

Either way, We need to make our own regulations or we will lose the plant.


Active member
ICMag Donor
And to be honest, the only sections I really give a damn about seem ok,

§ 27450. Protections.
It shall be lawful and not a violation of California law for an adult:
(c) To cultivate cannabis indoors, or outdoors behind fenced and securely-locked privately owned property, with the consent of the owner of such property. To comply with this section, the fencing shall completely obscure the presence of the cannabis plants from members of the general public, with the exception of aerial observations. Cultivation must comply with any local or state nuisance regulations, provided the nuisance regulation is not based on the presence and/or cultivation of cannabis nor crafted to primarily target cannabis cultivation, use, and/or possession."

§ 27519. Commission Powers.
The commission shall have all powers necessary and proper to enable it fully and effectively to carry out the policies and purposes of this division, including, without limitation, all of the following:
(n) To establish reasonable limits for personal possession, sales, distribution and cultivation quantities. In addition to any limits established in this measure, the commission may further designate reasonable limits for personal possession, sales, transportation, distribution and cultivation limits provided that such limits do not:
(1) Infringe on the right of a person to possess a sufficient quantity to satisfy their reasonable personal consumption needs in a law abiding manner."

I have one gripe though, it's possible for some cannabis hating group to say second hand cannabis smoke travels through the walls (via the electrical outlets, common vent work, etc.) between apartments. I've seen tobacco anti-smoking TV commercials claiming this type of BS, I'd prefer not to trust it won't happen with cannabis. I'd like to know I can hot box weed in my own apartment, if I make the walls and drapes yucky it comes out of my security deposit, simple as that. Are beer guzzling college students forbidden from partaking in their apartments just because their carpets are going to be awash in spilled booze, heck no, it's expected, and if they have half a brain they know to expect total loss of the security deposit, even if they attempt to clean the carpets themselves.

"§ 27440. Regulation of Secondhand Smoke.
(a) Second hand smoke produced by the smoking of cannabis shall be subject to the same state and local time, place, and manner restrictions that apply to tobacco."

I just donated $250, these guys seem to be on the ball... thanks LyryC for bringing it to my attention!

Wow. No, Thank you brother. I am so humbled to see everyone talking about this and actually reading whats being presented.

Please share this with friends and family and spread the word.

We need to show big corps and the gov how this is going to happen!

Namaste everyone.


No I did not think you made it up, I just think it is made up.

I emailed Deje today, i'll call the # tomorrow.

I'm not making this shit up.

That lady dropped that bomb and I am just repeating it.

If you know the name of the big pharma company that is tied to Monsanto that will help me in my search because I don't htink Monsanto specifically holds the patent but there is supposedly a 0.03% plant or something, its practically hemp, and they want ot synthesize it for pills.

I know you are eager ot get to the bottom of this too, but I don't have time to spend on this subject indefinitely.

I'm confident i'll be getting a good answer or some more information to share.

Either way, We need to make our own regulations or we will lose the plant.


Does we include big biz, or should we discriminate against them to help our plant?
I always felt that when big biz and government got a piece of the pie then things would change, it would become legal. That is fine with me as long as I can grow non-commerical at home, if someone wants to sell to the public then they need to be sure what they sell is safe for people, like most things sold. I suspect that will include regulations and a license, and taxes, also fine with me.
Tax and regulate has been my mantra for 35 years, and it is closer and closer, when the feds drop the Schedule 1 and allow R&D by anyone then the final barriers will fall very quickly, the sooner the better. The price will fall, fall, fall, to more like the price of organic high quality fruit and veggies, something closer to the real price it costs without the price supports of it being illegal. That and grow it outdoors or in a greenhouse, I mean under lights for commercial production, that is insane. How may wine grapes are grown under lights to make a better quality? ZERO..... why is that???


Active member
Sam skunkman

Obviously the post about Monsanto caught your eye. I think everyone would appreciate if that conversation went to a thread on Monsanto as it will obviously only cause distraction here.

I'm sure you don't mind big business getting involved, you and your friends are big business.

I agree all products sold in the market place should be fully tested (cannabinoid, terpinoid, mold, pesticide etc depending on product type)

The last part of your comment has little to do with what we're talking about which makes it appear as though you are just trying to ignite passion/anger from other members. Maybe start a thread on the future production of vegetable priced cannabis?


Sam skunkman

Obviously the post about Monsanto caught your eye. I think everyone would appreciate if that conversation went to a thread on Monsanto as it will obviously only cause distraction here.

My post is to the OP and he is trying to find if there is truth to it about Cannabis patents by Monsanto or not, I do not really care what you think.

I'm sure you don't mind big business getting involved, you and your friends are big business.

I agree all products sold in the market place should be fully tested (cannabinoid, terpinoid, mold, pesticide etc depending on product type)

The last part of your comment has little to do with what we're talking about which makes it appear as though you are just trying to ignite passion/anger from other members. Maybe start a thread on the future production of vegetable priced cannabis?

Not my intention at all I just want the truth about any Monsanto Cannabis patents, simple.


Active member
Sam you know 10 times more then the op on the Monsanto information you are supposedly interested in and have the contacts to already know.

You are just trying to make the op look bad for making a false statement about Monsanto.


Sam you know 10 times more then the op on the Monsanto information you are supposedly interested in and have the contacts to already know.

You are just trying to make the op look bad for making a false statement about Monsanto.

Actually he just repeated them, he did not make them.
And I am glad you know all my intentions, or think you do.
All the best,


if it smells like fish
free the weed treat it like tomatoes or any other crop ..but no the powers that be want a cut.new cash cow now that tobacco is on the downslide....organized crime is our elected ....yeehaw ...


passing the gas
California cleans up in preparation for tax and regulate!

Raid of the decade underway in America’s pot-growing epicenter


An estimated 100,000 marijuana plants are expected to be eradicated this week at an enormous, multi-farm bust in remote Northern California — the heart of the famed Emerald Triangle.

Humboldt, Trinity and Mendocino County Sheriff’s deputies — with no federal involvement — began serving search warrants Monday in a remote area at the intersection of the three counties.

Dozens of deputies are staging a four or five-day operation in what is being called the largest raid in a decade.

The Times-Standard reports:

“The sources said the marijuana grows are not Mexican cartel operations but from local growers who have been growing for years. Beyond the sheer size of the grows, prompting the raid is evidence of massive water theft and other environmental violations, the sources said. For that reason the California Department of Fish and Wildlife was assisting deputies.”

The raid targeted some very prominent members of the community, including public members of lobbying groups and marijuana PACs like the California Cannabis Voice.

Emerald Grower’s Association director Hezekiah Allen decried the actions in an online statement: “Today, this type of activity is ever more concerning because so many of our community members have courageously stepped forward and publicly proclaimed themselves as farmers. They are seeking regulation, seeking collaboration with government agencies and research institutions. These farmers who have stepped forward are keys to solutions.”

California is the largest domestic producer of cannabis in the U.S., which consumes about 2,500-5,000 metric tons of the crop each year.

About 5,000 cannabis farms exist in Mendocino County, deputies estimate. (via Google Maps)
About 5,000 cannabis farms exist in Mendocino County, deputies estimate. (via Google Maps)
An estimated 40,000 pot farms may exist in California, a legislative analysis finds. Efforts to regulate the 19 year-old medical cannabis industry in California are pending in the Senate this year. A ballot proposal to tax and regulate legal cannabis in California is expected next year.

KMUD news interviewed local authorities who reiterated their interest in protecting local watersheds. But reports also emerged today that raid personnel slashed irrigation hoses on farm property, discharged 50,000 gallons of stored rainwater, and are jeopardizing the nascent working relationship between growers and water authorities. No arrests have been reported. A press conference is expected Friday.


really good radio show interview with the cops at this link.
they are shutting down the triangle this year.
they are camping out and and have huge shredding machines to destroy crops that might leave behind extractable material if they didn't confiscate your closed loop system already…

listen to the cops, long show, good show.

keeping prices high, high, higher for tax and regulate! Yee-haw!

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