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The Making of an ICMAG PROMO VIDEO -

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Just remember to not talk about the rain in the videos! Tell them about those sizzling discounts!
Yes - I do tend to get side-tracked - and run off on all sorts of tangents - must have SIZZLING DISCOUNTS! - branded onto me brain 🧠 -

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Oh, basically a doggie bodyguard.
He does seem to glean a sense of security - from my presence - when chased by big more aggressive dogs - the little rascal heads for his safe haven - betwixt my legs 🦵 - so leaving me to cope with a large stampeding dog - with Loki as back up - just in case -
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Well-known member
Last one was better but i can still see the person and the cartoon character battling for control of the mouth :) but way better than i could do. I still vote for a clip of Loki eating something off of the ground .. could be some fake poop haha. Or he could get chased to you first haha by a big dog.
And idk how i feel about calling where you are the ass end, but its up to you and the language you use. You could say" quite near," or "on the property of" without using ass end in the same breath as your wonderful website or dog

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Last one was better but i can still see the person and the cartoon character battling for control of the mouth :) but way better than i could do. I still vote for a clip of Loki eating something off of the ground .. could be some fake poop haha. Or he could get chased to you first haha by a big dog.
And idk how i feel about calling where you are the ass end, but its up to you and the language you use. You could say" quite near," or "on the property of" without using ass end in the same breath as your wonderful website or dog
All taken as constructive criticism - - so you want more fecal consumption - and no verbal profanities - plus more mouth control - sounds reasonable -

Brother Nature

Well-known member
Cool looking dog... Dog ownership is great, my dog loved goose droppings too, gobbled up as much as he could then would proceed to vomit it all back up not 10 minutes later... He got over it after a while thankfully...

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Cool looking dog... Dog ownership is great, my dog loved goose droppings too, gobbled up as much as he could then would proceed to vomit it all back up not 10 minutes later... He got over it after a while thankfully...
Yes - but should we engage with such revolting antics - thru the dog - when making such a video? - I agree it can be interpreted as funny 😁 - but should we use it?


Well-known member
Premium user
Message was clear, shots and voice is good as well. I felt like being in England for a moment, you captured the vibe of the are IMO! Good work!
If you feel like it will go well with the audience/sponsors, you should post try posting it : )

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Message was clear, shots and voice is good as well. I felt like being in England for a moment, you captured the vibe of the are IMO! Good work!
If you feel like it will go well with the audience/sponsors, you should post try posting it : )
I'll have to redo it - since I missed a bit - have to try and get my son to hold the camera - but he always seems to be so busy with school and Army Cadets 😕 - .

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