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God I'm glad I live in Santa Cruz, 4k wouldn't even raise eyebrows here..now maybe 25K might....
..consider me jealous...
God I'm glad I live in Santa Cruz, 4k wouldn't even raise eyebrows here..now maybe 25K might....
if you get popped with 4k+ blooming in a non med state, a scale is the least of your worries. I thought people were saying the scoop is slightly off sized, is it a true 7 gr scoop?
Its not really that technical... A little more or less is what your plants will tell you. Watch them and you will know how much to use. use the scooper in the bag...
This is the way I figure it;Thats kind of what I figured, but I just like to be extra cautious.
Something about having just the garden in the house makes me sleep better then having a garden w/ scales n' such.
I still think the scales and baggies will be used against you even if they are located on the other end of the house in the kitchen regardless of if their is residue on the scale. That kitchen scale WILL be considered a "drug" scale when its taken out of the kitchen and placed next to all of our grow equipment for the PIG's photo op.
Call me crazy, but I dont even like having reflectors anymore....just more shit for them to drag into your yard in front of all the neighbors. To come into a room w/ just bulbs, ballasts, and wires cant be too exciting for them. Comforts me to have the ability to put my entire setup in a small box or my reservoir - minus the plants and scrubber of course.
The only gear I want to own is electronic Ballasts (phantoms), cord sets, lamps, max fans, and scrubbers. Combine those items w/ grow bags n' blumats and its a huge success w/ minimal "stuff".
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I actually just did the math between using Maxibloom 16lb vs. FloraMicro/FloraBloom 6Gal Jugs and the difference isnt as high as I thought it'd be.
I get close to wholesale prices on stuff due to a friend so the price difference PER GALLON of solution mixed is only about .03 higher when using the liquid GH. Thats only $1.50 more per 50 Gallon reservoir!
I was under the impression that using the Maxibloom was saving me a ton of money vs liquid GH at lucas rate, but thats not the case after doing the math.
I think I'll be switching back to liquid GH to avoid the hassle of dissolving larger amount of powder and increases my mix time.
Here is the math. At full retail price. Most prolly dont realize this.
Maxibloom (16lb) costs 0.115234375 to make a Gallon at 7g/Gal
FloraMicro (6Gal) - costs 0.059901339/Gal at 8ml/Gal
FloraBloom (6Gal) - costs 0.098661029/Gal at 16ml/Gal
= Total Cost of 0.158562368 to make a Gallon at Lucas 8/16 Rate.
That means Maxibloom is only saving one 0.043327993 per Gallon vs just using the liquid. At retail price its costing an extra $2.16 to mix a 50 Gallon batch of nutrients.
I can live w/ that price increase to not have to weigh/dissolve a few hundred grams of powder.
Just wanted to bring it to light for those rushing out and buying Maxibloom to save money. It may be worth the extra nickle per Gallon to just run with regular old lucas GH. Would be even cheaper if following head formula for coco as it uses even less micro/bloom at a 6/9 rate.
Maxibloom does have the benefit of longer storage however.
FloraMicro/Bloom has the benefit of being able to drop the micro towards the end of flower.
Something about having just the garden in the house makes me sleep better then having a garden w/ scales n' such.
I still think the scales and baggies will be used against you even if they are located on the other end of the house in the kitchen regardless of if their is residue on the scale. That kitchen scale WILL be considered a "drug" scale when its taken out of the kitchen and placed next to all of our grow equipment for the PIG's photo op.
Call me crazy, but I dont even like having reflectors anymore....just more shit for them to drag into your yard in front of all the neighbors. To come into a room w/ just bulbs, ballasts, and wires cant be too exciting for them. Comforts me to have the ability to put my entire setup in a small box or my reservoir - minus the plants and scrubber of course.
The only gear I want to own is electronic Ballasts (phantoms), cord sets, lamps, max fans, and scrubbers. Combine those items w/ grow bags n' blumats and its a huge success w/ minimal "stuff".
Ok I just mixed up a batch of maxi bloom in to a gallon to test this out on my moms. But even my chem d cant take more then 1000 for veg but the tds meter reads 1330 ppm this would be over kill for my mothers would it be ok to dilute?????
What kinda of ppms are u getting?????I start with my tap water @ 220/240 ppm tap water and 7 grams maxi. I am getting 1330 ppm are u getting the same???????If u are giving ur chem 4 1330 ppm in veg then I would feel safe feeding at that high ppm to my chems and ogs.I've never had any burn with 1 tsp per gallon. If you think it's too much, just start with 3/4 tsp per gallon at first. 100-100-200 is just the average ideal profile that works for most scenarios. If your plant can't take it, you have to use less, it's just out of the ordinary. I don't have any Chem D, but I do have a Chem 4 that just got full dose last night and isn't complaining, quite on the contrary.
Yeah tap water is 220/240 ppm with the 7 grams of maxi bloom from the scale I used the spoon it came with on the smaller scoop and it came out to 5 grams on the dot so I put two more to make 7 grams....Would this be easier to just use ro water???????I would think with ro water u would have to add calmag right??????I grow in coco.maybe i'm off but mine comes out to around 850 everytime i mix it . i'm using RO water at 20 ppm & just the maxi . what are you addingf & whats the ppm of your water ? do you give it a "level" tsp or is it a heaping tsp per gallon ?