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The IC Organic Growers Community Thread.

vStagger Leev

Are you a bio buzz rep or just a great fan? Just wondering. Also have you used kelp meal in a side by side with the extract? Again wondering where this enthusiasm is coming from. Bottled fertilizer never tickled me that way

No man, not a rep, just enthusiastic about the bizz. It's the bottled nute that suit's my style best, it's no PH, and organic. Everything I want ;)

I use kelp meal in my compost tea once a week (maxicrop), but never a side by side. I just acquired the alg-a-mic the other day, so i'm still in the test phase with that product. But it seems it's a good one!

All I know is i've turned allot of people in my community to BioBizz and are all stoked in response. Mainly switching people over from House & Garden that dont want to sacrifice yields. :dance013: It grows amazingly healthy lush plants, soil that's teaming with microbes, and amazing flavors :joint: Much love! SL
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Well-known member
here is a sample of my organic efforts
edit: strain: NL#5
after 8 weeks veg


and after a few weeks flowering



This week.....





I fixed the date on my camera to the correct time and date.

The wild flowers here have been blooming and it was a nice quiet and hot walk this evening.



a couple sour d's, one headband and a chemdawg

finally getting close to dialing in my new location


Active member
i'm cheaper than those skates where you add your own shoes. So i like to mix up soil that i can get for cheap or free. currently i'm new to this whole organics game, just testing out mixes and modifying as i see fit. going for a water only, or ACT only type of drizzell, where i don't have to worry about buying bottles of shit and measuring. just add water.

only pics i really have are these.


my first attempt at organic. aka alaska fish and morbloom in a soil i mixed up based on some other recipe from way back in the OG days.
Compost, topsoil, perlite, sand, and a little sphagnum on top to keep the moisture in. needless to say turned me off organics for a long while.


my last try, not too bad, but they ran low of food at the critical 4-6 week flower mark.


latest attempt. based on LC's #1 mix mostly coco, some perlite, some worm castings, and a few amendments. I planted directly in it without cooking it. seems to be working fine so far. fingers on cross.



Echinacea as a wild flower - thats pretty cool von.

the whole field is filed with them here and there. I have been digging around the area to see what else is here. I like to take pictures when I see things like this. Makes for a nice walk in the park so to speak.

I wish I had a better camera. lol

I have a lot of Black foot daisys also.


I was thinking the first was Western Yarrow but I don´t think so and cannot figure out what it is yet.



Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
yarrow does look a good match for the first one von. there are other things it could be but the height and slight pinkish colour of the flowers of some looks like yarrow.



Active member
Ive found loads of plants that look like yarrow but they dont have the fern type leaves what could it be?


I have to check the fern type leaves on those. My pictures are bad and is hard to tell. If it is Western yarrow it will be harvested this weekend.

W89- It could also be Mock Bishops weed. I will have to get a better look at the end of the week and will take some better shots......might even buy a newer camera.


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
w89 there are loads of umbeliferous flowers like yarrow, carrots and parsnips are in the same family (they would flower in their second year if you lest them in the ground) cow parsely, sweet cicely. most are bigger and taller plants/flowers than yarrow.


I checked some where I am working and it is Wild Western Yarrow. It is blooming all over the state. That is a score for me. I can collect enough near my house to have until next year.

Thanks everyone. I am going out hunting this weekend and over the holiday and see what else is growing wild near me. I need to trim the nettles in my yard this week also.



FPE is a pretty sweet concept. I added a nettle to the garden in hopes of using it for one.

getting around to it is another story

I am however intrigued at the idea of using regular kelp meal and some of this high k soluble kelp for a fermentation material.

I still wonder if having a more diverse amount of microbes would be more beneficial or just using the usual suspects


Active member
Nice score. The yarrow is just about to bloom on the east coast where I live. I am up in the mountains so lower down it is in full effect.

I feel very lucky I have wild crafted over 20 lbs of dried comfrey and much much more to harvest in one spot and I just found twice as much by my friends house. (when wild crafting WEAR gloves or youll be pulling sharp little hairs out of everywhere, treat like nettle)

I went to the swimming hole the other day and found the MOTHER load of horsetail. I have a lot of field horsetail around my house but now I have found the more sought after variety.

I have my nettle planted for next year and am looking for that wild as well. I have a lot of farms in the area so it looks promising.

It is amazing what you can find right around you if you know what to look for. With all of this and my home made worm castings I have high quality nutrients and soil building ingredients for free, for at least the next year or so for a 10k+ watt project I have planned.

Ain't no hydro-punks getting their hands on my dollar..... if its free its for me.

And never has i been fortunate enough to grow herb so good, thanks mother nature.
