Hi mexcurandero420
after browsing a bit i also found only the varieties "Fibror 79" and
"Earlina 8 fc" but not the ones mentioned in the article
(see "Sortenunterschiede") ? Mhmm, quite strange ...
About the gentic background, would speculate that "Fibror 27" and "Earlina 08" are either identical to "Fibror 79" and "Earlina 8 fc" (mistake in the article) or are somehow related to them (maybe selections of the latter), perhaps they have no yet been approved by the EU and are in state of development and those names are temporary given to them, but certainly don't no for sure.
Furthermore, only the varieties you mentioned are listed in the
"COMMON CATALOGUE OF VARIETIES OF AGRICULTURAL PLANT SPECIES" of the EU, 37th edition from 2019, seen here :
Thanks for pointing it out

after browsing a bit i also found only the varieties "Fibror 79" and
"Earlina 8 fc" but not the ones mentioned in the article
(see "Sortenunterschiede") ? Mhmm, quite strange ...
About the gentic background, would speculate that "Fibror 27" and "Earlina 08" are either identical to "Fibror 79" and "Earlina 8 fc" (mistake in the article) or are somehow related to them (maybe selections of the latter), perhaps they have no yet been approved by the EU and are in state of development and those names are temporary given to them, but certainly don't no for sure.
Furthermore, only the varieties you mentioned are listed in the
"COMMON CATALOGUE OF VARIETIES OF AGRICULTURAL PLANT SPECIES" of the EU, 37th edition from 2019, seen here :
Thanks for pointing it out