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The Haze Hybrid Thread


Well-known member
Ah got you. Thank you for the reply....did you manage to get any that looked similar to the oboy ohaze father from the hybrids you made..

ICmag won't let me give anymore "Likes" today ... overwhelmed at the great response to the thread :respect:
I selected away from anything stringy and airy. My goal was indica style flowers with hybrid flavors and sativa effects.
Here's my keeper from a run of 16 BlueDream x oBoy (It's about 4 or 5 cuts of the keeper in a 4x4 scrog)


^absolutely superb Raho.

This one is the bubble skunk haze x Sam's haze mix pack freebie. Like foul cheese and fuel lime.
(The bubble skunk haze is what I called the sour bub x sams haze skunk x wonder haze)

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Dude that one and the cocao kush cross are fucking stunning.


Well-known member
This is a shot of a very nice Super Lemon Haze pheno, that's a good example of what made this strain so popular: it's done in 9 weeks, doesn't stretch too much, yields properly, has an intense smell and taste of 'buttery' sweet lemon bubblegum, incense, pepper and cedar wood, is redicolously strong and prodvides an extreme hybrid-high that lasts for at least 3 hours:


This is a White Lemon [(Super Lemon Haze x El Nino (i.e. Haze x Super Skunk x White Widdow)], that made me verry happy until I lost her due to a spider mite infestation a year back. The smell and taste were similar to the SLHs but more spicy and also a little sweaty. It was just as strong and long lasting as the SLH but yielded way better. A real crowd-pleaser:




Well-known member
I love haze!
. . . and because I love haze, I love haze hybrids.
To me, an infusion of the right haze can improve the quality of high for almost any strain.

Why do I love haze?
There is a magical quality from those old Colombian genetics that brings me right back to 1978, a kid riding home on my bike after smoking some rich Colombian brown, and as the effects started to come on, the energy of natural world opened up around me and connected with my soul like a computer connecting with an unseen wireless network.
I was plugged in!
The radiance of the sun, feeling that energy on my skin.
The light filtering through the tree branches and leaves above me. Sparkling green and gold electricity. Alive and communicating.
The wind not just in my face from pedaling hard, but swirling all around me, alive, and feeding life. Tree branches swaying in the breeze like a dance. I was very much aware of passing THROUGH it. The sound as it whipped past . . . turbulent . . . a signal of progress.
The smells. It was springtime and there were flowers and fresh turned dirt from the farmers field on my right. Asphalt heating up beneath me. All charged to release by the heat of the sun.
My movements were fluid and smooth. My body charged with the energy that surrounded me and that surged within me.
Limitless. Painless. Euphoria.
And that was just the beginning :)
Yeah. Haze does the exact same thing to me now. 40 years later.
When I realized that MNS Haze C and Seedsman's oHaze were pure Colombian that hit me exactly like the Colombian I smoked the first time I got high, I felt like the luckiest guy on earth.
As a grower though, I preferred a different structure, shorter flower times, and I had LOVED the hashy smell and taste of indicas since I grew a bunch of them in '82.
So I have to admit I was afraid of disappointment when I grew a batch of oHaze hybrids I made with pollen from my oHaze male on a bunch of elite cuttings held by a great friend.
Chem D, Chem 4, ECSD, OGkush. These are notoriously potent and smelly indicas. Would my oHaze be lost in the mashup? What kind of effects could I expect?
Growing them was easy enough. The flower time shortened to around 12 weeks. The buds looked amazing, slightly looser than the mothers that made the seeds. Smells somehow altered with a the addition of rich Colombian cocoa earthy spice.
Although each of the 4 hybrids retained the unique character of the mother in taste and effect, they had all been infused with the addition of taste and effects from the oHaze male.
The magic was still in them!
Yeah, the OG x oBoy could blast me to flat line when I first started smoking her, and the others were definitely not as clear headed as the oHaze (electric, amped up, sometimes too much.) But I LIKE the hybrid effect. Like being wrapped in a warm blanket when looking at the stars at night.
After a while, I found that I could handle any of them at any time. Just took "practice" LOL.
It become my daily ritual. Coffee and my hybrids, on the porch with my dog. Experiencing all the magic haze can bring as the sun and wind started their dance with the trees surrounding my yard.

Why make another haze thread?
I am making this thread as a place to come and discuss your favorite haze hybrids. Whether you bred the seeds yourself or got them from another. Bought the flowers or grew them.
This thread is wide open to discuss anything you want about those lines.
I don't even care if you want to come here and explain why PURE haze is better than a hybrid, but if you do, you must do it with respect to other people's preferences.
I would also expect you to make your point once and then let it go. Posting the same old points over and over again is nagging, tiresome, and and a foolish way to try and change anyone's thinking.
If you can't do those things, I'll ask the post killers to do their jobs.
So . . . Haze x NL? SSH? Blue Dream? Haze x Malawi? Haze x Lapis Mountain Indica? Mango, Ghost Train, Johnny Blaze, Nevil's Haze, Amnesia, Titans haze, you name it. Please bring it all here!
Share your pics, share your grows, and share your smoke reports View Image
This thread is the place for you. And everyone else who shares the passion for a great balanced Haze hybrid.
Looking forward to all the great stories and info!

PS: Like they say on youtube, please "Link" "Like" and "Subscribe"

thats a great well written post raho share your sentiments myself nothing like some good herb specially outdoor locally grown to put you in tune with nature even yesterday when out walking the autumn leaves look like florescent art to me scattered all over the floor its like natures amped up all around and your part of it a real treat i didnt even care when my dog pulled me ass over tit into a a pile of mud,, another positive side effect of good herb lol


Well-known member
for me, I medicate with haze based hybrids.

this thread is of great interest to me, very interested in exploring pure haze and the pure sativa haze architype


Well-known member
Wow! Just checking in this morning and the thread is filling up with KILLER flowers!
Forum says I've given too much rep in the last 24 hours . . . I TOTALLY DISAGREE!

Love the comments about effects too.

That Blue Dream x oHaze cross I made was a great hybrid. BlueDream already has HazeC from the SSH, so adding ohaze on top of that really locked in the woody incense and spiritual visionary side of the Haze. I don't have any good closeups of the flowers but the keeper was VERY frosty, like a lot of the great work others are showing in here.
Damn the flavor was so nice. It was one of the best oHaze crosses I did.

The Blue Dream momma of the cross was a 5 pound monster in 100 gallon soft pot on the hill in Mendo.
If you ever get a chance to just sit on the ground on a hilltop in Mendo in autumn and smoke some haze, don't miss it. The feeling that you are where you're supposed to be takes over. There is a sensation that you are setting roots and becoming part of it all. One of the truly magical places in the world. I hope to get back there someday.


Well-known member
So glad you made it Johnny!
That flower is more beautiful than any rose.
Still growing? or have you smoked it already?

Thank's Raho. It's the Pan-o-Haze cut I'm posting all the time. Pistils do turn almost all pink when grown under leds. A versatile plant :biggrin:

Interesting you posted the Blue Dream x OBoy cross, as I was thinking to post pics of my Schnazzle Haze, that afterwards I must say has been something really special. Similar to blue dream but way more exotic with thicker smoke, great high and great potency. The mother I did use, was ultra potent.

(for those who don't know, Schnazzleberry II was a Blueberry BX done by Chimera with DjShorts BB male)

(Oldtimers Haze x Original Haze) x Schnazzleberry II



Well-known member
Thank's Raho. It's the Pan-o-Haze cut I'm posting all the time. Pistils do turn almost all pink when grown under leds. A versatile plant :biggrin:

Interesting you posted the Blue Dream x OBoy cross, as I was thinking to post pics of my Schnazzle Haze, that afterwards I must say has been something really special. Similar to blue dream but way more exotic with thicker smoke, great high and great potency. The mother I did use, was ultra potent.

(for those who don't know, Schnazzleberry II was a Blueberry BX done by Chimera with DjShorts BB male)

(Oldtimers Haze x Original Haze) x Schnazzleberry II

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Does that girl have "wet" resin or dry?
Looks wet to me. Very hazy.

How do you like that OThaze?
I have a cross of OThaze x KCbrains Mango I hope to run some day soon.


Well-known member
Wet :)

I did find a great green OTH pheno in Ace's Purple Haze. It was fast flowering (15-16weeks), had good bud density for a pure Haze and was the only one with terps that reminded me a little the old dutch Haze hybrids. But I didn't like the high. It was to speedy and clear. Pollinated it with my OHaze male. Tried only few seeds and found that ultra potent pheno. It was also damn stinky. Sometimes after smoking people did ask to open windows as they were feeling bad by the cold smoke or smell that remained in the air.

Here a smoke report I did post some time ago. No pics of the plant unfortunately.

Few years ago, a good old friend asked to roll a joint with my "old hippie weed" (he meant my Seedsman Original Hazes).

I said "Old hippie weed??? take this and we'll see if you will call it like that again" and gave him a cross of 2 pure Hazes.

When he started smoking I asked: "and?"
He (laughing) said "hippie weed as usual"
I "smoke slowly my friend or you will regret it"
(he laughing loud) "I'm older than you, I have smoked the best hazes ever ... bla bla"

10min later he got pale and opened all the windows and doors to "get rid of the haze smell" he said.

I asked: "Thought you love the haze smell??? Do you need something sugary my friend?"

"No, I'm fine!!" (no laughing this time)

5mins later he fled out of the (his) house, without saying anything. His phone still on the table. We thought he was on toilet or in the garden. But he wasn't there.
All the windows and doors still open.

45min later (we began worrying about him), he came back and I asked: "And? the hippie weed?"

With a big grin he answered "Man I had to go, I needed to breathe fresh air, sorry"