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The Haze discussion thread

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star crash

We Will Get By ... We Will Survive
ICMag Donor
I honestly would have culled them too.
Those are repro lines and do require some selection.
But being very inbred, the best ones are easy to find, if you use enough seeds.
And of course I do recommend Seedsman OH to everybody. But you need to be flexible.At least if it is from my lines. Or you have better to use Todds who has kept the quick OH phenos I did not use.

And Mac's OH x THH is a great cross... The other day I did post the purple THH pheno.
Below Golli pheno, almost identic to pure Golli 90s OH.

My Seedsman accidentals produced some nice Haze plants, as you saw:huggy:I couldn’t distinguish them from the originals that you sent me I do believe they breed true

star crash

We Will Get By ... We Will Survive
ICMag Donor
Just a try to lighten the mood I hope nobody gets offended because I’m one of them

star crash

We Will Get By ... We Will Survive
ICMag Donor
Here’s an example of the Seedsman Original Haze that was derived from Johnny Chicago’s gift to me ..these are currently be grown out by “unique flower 4”



Now to HPS and MH.

It dose not change the light spectrum but more shrinks it.

I have never heard of any one dimming a HPS or MH or these grow lights even having a dimming option on the lights.

I have a e ballasts that operates both mh and hps. I can set it to 250w,400w, 430w (iirc) and 600 watts. Plus a "boost" mode that provides a little more than 600w.
my buddy actually has a 315 cmh that dims.
They are starting to be not as rare


Sorry, I didn't see the pics of the new ballasts when I posted.
I've noticed since the new site "upgrade" I sometimes miss whole pages of threads.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Why would i look Bad Hammer i had my hair cut and i have my new Ford Performance T shit on.

You dont agree on Defoliation fine and you dont agree on a thing i post regarding sativas in or out doors fine also.

But Your the guy that firstly had issues growing the Haze and then culled your haze not me.

So before you try and judge me or any others in here take a look at your self Mr not perfect.

If you want to escalate this conversation be my guest but take it to pm.

Leave your drama else were no one wants it or needs it here.

It's best to just add you to ignore.. The only Drama that ever happens in here is caused by you. The best way any can help you is to not agree with your BS. It won't end here with me, tomorrow you will do it again with someone else. When anyone cant admit when wrong I have no need to discuss anything with them. Added to Ignore!
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...como el Son...
todds haze pheno 7 currently at 20 weeks 2 days

Pero yo creo que quizá ha sucedido algo durante esas supuestas 20 semanas que llevas en floración que ha echo que la planta no las haya aprovechado, no?

But I think that maybe something has happened during those supposed 20 weeks that you have been flowering that has made the plant has not taken advantage of them, could it be?


Well-known member
Pero yo creo que quizá ha sucedido algo durante esas supuestas 20 semanas que llevas en floración que ha echo que la planta no las haya aprovechado, no?

But I think that maybe something has happened during those supposed 20 weeks that you have been flowering that has made the plant has not taken advantage of them, could it be?

always possible with me at the controls lol...in this case yes you maybe right as i re used soil ,,i have another cut looks like it ll finish quicker


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Looks like the site got some stuff changed today.. It's acting weird. Fonts are all different, take a few sec to populate the pages.

I didn't realize Hammer culled his long-legged hazes; I was looking forward to seeing how they'd turn out. I have one of OJD's outback haze crosses with buds exploding at 16 weeks and the entire plant still covered in white pistils. She'll go 20+ weeks if I can keep her alive. I do believe the most special effects are unique to the longest-flowering sativas.

At 140 days there just wasn't anything that would be worthy to keep going. It wasn't what I consider quality weed.

This HK X THH seedling looks so freaky with that loooog ass finger LOL.

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...como el Son...
Here’s an example of the Seedsman Original Haze that was derived from Johnny Chicago’s gift to me ..these are currently be grown out by “unique flower 4”

Sí señor, mi Patrón. Y encima las iniciaste en exterior.
​ ​ Yo también voy a cultivar está próxima temporada de exterior 2022 una Original Haze de las que me regaló (entre tantas otras semillas que de germinar todas casi no me quedan años de vida y cultivo exterior para poder probarlas, je) MadMac (Mad, a ver si acabo la cosecha de la aceituna y puedo ir a enviarte el embutido de cerdo negro ibérico que tienes prometido). No sé si son de las que vienen de Sam "The Skunk man" y Seedsman directamente, o de las que han pasado por la selección previa de Golli o de JohnnyChicago . La pienso cultivar en exterior y directamente en el suelo (tierra madre) y "a pelo" (sin invernadero) en mi cerro de Sierra Morena a casi 900 metros de altitud, 400 kilómetros al interior de la costa, y 39°N. Me he animado viendo que parece ser más temprana, incluso varias semanas, que la OldTimer's Haze que es más conocida por mi país. A ver si con un poco de suerte este verano puedo meter a sestear a una pocas cabras a su sombra...
Por supuesto que no pienso embarrar este profundo hilo con fotos de mis cultivos O.Haze u OldTimer's Haze; no vaya a ser que os despiste y no consigais, por mi culpita culpa, aún, dilucidar, ni aún preguntando a Sam The Skunkman, si la O.Haze es un cóctel exclusivo de colombianas o si también lleva savia del Sur o Sureste asiático.... Eso sí, sea como sea, intentaré que sea sinsemilla, quejque es el término correcto, je, je, je...

Salud a espuertas para tod@s!

Yes sir, my Patron. And on top of that you started them outdoors.
I'm also going to grow this next outdoor season 2022 an Original Haze that MadMac (Mad, let's see if I finish the olive harvest and I can send you the Iberian black pork sausage that you have promised) gave me (among so many other seeds that if I germinate all of them I almost don't have years of life and outdoor growing to try them, heh). I don't know if they are the ones that come from Sam "The Skunk man" and Seedsman directly, or the ones that have gone through the previous selection of Golli or JohnnyChicago .

I plan to grow it outdoors and directly in the ground (mother earth) and "bareback" (no greenhouse) in my hill of Sierra Morena at almost 900 meters altitude, 400 kilometers inland from the coast, and 39°N. I was encouraged to see that it seems to be earlier, even several weeks, than the OldTimer's Haze which is better known in my country. Let's see if with a bit of luck this summer I can put a few goats to siesta in its shade...

Of course I will not muddy this deep thread with photos of my O.Haze or OldTimer's Haze crops; lest I mislead you and you do not manage, through my guilt, to elucidate, not even asking Sam The Skunkman, if the O.Haze is an exclusive cocktail of Colombian or if it also has sap from South or Southeast Asia.... Anyway, I'll try to make it sinsemilla, which is the correct term, heh, heh, heh...

Cheers to all of you!


Well-known member
I didn't realize Hammer culled his long-legged hazes; I was looking forward to seeing how they'd turn out. I have one of OJD's outback haze crosses with buds exploding at 16 weeks and the entire plant still covered in white pistils. She'll go 20+ weeks if I can keep her alive. I do believe the most special effects are unique to the longest-flowering sativas.

Looks absolutely fantastic wow


The Haze Whisperer
I honestly would have culled them too.
Those are repro lines and do require some selection.
But being very inbred, the best ones are easy to find, if you use enough seeds.
And of course I do recommend Seedsman OH to everybody. But you need to be flexible.At least if it is from my lines. Or you have better to use Todds who has kept the quick OH phenos I did not use.

And Mac's OH x THH is a great cross... The other day I did post the purple THH pheno.

I would of run them to harvest Johnny as that's the only way you would truly know how each plant would smoke.

All Haze is reproduction even the seed Sam has stored is reproduction seed. The seed sold in Holland was reproduction seed and even the seed Nevil got was reproduction Haze apart from maybe the seeds labeled 69. The Haze F1s made would now be over 50 years old if not older and not even the creators would still have them.

Going by what Sam had posted the Haze brothers were not breeders they were growers and like all growers they made seed with their best plants for the following year and struck gold. No haze after the original F1s were F1 they were ether inbreed or out crossed.

All the Haze lines i have grown the longest flowering plants are what i end up selecting.

No sativa really shines until until towards maturity.


The Haze Whisperer
It's best to just add you to ignore.. The only Drama that ever happens in here is caused by you. The best way any can help you is to not agree with your BS. It won't end here with me, tomorrow you will do it again with someone else. When anyone cant admit when wrong I have no need to discuss anything with them. Added to Ignore!

I can still see your post and still see your insults towards me Hammer .

I really dont like your attitude Hammer so keep me out of your responses please.


...como el Son...
I didn't realize Hammer culled his long-legged hazes; I was looking forward to seeing how they'd turn out. I have one of OJD's outback haze crosses with buds exploding at 16 weeks and the entire plant still covered in white pistils. She'll go 20+ weeks if I can keep her alive. I do believe the most special effects are unique to the longest-flowering sativas.

Qué bonita... He visto fotos muy parecidas de Doradas de Santa Marta (Colombian Gold'72), Puntos Rojos (Colombian Red), y de Jamaican Lambreds cultivadas en interior...

How beautiful... I've seen very similar photos of Doradas de Santa Marta (Colombian Gold'72), Puntos Rojos (Colombian Red), and Jamaican Lambsbreads grown indoors...

Qué la disfrutes con mucha salud!
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