Budz Lightyear
RIP Franco. Thanks for the contribution 

Here is a very interesting genetic study. It seems to prove that nevils haze plants are primordial come from se asia and represent a genotype so rare and different it constitutes a seperate clade from nld and wld known as se asian nld. A phylogenetic neighbor joining graph compares alleles encoding for different allozymes and their frequency. The nevil haze used is the greenhouse clone which is available as s1 feminized but appears to be a valid f1 of a52a x c
Here is the link for the graphic and for the full article from 2015 by sawler. There is also another article by lynch which grouped haze hybrids, east African, and se asian in another seperate clade . These clades point towards contribution from Japan korea and Northern China. Cbg and cannabigerol monomethyl ether seem to be good markers for this seperate clade as well.
Graphics only- https://tandf.figshare.com/articles/...bis_i_/4805497
the second graphic includes less strains from a different study but still places nevil haze progeny in a seperate se asian clade. Different enzymes were searched for in the second study so they could only compare the strains both studies included. The cycle graphic is a little confusing but it clearly shows se asian nld 2 is wedged between nld1 and east asian broad leaf hemp. Interesting thing about blh is that yes it is lower in thc, but also has little cbd sometimes. It is often found with high levels of cbc which have an increased modulating effect on thc, sticks on receptors longer. Trainwreck is the other dtrain usually in these 2nd clades which is well known to have a lowland thai progenitor. Check it out
Thats how the orginals used to behave...under certain conditions all the tops of the buds would start reveging.....alot of the futher worked stuff got worked an addapted to grow better indoors an have more bud an alot less leaves....did you totally scrap the difficult ones or back them up to try later maybe ?
Strains are and have been preserved the problem lye's with corporate cannabis and the cannabis industry and their hunger to control and own things they have no right to.
Why should any grower that has for many decades preserved genetics openly throw them around to people they dont know to see others cash in from them and others like corporate cannabis take ownership of them.
People share with friends yes its not perfect and yes it sucks but that is the reality of things.
If the breeder shares openly then there is very little room for others to cash in. It is only the scarcity created by the original breeder that allows others to cash in.
Blaming corporate cannabis for is a red herring. A breeder holding back to keep his market share is no different than a corporation seeking to control their brand, it is greed at the end of the day.
Hoarding is not preservation. Preservation would involve establishing multiple repositories and documenting lineage.
Corporate cannabis is all about control and ownership and breeders work is always being ripped off.
How is a breeder protecting his parental lines from his or her competitors the same as Big Cannabis placing patents on genetics ?.
Preserving genetics involves collecting reproducing and correctly storing genetics and shearing them with your friends. Making fresh seed and keeping the genetics safe for decades is my definition of preservation.
Wish I had one todd male. None in the first few got a few packs for laters.
Here is some cool stuff ... So bt/bt would be nld/sensimilla cultivars. Bt/bd would represent hash/resin cultivars and bd/bd fiber or seed/oil cultivars..
I thought "sensimilla" simply means flower without seed/unpolinated cannabis? Has that changed now too?