The other day was brutal regarding winds here in SoCO. The turkeys, geese and chickens spent most of the day under cover of bushes. Wind starting to rip again and strong cloud cover.60 mph straight line winds here. Thank god for not overloading the soil with K cause that lets me spray ksil.
Get them to send me as much Rejuvenate , HumaCarb , Spectrum Extra , and Pepzyme C as it will take to correct the soil.
Pick up some Albion Ca+B and Ca and use these weekly or bi weekly to head off any problems with too much K.
I'm going to contact a lab today to see if they will do tissue nutrient analysis on cannabis in CA. If they do I'll post the info so we can start getting things really dialed. We are missing the most important step at the moment and as scientific I as we want to play it until we start tissue testing it's still mostly hippie meter. But my faith is strong ...
If your lab tells you they won't accept cannabis, just label the bag as hops…