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I'm not too worried about the ph of the water. Never ran into ouydoor ph problems before. I added a little dolomite to the mix this year so that sorta sets my mind at ease too. I'll be sure to test it though, and adjust accordingly if need be.


Did some transplanting into the real mix today so they should begin to take off in the next few weeks with their new root space.

Here's a few bigger ones that went into flower early but seem to be recovering slowly but surely.

And a new spot that gets a lot of sun and is very close to a running stream. Perfect pump spot except it's fairly close to an interstate. Only brought 4 out there, the whack pack. We'll see what happens.

Questions, comments, criticism, etc.
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ICMag Donor
Lookin good, LB! Wish you luck! They've got a good start, nothing can stop them now! :canabis:


Mourning the loss of my dog......
And a new spot that gets a lot of sun and is very close to a running stream. Perfect pump spot except it's fairly close to an interstate. Only brought 4 out there, the whack pack. We'll see what happens.

Questions, comments, criticism, etc.
Is that a car on the interstate I see in the middle left hand of this pic? And are those Cactus I see?

Looking sweet! This thread will be a destination for me all summer long, can't wait! :lurk:


Pipeline, Gasgan
Thanks for hangin' around, should be updating weekly now.

Yup, cactus and cars. Shot about 15 pics before I could get one that shows perspective. There's a bigger cactus patch just to the right out of picture. I plan on sticking the pots all up in there to prevent animal damage (deer, rabbits, rats, etc.)


ICMag Donor
Good luck LB...should be interesting to watch this summer...*pulls up a chair* ...thanks for sharing this with us :D


ring that bell
ICMag Donor
Looks like you got all the bases covered, LB. Grabbing a chair now before this place is SRO, lol! :lurk:
Best wishes that all your hard work pays off big time! :D:yes:


Nice..I'll be checking this one out too...thx for including us.
What are some of your first round draft choices you speak of? Peace..BL


Wholy shit lord B....Yer fuckin ballsy..That's like 50-100feet from the highway:confused:....What happens when they get big?

I planted really close to a road last year...It was quite stressful.


You and I have very similar environment's.....Looking at some of yer flicks reeeeeallly remind me of my site's..

Are you in the southwest US?

Check these out, tell me if they look simmilar to your area.

Hey, that's what guerilla is all about. I put mine inbetween a road and a golf course. Can't really see cars from the spot but the golf course is in view. I've never had any over 4 feet so it wasn't really an issue. Leaving them in pots is always risky, the only one I ever left in a pot was stolen. Good luck!


Hey everyone, still alive and kickin'.
Sorry, no pictures to post this time. Most of the clones we brought out ended up flowering so I cut them back to the first few nodes and harvested the rest. We'll see if they revert back into vegative growth or not. Meanwhile I culled 7 males out of the seeds we brought out and I'm now left with about eight or nine confirmed females from the seed genetics. Also, the summer drought is about here and I just discovered that my water pump is broken so I still have an empty rain barrel. It gets around 90F daily now and the water crystals are saving my ass.... highly recommended.

Mrs. Babba
Honor to have ya in the thread. Looking forward to hangin' out in the Babba thread soon. Oh and thank you for sharing with us ;) ;)

The first round that we brought out is an unknown local strain that's being phased out of the mother room. Good pot, just nothing very special. It does yield quite well. The seeds got all mixed up along the way but consist of Kush crosses, Oriental Express, SSH, etc. Bogglegum, Sensi Star, and ECSD clones are also waiting in the wings....

Fast Pine
Cool pics but it doesn't look too familiar. I'd kill to grow near a river like that but I live in central Texas so water is pretty much few and far between.
I guess when the plants get big I'll start to get paranoid but I've always had good luck with spots like this. It'd be very hard to spot from the road, even if you weren't doing 50 mph.

Highlighter and Trichome Kid
Thanks for the good words! I'll try and snap some new pics soon.


Looking great man.. Plants are doing nice and look healthy. Do yourself a favor and prune the rest.


Lord Benis, looks like you and I are fighting the same soil, centex here also. I had two grows, but lost one to the recent rains that we have been having. good luck with the grow, looking forward to see what turns up.
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Man I am sorry I have been missin out on this grow! Dude you are INSANE!!! lol I live in cali(obviously) and when I think about growing even indoors in texas I feel sketched out!!!! haha thats nuts man, at first I thought you were crazy for growing near that interstate, now I know your crazy for doing it in texas near an interstate!!! But hey man, MAD MAD PROPS if you get these bitches in bags. They are lookin real sweet, you with a couple buddies? Those three backpacks are exactly what we are doing this weekend! The plants we took out to our plot on the first trip were all bent over and crammed like yours...I was scared they would get stressed, but from seeing yours I'm hopeful to get some females! Well man, good luck, I'll pray for some rain. PEACE!!!


Joint Date: Today.
dig a hole and put them in the ground brother! or get bigger containers! we wanna see them explode !

good luck!


Active member
Heh, heh, heh, didn't know you were a TEXAN! :crazy: :smoke:

As a former Texan myself long since transplanted, how do you like growin out there? I visit relatives in east Texas and San Antonio and wonder how those environments would fair. East Texas can be really lush. Houston seems way too humid, but I’m sure someone’s figured that out.

Looking forward to watching this one go...

Happy growing - Butte


Well fellas I got good news and bad news....
The bad news is that my plants are seriously gimped out. We've been getting tons of rain this summer, hasn't stopped for about a month now! I fear my soil mix is staying too wet and perhaps locking out nutrients. I believe we may have gone overboard trying to amend the soil this year. For now on I'm gonna stick with what works for me;
1 part peat
1 part perlite
1/2 part earthworm castings
This mix seems to work very well in my central Texas climate provided that they're watered regularly and dosed a few times throughout the season.
Which brings us to the good news....

I finally got a new water pump! I went all out and got a Honda GX-25, it's a four cycle gas powered pump. I broke my 12 volt last season running it for too long unattended. I haven't been able to fill my reservoirs since and consequently my outdoor activity has suffered. But no more! I took her out the other day and this baby fills my 55 gallon res in 7-8 minutes! My old 12 volt would take an hour to do this! So the plan is to bring out a few elites from inside and let them finish up outdoors. We can usually grow until mid-December down here before we have to worry about the cold so there's still some time. Wish me luck!

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