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The Great Awakening

Is the Great Awakening happening?

  • Yes

    Votes: 16 39.0%
  • No

    Votes: 21 51.2%
  • Not Sure

    Votes: 4 9.8%

  • Total voters


Active member
The ghost of Epstein lives in the GOP.

The Wyoming Republican Party is seeking to kill a bill working its way through the state Legislature proposing to raise the state's legal marriage age to 16, arguing that putting "arbitrary" limits on child marriage interferes with parental rights and religious liberty.


Active member
The ghost of Epstein lives in the GOP.

The Wyoming Republican Party is seeking to kill a bill working its way through the state Legislature proposing to raise the state's legal marriage age to 16, arguing that putting "arbitrary" limits on child marriage interferes with parental rights and religious liberty.

GOP hiding behind "religion" to keep their pedo ways. Sick MF.

But yet they focus on Sam Smith

moose eater

Well-known member
who/what is Q?

Apparently some in-the-flesh, omniscient being with their hand on the pulse of all things to come socially and/or politically. Able to read investigators' intentions before they themselves know what they're going to do. A being that utilizes the spirit and (dare I say?) soul of the Orange Great Trumpkin himself, in ways even Trump has no clue are about to occur.

A being focused on pupulist world peace and neo-Kumbaya-ism, providing that peace and Kumbaya-ism isn't equally delivered or shared to the LGBTQ, Brown People, Black people, or others deemed less worthy by the MAGAt crowd.. despite their denials of any such biases..

What/who is Q? He's the entity that lives inside my Magic 8-Ball and my Ouija Board.. or among the dust bunnies under my bed, where I haven't cleaned in a LONG time.



The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor

Three Berries

Active member
Q is a Military operation that originally started with 10 military and three civilian in 2015. The idea has been around since JFKs assassination.

The goal is to awaken the people to the corruption and control of the elites over our governments which has been going on for millennia in some form or another. The Deep State is the enabler.

Much technology has been hidden and much that we now know as truth is not.


Well-known member
Q is a Military operation that originally started with 10 military and three civilian in 2015. The idea has been around since JFKs assassination.

The goal is to awaken the people to the corruption and control of the elites over our governments which has been going on for millennia in some form or another. The Deep State is the enabler.

I’m Now A Believer: Q Is A Real US Military Intelligence Operation Fighting Off A Globalist Coup​

by Michael Suede • October 17, 2020​

1/13/2021 – I wrote this back in October, it still remains a popular post. I think at this point it is clear that Q is a government psyop. It put out a lot of disinformation. It’s possible, although unlikely, that Trump was in on it. Trump’s Twitter feed has a delay on it that intel agencies could exploit to pull this psyop off without Trump’s direct approval. Very sad for the nation.
I believe this psyop was run to reduce the likelihood of direct action by the public at large, and it was created to demonize any politicians who stepped out of line. If people believe the military is going to take action against the very clear criminal behavior of the political class, they are less likely to organize to do something about it on their own.
This is also true of the Barr/Durham investigation, which never actually looked into anything. It’s purpose was to placate people by making them think something was being done about the corruption. Robert Barnes, a lawyer who actively worked with the Trump campaign, noted that there was none of the typical legal chatter that comes with an active investigation, meaning that there was/is no investigation actually taking place. It’s all a show.
Further, while it is true that the vast majority of the military supports Trump, less than half of those in senior career positions do, making it unlikely that the military would ever actually do what Q suggests. This data comes to us from Military Times polling, which looked at service members with an average age of 39.

I never really looked too deeply into the Q-Anon movement before. For starters, it didn’t strike me as providing anything all that useful. It just seemed like a bunch of conspiracy theorists claiming crazy shit that had no real impact on anything one way or the other. Well, after recently seeing the media begin coming unglued over Trump refusing to disavow the Q movement, I decided I would poke around and see what I could learn; which is when I managed to find this gem of a video.



Well-known member
Do you people get notifications of post in this thread? I don't so it delays my responding as I have to come searching for it..


i made a post a month or so ago regarding me being shadow banned from this thread.

im not mad about it because this site has the right to moderate the content any way they choose to, as does every public forum.

it could be a result of a guy posting in this thread around a year ago that made a thread asking how to delete his account because sometimes he feels like shooting people. i told him to quit visiting the tokers den and this thread.


Three Berries

Active member

i made a post a month or so ago regarding me being shadow banned from this thread.

im not mad about it because this site has the right to moderate the content any way they choose to, as does every public forum.

it could be a result of a guy posting in this thread around a year ago that made a thread asking how to delete his account because sometimes he feels like shooting people. i told him to quit visiting the tokers den and this thread.

Yes the same. I was just wondering.


Well-known member
Q is a Military operation that originally started with 10 military and three civilian in 2015. The idea has been around since JFKs assassination.

Military Psyops are not legal to be done on domestic audiences.

The goal is to awaken the people to the corruption and control of the elites over our governments which has been going on for millennia in some form or another. The Deep State is the enabler.

im not against rooting out the corruption and control by elites but thats not what it looks like to me. it looks like Q is motivating people and pointing to the Left as the enemy.

Q and the believers should root out the corruption within first.....and claiming someone is RHINO / Never Trumper or Deep State Actor just because they admitted that Trump lost to Biden shows me that Q's intentions are not what they claim.

Much technology has been hidden and much that we now know as truth is not.

i agree that much technology has been hidden and that much of what You now believe is truth is not.


Three Berries

Active member
Military Psyops are not legal to be done on domestic audiences.

im not against rooting out the corruption and control by elites but thats not what it looks like to me. it looks like Q is motivating people and pointing to the Left as the enemy.

Q and the believers should root out the corruption within first.....and claiming someone is RHINO / Never Trumper or Deep State Actor just because they admitted that Trump lost to Biden shows me that Q's intentions are not what they claim.

i agree that much technology has been hidden and that much of what You now believe is truth is not.

Yet the DoD was behind Covid.....