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The Great Awakening

Is the Great Awakening happening?

  • Yes

    Votes: 16 39.0%
  • No

    Votes: 21 51.2%
  • Not Sure

    Votes: 4 9.8%

  • Total voters


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor

There is no wafer of CO2. Yes, they are lying. They are lying about the temperature in Death Valley surpassing all time records. They had to fraudulently invalidate the scientific record. They are liars and there is no wafer. Heat simply thins out the CO2. It rises up and then falls back down at a speed determined by the rate at which it cools.

I was looking at a candle last night. It was a tea light type of candle. they area around the wick was a pool of melted wax. In the wax were many tiny flecks of ash, either from my joint or from the burning wick of the candle. I noticed that the ashes were caught in a current in which they were drawn toward the wick and flame as the candle pulled the wax fuel up the column of the flame. As the ashes met the base of the wick the high heat and associated pressure blasted the ashes back away from the wick and this kept repeating over and over. The ash would rush toward the wick and then be repelled from the wick, only to rush right back to the wick, over and over again. It made me realize that this is a fairly good model for experimentation to show my CO2 understanding. The ash is repelled from a central radiant heat source and reaches it's pinnacle distance away from the candle's wick only to be drawn back through the current of wax fuel which is being vaporized and rising very rapidly through the candle's flame (a side note). The current of "wax pull" loosely approximates the force of gravity on a small particle (the ash nor CO2). And if the mainstream climate narrative about CO2 were true, then the ash particles movement should theoretically accelerate and the temperature of the wax would cease to be stable, it would rise.

The reason I bring up a grow room or grow tent is that the answer is "no, temps will not rise if you add CO2." This is not insignificant. I read about CO2 in Jorge Cervantez' books and I seem to recall reading, in his well cited books, of a study that he mentioned in which CO2 levels were measured over a corn field and, if I recall correctly, a corn field has roughly 50% less CO2 right above it than an acre of non planted earth. These books came out before the climate change narrative became mainstream. Also, Jorge's books talked about how CO2 is only usable by plants to a certain point and in order for the plant to absorb more CO2 or increase the rate of absorption, THE TEMPERATURE MUST BE RAISED HIGHER. This is very important for understanding climate change and CO2 on a global scale. The earth has the laws of thermodynamics and physics to protect against CO2 becoming hot, but it also has natural biological preventative measures as well. So, if the temps do rise for any reason the plants (think: amazon and evergreen tundra) can compensate on any excessive CO2 load (not saying CO2 would cause temps to rise).

The fact that "fighting climate change" means cutting and burning down the amazon so that we can grow biofuel which still combusts and creates CO2, is completely insane and just shows that the climate fraud pushers are outright grifting one of the biggest global grifts mankind has ever known.

There is no magical CO2 wafer in the sky and temps wont rise in your grow tent if you add CO2.

It has bupkis to do with CO2 raising temperatures. That is one of the dumbest hypotheses ever presented. Your thoughts do not address the co-mingling of gases in the upper atmosphere.

In effect, your first paragraphs are 'nanananana - I can't hear you'. They have nothing to do with what I stated.

It appears that you are so caught up in what you perceive as some scam presented by a fictitious enemy that you miss the true enemy and thoughtful consideration of the elements and their behavior.

BTW I have no idea what this is about; "The fact that "fighting climate change" means cutting and burning down the amazon so that we can grow biofuel which still combusts and creates CO2, is completely insane and just shows that the climate fraud pushers are outright grifting one of the biggest global grifts mankind has ever known."

Also BTW Jorge Cervantez????!!!!!!!

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Nothing's happening Hempy.... i think you need to go and do some more perinium sunning....

Harness good, block bad Hempy


Woah, I thought I was the only one who does that! The neighbors tend to get all bent out of shape about it, though. It's not my fault they live south of me..

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Are you talking about this?

MAGA-Branded 'Freedom Phone' Is a Black Box That Should Be Avoided at All Costs

I don't know if this "freedom phone" is related, or not, to the 'criminal sting phone.' I had not heard of this. It's interesting. So, thanks for posting. While reading the article from Gizmodo, there was one sentence that really stuck out for me:

"Like a random handgun, the phone should be treated as if it were loaded and dangerous because we simply don’t know what’s in the chamber."

Why not take the same precautionary approach with the Emergency Use Authorized COVID-19 injections??

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Apparently Trump and Bill O’Reilly Are Having A Hard Time Getting People To Pay To Watch Them Bloviate Together On Stage

Have there been any past instances of 'nevertrumper' fuckery over Trump event ticket sales? I seem to recall at least a few. And then there is the fake news coverage. I had saved a tweet that showed a drone view of the protests over the vaccine in Greece and Twitter had taken it down. The Deep State wants people to think that the narratives and empty platitudes that they push are representative of the majority opinion, by censoring and dismissing and attacking (marginalizing) the true majority. ...But, that's why we have election audits :)

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
It has bupkis to do with CO2 raising temperatures. That is one of the dumbest hypotheses ever presented. Your thoughts do not address the co-mingling of gases in the upper atmosphere.

In effect, your first paragraphs are 'nanananana - I can't hear you'. They have nothing to do with what I stated.

It appears that you are so caught up in what you perceive as some scam presented by a fictitious enemy that you miss the true enemy and thoughtful consideration of the elements and their behavior.

BTW I have no idea what this is about; "The fact that "fighting climate change" means cutting and burning down the amazon so that we can grow biofuel which still combusts and creates CO2, is completely insane and just shows that the climate fraud pushers are outright grifting one of the biggest global grifts mankind has ever known."

Also BTW Jorge Cervantez????!!!!!!!

The co-mingling of gasses in the atmosphere (hi or low) is exactly what I'm talking about. So, I'm glad you brought it up. Obviously, the atmosphere is denser at lower elevations. The volume of the atmosphere is larger the higher you go because the planet is semi-spherical. This is my entire point. The higher the temp, the faster the CO2 molecules will rise. The atmosphere is known to be less dense the higher you go. Less density means less pressure which means less heat.

I think the one saying "nanananana, I can't hear you" is you.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Nothing will change in the government for the better of US citizens.As General Nilly said "we are the ones with the guns".Until Americans join together and unite like Cuba is attempting, nothing good will come of anything,and the country will widen it's divide.
There's already polls out on how people feel about dividing the states.Not a great look to the rest of the world I'd imagine.


Well-known member
What's going on in Cuba is an astroturfed CIA backed revolution attempt to overthrow the Cuban government. The anti commie protesters are the minority of a larger pro commie movement lol. The power of western propaganda makes it look the opposite.


Well-known member
Rich white skin Cubans (who usually come to the US) are often the descendents of land and slave owning fascist Batista supporters or sympathizers.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Nothing will change in the government for the better of US citizens.As General Nilly said "we are the ones with the guns".Until Americans join together and unite like Cuba is attempting, nothing good will come of anything,and the country will widen it's divide.
There's already polls out on how people feel about dividing the states.Not a great look to the rest of the world I'd imagine.

My friends, the times, they are, uh... changing.

In order to prevent a civil war and foreign invasion, we have THE GREAT AWAKENING.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
What's going on in Cuba is an astroturfed CIA backed revolution attempt to overthrow the Cuban government. The anti commie protesters are the minority of a larger pro commie movement lol. The power of western propaganda makes it look the opposite.

I'm thinking the bad actors in CIA want Castro in power. Seems like most mainstream (Deep State) opinion is pro Castro and against the protesters. Even BLM doesn't seem to care that protesters are being brutalized. Everyone blames US. But, these same people deny that BLM is founded by rogue intelligence agencies and partnerships. They tend to deny the CIA's role in the Maidan Massacre in Ukraine and psy-ops in Syria (both, very well documented) and Deny the existence of a Deep State, in general.

With so much action going on (politically) all around the world lately, it is hard to keep up and dig deep into each thing. So, I haven't even been able to get into the whole Cuban issue. I did notice the incredible hypocrisy of the Biden admin telling Cubans not to come, but being so in favor of the migrant caravans coming through the southern border. I suppose this could all be organized, in part, by the CIA, but if so, it might be for legitimately good reasons (strategically) for the US and Cuba. ...But, I'm not really in a position to say at this point.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
My friends, the times, they are, uh... changing.

In order to prevent a civil war and foreign invasion, we have THE GREAT AWAKENING.

We're due for something on a mass scale fo sure.
Maybe I'm just paranoid, but then again that doesn't mean I'm not being watched. 👁

If I were a foreign advisory,this would be the administration,and time.I don't think America would rally around our troops,a good portion would prolly enjoy watching it burn , as evidenced recently.


Well-known member
I'm thinking the bad actors in CIA want Castro in power.
you can literally read the declassified state department papers from like 1960's where the cia basically said the cuban people love castro so we have to find out ways to make them not love him any more. they've quite literally been trying ever since to overthrow the government so they can install some puppet neoliberal no doubt just as they do in south america.

just recently the CIA infiltrated the Cuban rap scene in Cuba to try and get a prominent anti communist youth movement started so they can try and do a revolution/coup.

Seems like most mainstream (Deep State) opinion is pro Castro and against the protesters.
lol huh? even AOC is pushing anti commie messages. you have to understand both parties, the cia, the bankers, the deep state, etc are all CAPITALIST. they stomp down socialism and communism every chance they get. the deep state is the unaccountable, covert, lawless arm that usually spearheads these types of clandestine coup attempts. they quite literally financially back dictators and fascists in favor over any sort of worker/labor/socialist movement in these countries.

Even BLM doesn't seem to care that protesters are being brutalized. Everyone blames US. But, these same people deny that BLM is founded by rogue intelligence agencies and partnerships. They tend to deny the CIA's role in the Maidan Massacre in Ukraine and psy-ops in Syria (both, very well documented) and Deny the existence of a Deep State, in general.
i haven't seen much information about the cuban protests being violent. in fact i've seen a lot of the opposite. maybe i missed something though.

With so much action going on (politically) all around the world lately, it is hard to keep up and dig deep into each thing. So, I haven't even been able to get into the whole Cuban issue. I did notice the incredible hypocrisy of the Biden admin telling Cubans not to come, but being so in favor of the migrant caravans coming through the southern border. I suppose this could all be organized, in part, by the CIA, but if so, it might be for legitimately good reasons (strategically) for the US and Cuba. ...But, I'm not really in a position to say at this point.

my understanding is the west is amplifying the anti commie protests to make it look like cuba is falling apart but meanwhile there are way larger movements and protests being done by the "pro commie" side. same thing they do in venezuela and the rest of latin america, syria with the assad gas attacks, and probably the hong kong protests where they were all waving american flags.

when foreign protesters are waving the american flag and the entire establishment is on the same side of this issue, you know some shady shit is afoot. likely an astroturf coup to try and take over cuba like they've been trying since the 1960's.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
I wonder what percentage fought to free them.

I'm back with the answer: 6.77%

US population during Civil War: 31,443,321

Population of the Union army: 2,128,948

Looks like the US is not a racist country, But is in fact, a ANTI-RACIST country.

2% of the population had slaves. Gee, why does that remind me of the current state of wealth inequality??

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
you can literally read the declassified state department papers from like 1960's where the cia basically said the cuban people love castro so we have to find out ways to make them not love him any more. they've quite literally been trying ever since to overthrow the government so they can install some puppet neoliberal no doubt just as they do in south america.

just recently the CIA infiltrated the Cuban rap scene in Cuba to try and get a prominent anti communist youth movement started so they can try and do a revolution/coup.

The CIA has many, many factions, and there are many subtle changes in the world that people tend to miss. There is a covert battle within the CIA itself and many incidents are 'worked' from both sides. Think of a storm in which hot air mixes with cold air and creates a hurricane. It is hard to look at the hurricane and tell which is he hot air and which is the cold air (not saying it can't be done).

But, speaking of CIA invading the Cuban rap scene.. it reminds me.. Have you seen this dope new jam?

Vax That Thang Up