Deep state feds Falling apart...clean up isle 5
FBI Special Agent Who Opened Trump Investigation Has Been Escorted out of Bureau Headquarters - Becker News
FBI agent accused of political bias, suppressing Hunter Biden laptop leaves the bureau
FBI Special Agent Who Opened Trump Investigation Has Been Escorted out of Bureau Headquarters - Becker News

FBI Special Agent Who Opened Trump Investigation Has Been Escorted out of Bureau Headquarters
An FBI Special Agent who has a track record of mishandling politically sensitive investigations has resigned and was escorted out of the bureau’s headquarters, according to reports surfacing on Monday afternoon. “A senior FBI official in the bureau’s Washington field office has abruptly resigned...

FBI agent accused of political bias, suppressing Hunter Biden laptop leaves the bureau

FBI agent accused of political bias, suppressing Hunter Biden laptop leaves the bureau
The FBI agent who was accused of bias in the bureau's handling of its investigation into Hunter Biden's laptop has resigned, Fox News has learned.
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