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The Great Awakening

Is the Great Awakening happening?

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    Votes: 16 39.0%
  • No

    Votes: 21 51.2%
  • Not Sure

    Votes: 4 9.8%

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Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member


ØG T®ipL3 ØG³
The king could take out the knight on his right, that is not a checkmate.
If you´re gonna use chess to drive home a point, and if you´re gonna use checkmate as a buzz word..
Then at least learn the basics of the game, and what a checkmate is and how you get there.
I´m sure most morons who retweeted that don´t care, they don´t play chess. It takes skill, and thinking ahead, reading your opponents moves before he makes em, all while trying to avoid simple mistakes.
But then who cares about chess, and rules, or if your checkmate isn´t even a mate because you know how to play. Unlike this guy Lance Migliaccio or whatever. You know that´s not a fake name btw, because who would pick such a shitty fake name? And he´s on twitter, so he must be right. And true. And not stupid at all.

Rest of the story still holds up. Some guy sold software to CIA which they used to monitor elections, which is weird because that´s not what CIA does, usually. Then this guy who made and sold the software to CIA also used it to watch the CIA and harvest 100% election data/information, because spying on government agencies and harvesting election info and votes is cool, not illegal at all. And so now guy has had this information for 2+ years and he sells his company, along with the information to some other guy. Because yea, that information he got from CIA while using some backdoor in his software, would be his or company property, up for sale to the highest bidder. If you can´t monitor the CIA monitoring an election, then profit of that information. All 100% of it. Which would be a massive amount of data, and personal information, voting secrets, not to mention proof that Trump woulda won if Deep State wasn´t there to mess it up and steal the election.. Well god damn, what can you do? It´s supposed to be a free country.

And it is, so all that happened, even if it makes no sense when you think about it.
Laugh all you want, but when Mike Lindell shows the world what really happened in the 2020 election.
Because he has it, all of it. Only a matter of time now when there will be concrete evidence of Trump winning, deep state interference and all kindsa other stuff which proves that all conspiracy theory guys were right all along, and not stupid idiots making up shit because they can´t handle losing, and are too stupid to realize their crap is just shit that anyone with half a brain would laugh at, and spit on the stupid morons who think they are heroes fighting the good fight, retweeting dumb shit, taking Q screenshots like that guy has something real, interesting and smart to say. Calling main stream media fake news because what else is it?
You won´t find the truth in a newspaper, or tv news, unless it´s FOX news, who are totally awesome and nota biased at all. The truth is on twitter, and other social media platforms that hasn´t banned all these fucking morons yet, or censored em. So yea, laugh all you want, and call these Trump loving twitter warriors of truth stupid fucking idiots who need a punch to the face. Some of the dumbest morons ever to walk on this planet. Go ahead, make fun of em. Call em slow, out of touch losers who think Trump is their saviour, when really Trump could give two shits about the individual yehoos, but he needs their support to stay relevant and show he still has followers, even if they the lowest scum on earth. Wicked annoying, glue sniffing retards who who never leave the house if they can help it. It´s not because they are socially awkward and have lives. It´s because the commie NWO deep state government troops might get to em. Because the are so close to finding the evidence they been crying about for more than two years, that never really materialized. Until now. Mike Lindell bought that shit, paid cash money! And when he shows the evidence, and proves the so called conspiracy theory guys right..

You ain´t gonna be laughing no more! You can´t deny deep state, you can´t say Trump lost and Biden won, and all those times you called out conspiracy guys for some dumb shit, said they made it up because they are idiots, or boneheads, or if ignored the shit because it got old after a while, and the stories just kept getting weirder and worse. Or if you thought Q was full of shit, some lobotomized guy born from incest who makes no sense and who´s predictions are not that accurate, but vague enough so idiots who believe in his madness can say they are some complex pieces of information, that needs to be examined and preserved.

Or if you thought Trump was a massive douche, who can´t take losing so he cooked up stories about election fraud and made himself look like a victim. Just because he´s a richie rich trust fund baby who is not used to losing, or people who talk back to him instead of the yes-men he surrounds himself with. And he is unrelatable to a regular guy, not that smart, not very diplomatic and out of touch man-child. Weird ass hair having mickey dees eating pants shitting disgrace to humanity kinda guy..

But laugh while you still can, call the conspiracy guys names and make fun of Trump for being the richest loser on earth.

When that Mike Lindell evidence is released, and it will be, any minute now. Who´s laughing then?
It´s 100% CIA, it´s REAL.

You can´t stop what is coming. Wonder if you could speed it up tho, it´s been over 2 years now. I guess we can wait a while longer tho, don´t wanna rush the truth. Just mark my words, if.. WHEN the 100% CIA election data drops, the tables will be turned.

Then who´s laughing?

You can´t stop it.

Unless it ain´t real and nothing ever comes up because it was just another desperate story thought up by a moron with a smart phone. Or if the deep state gets it before Mike Lindell can release it.

Deep State can stop it, they can do anything if the plot demands it.

So yea, it´s coming because it can´t stopped.
And if it stops, apparently it can be stopped.

Makes sense to me, I´m high on PCP.
I´m also laughing all the time because of the PCP.
Sometimes I get paranoid too.

Best part about all this is being a mod, so I can go back and edit all my posts where I talked shit about Trump, if he wins in the end.

Or if deep state wins, I don´t have to do anything, because I´m kinda rooting for them.
Not that I like em, but I really hate the other side. They win by default, and that is the most insulting thing I can think to say about the conspiracy guys with their qanon horseshit and patriot games and all that poop.
I´ll take a shadow government over you fucking morons, because you guys are fucking dumb as shit, with bad stories, no common sense or logic, and not one of you is likeable. Fucking retweeters of shit with no original thought or back up. And you have the balls to label everything you don´t agree with or understand as fake news.

Can´t even get chess right, TRY A LITTLE!

Or maybe I´m wrong and soon the CIA stuff the dude bought will prove it.


Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
You just need to expand your thinking, @BadTicket

What if (as I've always alleged) the FBI is investigating the CIA (CIAs illegal domestic activities)? What if the FBI is working with the military against the CIA?

What if the FBI was illegally infiltrated by the CIA long ago?

Who is Mike Lindell? A pillow salesman?

What is an undercover agent?
What is a special operator?

Think: 'Special Ops'


Well-known member
ouch! we need digital aloe stat!
that WAS a long read, but entertaining enough to be worth-while. gotta brush all of this sarcasm off of my computer or it'll rot, lol. can't hardly see the keyboard for it...shit floating around the room still! did that idiot Lindell ever release any of his information he keeps claiming to have? has anyone seen the Kraken? besides the one that floated up on the beach dead the other day, i mean? no? :shucks::laughing:

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
He did release some stuff at 'The Pit.' It showed that China had digital backdoor access to the voting system. It also showed interesting Chinese Intel operations which acted to inflame racial tensions in America before the election.

I do believe the kraken has been unleashed.


Well-known member
I do believe the kraken has been unleashed.

Don't forget to tell them about the watermarks, @Hempy McNoodle .

I'm betting that @BadTicket cannot name all of the chess pieces above. Hah!



The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
View attachment 18749198
Don't forget to tell them about the watermarks, @Hempy McNoodle .

I'm betting that @BadTicket cannot name all of the chess pieces above. Hah!

the bottle of pills is omnipotent

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