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The Great Awakening

Is the Great Awakening happening?

  • Yes

    Votes: 16 39.0%
  • No

    Votes: 21 51.2%
  • Not Sure

    Votes: 4 9.8%

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Got Veronica?

The Veil of Veronica, or Sudarium, also known as the Vernicle and often called simply the Veronica, is a Christian relic consisting of a piece of cloth said to bear an image of the Holy Face of Jesus produced by other than human means.


Well-known member
That goes back to the 80s when the shut down most of the metal health hospitals. Another progressive cause.
Ronald Reagan was progressive?

The Mental Health Systems Act of 1980 (MHSA) was United States legislation signed by President Jimmy Carter which provided grants to community mental health centers. In 1981 President Ronald Reagan, who had made major efforts during his Governorship to reduce funding and enlistment for California mental institutions, pushed a political effort through the U.S. Congress to repeal most of MHSA.[1] The MHSA was considered landmark legislation in mental health care policy.

Coinciding with a movement during the 1970s for rehabilitation of people with severe mental illnesses, the Mental Health Systems Act supported and financed community mental health support systems, which coordinated general health care, mental health care, and social support services.[2] The law followed the 1978 Report of the President's Commission on Mental Health, which made recommendations for improving mental health care in the United States. While some concerns existed about the methodology followed by the President's Committee, the report served as the foundation for the MHSA, which in turn was seen as landmark legislation in U.S. mental health policy.[3]

The Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1981, signed by President Ronald Reagan on August 13, 1981, repealed most of the MHSA. The Patients' Bill of Rights, section 501, was not repealed; per Congressional record, the Congress felt that state provisions were sufficient and section 501 served as a recommendation to states to review and refine existing policies.[4]

President Jimmy Carter's Presidential Commission on Mental Health was intended to recommend policies to overcome obvious deficiencies in the mental health system. Bureaucratic rivalries within and between governments; tensions and rivalries within the mental health professions; identity and interest group politics; the difficulties of distinguishing the respective etiological roles of such elements as poverty, racism, stigmatization, and unemployment; and an illusory faith in prevention all influenced the commission's deliberations and subsequent enactment of the short-lived Mental Health Systems Act. The commission's work led to the formulation of the influential National Plan for the Chronically Mentally Ill, but a system of care and treatment for persons with serious mental illnesses was never created.

Shortly after assuming office in early 1977, Jimmy Carter created a presidential commission on mental health. His action suggested the existence of deep-rooted problems in a mental health system that was fragmented, lacked cohesion, and often failed to meet the needs of many groups, notably those individuals with severe and persistent mental illnesses. The creation of such a commission also had an important symbolic element, for it indicated the president's awareness and concern.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
And, here come the lawsuits!
How do you 'drain the swamp?'

Think of all the small businesses that were shut down and permanently lost due to this made-up pseudo-science. All the funerals that were not allowed. Visitations with loved ones in the hospitals. Missed health screenings for serious and life threatening conditions. All the pain and anguish that families went through over schools being shut down and then re-opened as some sort of dystopian 'new normal.' ...All of the suicides that resulted from these shutdowns. These people should be sent to prison for the rest of their lives.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
If an entire generation is taught (in public schools) to hate America and its flag, and instead, to raise and respect the 'Pride' flag (a flag they are taught to revere), we will soon lose our country (and our humanity along with it). There is absolutely nothing wrong with being gay and being proud of yourself, but what we are seeing today is something altogether different (insurgency).

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member

Massive Revenge Coming? Trump Hints He'll Raid Obama and Clinton if He Retakes White House​

“If anything, a perceived political persecution of Mr. Trump could help him to a second term,” Strassel wrote. “And he would be even more unrestrained as the 47th president than he was as the 45th.”

If he were to gain power, Trump would then be able to use the precedent said by the Mar-a-Lago raid to investigate and even conduct raids against prominent Democrats.

“Mr. Garland’s raid has made even the highest political figures fair prosecutorial game, and the media’s new standard is that the department can’t be questioned as it goes about ensuring ‘no one is above the law,’” Strassel wrote.

“Let’s see how that holds when a future Republican Justice Department starts raiding the homes of Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Eric Holder, James Comey and John Brennan.”

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