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The Great Awakening

Is the Great Awakening happening?

  • Yes

    Votes: 16 39.0%
  • No

    Votes: 21 51.2%
  • Not Sure

    Votes: 4 9.8%

  • Total voters

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member



Well-known member
I have a feeling that "Christians Against Science" is actually "Science Trusters Against Christians"...

You post a lot of this stuff @audiohi. Memes meant to look like they were created by your opposition in order to make your opposition look bad (False-Flag Memes). More evidence that the left can't meme.

The thing about good memes is that they are full of TRUTH. If a meme does not convey TRUTH, it is worthless (other than making leftists look like they have no solid arguments to make). If leftist memes ever do begin to reflect TRUTH, that is when leftist memes will be GREAT, but I won't hold my breath as it will likely be a long time before leftists make TRUTH their ultimate motivation.


Oh, damn! Good Catch! I guess that was not really from WHO.


Care to tell us about Greta's last concert clean-up?


okay. that's enough for now.
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Active member
From il Donaldo Trumpo...

Is Donald Trump the world's GREATEST troll?

Is il Donaldo Trumpo really Donald Trump?
No. An imposter. Misspelling gives it away. How could it not more accurately be 'Donaldo Trumpolini'?

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
isn't this the dude who lied about single handedly creating MRNA vaccines and pushed ivermectin on Joe Rogan's podcast?

talk about crumbling narratives
Your mischaracterizing him. He is the inventer of the mRNA vaccine. He, nor anyone else, ever claimed that it was "single handedly."


Active member
Your mischaracterizing him. He is the inventer of the mRNA vaccine. He, nor anyone else, ever claimed that it was "single handedly."

What a joke. He claimed to have invented "MRNA". You have claimed several times he did. Now you are claiming because he didn't claim he "single handedly" invented "MRNA it's all ok.

Threads like this is why this whole "speakers corner" is a joke. it has been reduced to the lowest common denominator. So glad we have free speech here. Such a refreshing new thingy.


Well-known member
sure seemed like it. so much so that his colleagues from the project had to come out and say that it was a large joint project.

it surely seemed like the implication especially when his fans would say shit like "dude how are you gonna disagree with the founder of mrna?!??!?!?!" as if tons of other scientists havent also worked on that project, and probably have differing opinions on covid vaccination than Malone.


Active member
If someone entered dog shit in a baking contest they would be kicked out and never allowed to enter again. But when you have no standards I guess dog shit could be considered edible. And with that kind of thinking who could really argue what "edible" even is. Kinda ruins the baking contest but at least they let everyone enter.

Three Berries

Active member
Saving Israel for last for a reason.....

"The Eight Genders in the Talmud

Judaism has recognized nonbinary persons for millennia.

Thought nonbinary gender was a modern concept? Think again. The ancient Jewish understanding of gender was far more nuanced than many assume.

The Talmud, a huge and authoritative compendium of Jewish legal traditions, contains in fact no less than eight gender designations including:

Zachar, male.
Nekevah, female.
Androgynos, having both male and female characteristics.
Tumtum, lacking sexual characteristics.
Aylonit hamah, identified female at birth but later naturally developing male characteristics.
Aylonit adam, identified female at birth but later developing male characteristics through human intervention.
Saris hamah, identified male at birth but later naturally developing female characteristics.
Saris adam, identified male at birth and later developing female characteristics through human intervention.

In fact, not only did the rabbis recognize six genders that were neither male nor female, they had a tradition that the first human being was both. Versions of this midrash are found throughout rabbinic literature, including in the Talmud …"

It's not so much that the progressives create 'problems where there were none', it's that they are paid, bribed, or blackmailed into advancing the ancient and powerful religious agenda of those who embrace the Talmud.
