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The Great Awakening

Is the Great Awakening happening?

  • Yes

    Votes: 16 39.0%
  • No

    Votes: 21 51.2%
  • Not Sure

    Votes: 4 9.8%

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The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
I don't know which is worse... A nation under evengellical rule or a nation under the rule of insane wokeness. Luckily we don't have to have either of them.

It is worth noting that the woke left views centrists as "part of the problem."
too bad trump sucks the evangelical ass. too bad he is stuck on big money. say it ain't so.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member

Russia Uproots US Biological Network in Armenia​

13 hr ago

⚠️🚨Biolabs Update🚨⚠️
Today, Russia’s focus is in Armenia.
Russia has been adamant about inspecting Armenia’s biological laboratories as early as 2018. Accusing the United States of involvement with Armenian biological activity, and assisting with biological operations in Ukraine.
Here’s a report from Armenian press, pertaining to a Facebook Livestream from Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan from earlier today, speaking on the Russian interest in US involvement in Armenian biolabs.
Pashinyan responded, "It is true that [Armenian biolabs] were created with the support of the United States, but they are owned by the Republic of Armenia. This topic was raised in 2018, our Russian partners expressed concern, we invited them, we said, come and show what the concern is. There have been visits and discussions, but no concerns were raised as a result of those discussions.”
So first thing’s first, Armenian PM just confirmed that their biolab network was built with the help of the US. What is up with the US and their MASSIVE biological presence in the post-Soviet space?
Armenia very much appears to be siding with Russia, as back earlier this month, 06/02/22, Armenia announced it would no longer be sharing samples of pathogens, or disease data with the United States.
They declared they would be amending a 2010 agreement with the United States, known as the "Cooperation in the Area of Prevention of Proliferation of Technology, Pathogens and Expertise that Could be Used in the Development of Biological Weapons."
Armenia just told the US they aren’t assisting in US biological activity anymore, and are cooperating with Russia. That’s kind of a big deal. This happened almost a month ago, and nobody in the Western world seems to have heard about it. Including me, the guy who spends all day looking for this stuff. You’d think this would be newsworthy, but it has been intentionally avoided by Western media.
See this passage pertaining to the US involvement.
“Over the last several years the U.S. has funded the renovation and construction of a series of biological laboratories (approximately 12) across Armenia, several in regional centers linked to a central lab in Yerevan. They are primarily ‘designed to track, monitor, and fight infections,’ the U.S. Embassy has said, and to ‘help the nation track and secure dangerous pathogens more effectively.’
The Armenian labs are part of a larger U.S. effort to build similar labs around the world, particularly in the post-Soviet space. Russia has long cast suspicion on this network – perhaps most vigorously in Georgia – suggesting that what the Americans present as merely an effort to prevent the spread of diseases around the world is in fact a secret, nefarious anti-Russian bioweapons program.”
Please, read this ENTIRE report from Eurasian media on Armenia backing out of US agreement. There’s so much more. It is STACKED with juicy details, including photos of American and Armenian officials opening a new biolab in 2017. It’s loaded.
So what does all of this mean?
-It means countries around the globe are distancing themselves from all biological operations with the United States.
-It further confirms Western media-complex’s denial of US biological labs in post-Soviet countries was all lies and propaganda.
-It further confirms that Russia is on the hunt for all US biological activity in the post-Soviet space.
-It proves that global US biological activity is not Russian war propaganda. It’s real, and Russia are serious about it. They have been for 5+ years. This is now their top priority in all foreign policy.
So while the Western media-complex keeps all its sheep in the dark, countries are distancing themselves from the US biological involvement. Why would they do that? What did the US do to warrant not wanting to be involved with their biological research?
The global US biological network is being cut off, bit by bit. Ukraine, Nicaragua, Armenia, Georgia. While all of us were expecting Taiwan to be “next”, Russia are cleaning up the Deep State labs all over the globe. All roads lead to the US creating biological weapons to include C19.
Meanwhile, the American public have NO IDEA any of this is going on. Trump is off in the distance, completely uninvolved, while RUSSIA cleans up all the US international biological corruption.
Sleight of hand. Everyone is looking one direction, while all the action is happening in the other.


Well-known member
26 states(a majority) will be illegalizing abortions
land doesn't count. 30% of americans want roe repealed which is a minority. the only reason the republicans are able to do this is because they've taken over the judiciary.
The Democrats (a majority) in Congress couldn't pass any gun control restrictions
because they never planned to
Fucking liberals cant even get pot thru
again they never planned to. these are fundraising issues for democrats.
It has to be a real majority...a super majority...not just liberal media pundits spouting fake poll numbers
if 70% of the country not wanting to repeal roe isn't a "super majority" i don't know what is then.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
land doesn't count. 30% of americans want roe repealed which is a minority. the only reason the republicans are able to do this is because they've taken over the judiciary.

because they never planned to

again they never planned to. these are fundraising issues for democrats.

if 70% of the country not wanting to repeal roe isn't a "super majority" i don't know what is then.
Constitutional Supreme Court interpretations exclude public opinion. Supreme Court decisions are meant to be insulated from 'mob rule outcries.' That is the beauty of our constitutional republic.

That is what the HOUSE of Representatives is for and also Presidential Elections.


Active member
land doesn't count. 30% of americans want roe repealed which is a minority. the only reason the republicans are able to do this is because they've taken over the judiciary.

because they never planned to

again they never planned to. these are fundraising issues for democrats.

if 70% of the country not wanting to repeal roe isn't a "super majority" i don't know what is then.
....it wouldn't matter if a 100% of citizens dont want roe overturned...scotus doesn't make laws
They interpret the constitutional laws which clearly states if it is not addressed by constitutional Law...which it isnt... the subject must be remanded to the individual states for ratification.

Dont despair...you still got a shot at
Murdering babies in your state...


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