Some people cannot be told anything. Even something as simple as more people voted for the other person.
That's good. Now, re-read the meme knowing that the one pooping is much brighter than the Biden voter with the smelly van (and knew exactly what the Biden voter meant)
First map is county by county election results. Second is county by county population. Isn't it strange they all of the densely populated areas are blue and the rural barely populated areas are red on the election map?
Even the electoral college cannot fix that for you.
Except the only people who believe what you do are deranged politicians that lie for a living and the half of our country that gets it's information from fox news.
Some people cannot be told anything. Even something as simple as more people voted for the other person.
and some even 2,3,and 4 times more....
and some even 2,3,and 4 times more....
I would think if someone walked from central American to here the last thing the would do is try and get deported by tampering with an election.
Have you ever seen or heard of an illegal immigrant voting? From a news source that is not considered to be satire?
and some even 2,3,and 4 times more....
And the president is still Joe Biden.. and will be until the next douchebag is sworn in. And no, your guy is not the douche, nothing he touches comes our fresh or clean.
Where in that image does it indicate -who- the alleged duplicate votes were cast for?
The last I'd read, the limited cases of voter fraud that had been discovered and prosecuted were cast in favor of Donald Trump as the recipient of the fraudulent votes.
Interesting,..and uh, where did you read that?
Interesting,..and uh, where did you read that?
Interesting,..and uh, where did you read that?
Kinda funny how our Aussie friends kinda bounced...(from this thread)