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The Great Awakening

Is the Great Awakening happening?

  • Yes

    Votes: 16 39.0%
  • No

    Votes: 21 51.2%
  • Not Sure

    Votes: 4 9.8%

  • Total voters


Well-known member
There is a big difference between a recount and an audit.

let's say you have 100 apples and you recount them and you still have 100 apples. But, then you do a forensic audit and find that 53 apples are actually plastic fake apples, 10 were nectarines, and 2 were pears. How many apples are there?

Show me a factual list of these fake votes. If they were real every republican politicians would make it their primary concern. But only the most deranged are still clinging to the lie. They have been outed and will likely lose their next election also. People like gym Jordan can go back to the locker room and do their thing. Why are they clinging to the electoral college if they thought they ever had a fair chance. They are loses with a capital L. Deranged lying scum.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Remember a few weeks back when the audit report was going to drop and the China / Taiwan conflict was about to ramp up but, then suddenly the audit report was postponed?? I wonder if the Taiwan/China conflict will suddenly shift back into focus...


Well-known member
someone should change the name of this thread to Perpetual Goalpost Moving by Hempy

just give it up already man. take a few blue pills to counteract the reds that you've been mainlining into your veins for nearly a year now lol


Well-known member
Lol.....Dont make me get the shovel 🤣

I just assumed you kept it handy. I have a few in the garage, one in the dog pen, one next to the back door, one up front for snow, short one in my van for emergencies and can't forget all the little hand shovels for the garden.garden.


Well-known member


  • photo2073657.jpg
    131.5 KB · Views: 14


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
How appropriate for this thread.

Few weeks ago when my buddy went up to copper harbor to ride I told him I hope to see him on Sundays saves making a face like he is about to be on Friday fails.

yup,when your tires aren't connected to reality you often end up over the bars and faceplanting !:biglaugh:


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
lol, all those figures Trump uses are picked from thin air, there is no truth to them. Next time he cries about it those figures will be different :D. If you can't win fairly why not lie and cheat as much as you can. Clearly, people believe it, Mcnoodle keeps spreading his BS when IG, FB have banned him from posting that shit.


Well-known member
I picture someone excitedly running then bam, they run face first into a wall. Instead of going around he gets up and runs full speed right into the wall again. We all watch and wonder........... 10 months later it's still funny to watch but it is also starting to resemble the ringing sound like what you slam a shovel against something. Like a gong but less appealing to the ears.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Researchers aim to develop edible plant-based mRNA vaccines

"The future of vaccines may look more like eating a salad than getting a shot in the arm. UC Riverside scientists are studying whether they can turn edible plants like lettuce into mRNA vaccine factories."

"We are testing this approach with spinach and lettuce and have long-term goals of people growing it in their own gardens. Farmers could also eventually grow entire fields of it."

-Juan Pablo Giraldo, Associate Professor, Department of Botany and Plant Sciences, University of California - Riverside

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