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The Great Awakening

Is the Great Awakening happening?

  • Yes

    Votes: 16 39.0%
  • No

    Votes: 21 51.2%
  • Not Sure

    Votes: 4 9.8%

  • Total voters

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
From Ron Watkins (CodeMonkeyZ):



Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
lmao, I just said they will start adding the vaccine to food..He is right they won't be eating salad

moose eater

Well-known member
Remember when Dominion sued Sidney Powell for defamation? I think Dominion took the bait!..

"Sidney Powell revealed that her legal team is going to be able to ask Eric Coomer — the security director at the Colorado-based Dominion Voting Systems — two hours worth of questions in a deposition on September 23rd. The deposition was granted by the Colorado court overseeing a defamation lawsuit filed by Coomer that alleges Powell and other parties falsely accused him of being a key actor in “rigging” the election for President-elect Joe Biden."

Dogs, ponies, and a whole lot more....

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Did you all hear about China's largest real-estate company is about to default?

China preparing for Evergrande's downfall, report says

"The move has been characterized as “getting ready for the possible STORM” by the officials, according to the report."

I wonder if they control any US real estate?? If so, how will their impending default effect real estate in the US??


Well-known member
She was designated as a major nut-bar by the people who once stood with her.

Hempy, your loyalty and optimism remain unmatched, but I strongly believe are misplaced or misdirected (perhaps heavily misguided) in these threads.

Carry on...

Wait a minute.... Are you suggesting this is not s parody thread and he believes this stuff? Duuude!

This is what happens when your tin foil hat springs a leak and you don't fix it in time.

I know it is rough when a kid makes it to middle school before learning Santa is not real. Has to be real hard to hop back into reality as a grown adult.

moose eater

Well-known member
Wait a minute.... Are you suggesting this is not s parody thread and he believes this stuff? Duuude!

This is what happens when your tin foil hat springs a leak and you don't fix it in time.

I know it is rough when a kid makes it to middle school before learning Santa is not real. Has to be real hard to hop back into reality as a grown adult.

I'd wondered a time or 3 if Hempy really believes this stuff himself, or if he just tosses stuff out for entertainment value. Admittedly, I've not concluded to any ultimate or final determination in my assessment. but it appears as though Hempy really does believe in the questioning he has continued to launch herein. Playful toying with abstract 'what ifs' or adhering to some of the more bizarre explanations for otherwise relatively simple-to-assess circumstances, who knows? but I (again) suspect Hempy is serious in much of his assertions and questioning herein.

I mean, we're living in a time where local Docs and nurses where I live have been physically & verbally assaulted for simply telling someone they are positive for COVID, when that person believes COVID is a total hoax, so.... Yeah, weirdness and unnecessary abstraction abounds these days. Call it 'group psychosis' or 'group delusional state', but it's seemingly real, and (to paraphrase Jack Nicholson in 'The Shining'), "It's HERE!!!"