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The Great Awakening

Is the Great Awakening happening?

  • Yes

    Votes: 16 39.0%
  • No

    Votes: 21 51.2%
  • Not Sure

    Votes: 4 9.8%

  • Total voters


Well-known member
Do you believe every person who writes for brightbart, lol? :biglaugh:

"And what's the result? They're all vaccinated, and we're not!"
~~John Nolte

I mean... he's got a point.

Now, what you believe that point means, is up for your own interpretation. I guess.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
"And what's the result? They're all vaccinated, and we're not!"
~~John Nolte

I mean... he's got a point.

Now, what you believe that point means, is up for your own interpretation. I guess.

Clearly, it is the other way around. People rushed to get their "Fauci Ouchy" jabs to virtue signal that they "TRUST the 'SCIENCE.'" You saw this when mask orders were lifted temporarily and 'nevertrumpers' didn't want to go maskless. ...Not because of science, but because they did not want to be mistaken for Trump supporters or Republicans, lol. It's the same thing with the vaccine.. This is cult-like behavior and the vaccine is the "Kool-Aid."


Well-known member

Why do you assume that an individual wearing a face mask is trying to make a political statement? Can that person have a genuine concern and they feel more protected wearing a mask?

The real tragedy is that both political parties are ignoring the fact that most people dont buy and use N-95 masks, they use minimally effective cloth face coverings. They are negligent in ramping up domestic production of N95 masks as well as educating the public that cloth face masks Are Not adequate protection against an airborne viruses.

Why is it the default reaction of republicans to label anyone who has a different opinion or take on a situation with a demeaning or derogatory label like Rhino or Never Trumper? Was Trump such a moral, truthful and ethical president that its difficult to believe that a majority of Americans dont like him.

Cult like behavior? The Republican party kicks Liz Cheney out of her committee assignments just b/c she told the Truth about the election and Jan 6., countless other Republicans have left the party b/c they chose not to back Trumps lies and behavior and sitting Republicans who try and speak Truth about the election and that it was not rigged are getting death threats from the republican base and you claim cult-like behavior by Democrats. It looks like the republican party has no appetite for Anyone who speaks the truth about Trump and to me this is much more like cult behavior.


Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member

Why do you assume that an individual wearing a face mask is trying to make a political statement? Can that person have a genuine concern and they feel more protected wearing a mask?

The real tragedy is that both political parties are ignoring the fact that most people dont buy and use N-95 masks, they use minimally effective cloth face coverings. They are negligent in ramping up domestic production of N95 masks as well as educating the public that cloth face masks Are Not adequate protection against an airborne viruses.

Why is it the default reaction of republicans to label anyone who has a different opinion or take on a situation with a demeaning or derogatory label like Rhino or Never Trumper? Was Trump such a moral, truthful and ethical president that its difficult to believe that a majority of Americans dont like him.

Cult like behavior? The Republican party kicks Liz Cheney out of her committee assignments just b/c she told the Truth about the election and Jan 6., countless other Republicans have left the party b/c they chose not to back Trumps lies and behavior and sitting Republicans who try and speak Truth about the election and that it was not rigged are getting death threats from the republican base and you claim cult-like behavior by Democrats. It looks like the republican party has no appetite for Anyone who speaks the truth about Trump and to me this is much more like cult behavior.


To your first question: The sentiment I shared was a well documented cultural phenomena (not an assumption).

To your second point: This is all irrelevant because none of these masks are safe or effective.

To your third question: You are doing exactly what you are accusing republicans of doing by attributing a 'default reaction' to them. While, at the same time, fail to mention all of the labels, slanders, and 'default reactions' coming from the 'otherside of the aisle.' Also, the majority supports Donald Trump and voted for Donald Trump. He is without a doubt the most ethical and moral President we've had since (probably) Lincoln.

You say Liz Cheney told the truth about the election and January 6th. This shows that you don't know what the truth is. And, btw... what lies did Trump tell??


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
We all should know by now asking Mcnoddle anything will not get the response your looking for. Using facts, common sense as an argument will not work here :D. Mcnoodle got lost in the rabbit hole long ago.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Hospital responds to Project Veritas' "distressing" bombshell...


Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
It is distressing, isn't it? ..That people TRUST those in the medical and scientific community to do proper recording to establish the safety of the vaccine that they are pushing on everybody. I guess demanding honesty and transparency is asking for too much.


Well-known member
To your first question: The sentiment I shared was a well documented cultural phenomena (not an assumption).

To your second point: This is all irrelevant because none of these masks are safe or effective.

To your third question: You are doing exactly what you are accusing republicans of doing by attributing a 'default reaction' to them. While, at the same time, fail to mention all of the labels, slanders, and 'default reactions' coming from the 'otherside of the aisle.' Also, the majority supports Donald Trump and voted for Donald Trump. He is without a doubt the most ethical and moral President we've had since (probably) Lincoln.

You say Liz Cheney told the truth about the election and January 6th. This shows that you don't know what the truth is. And, btw... what lies did Trump tell??

well documented phenomena that people wear masks but to state unequivocally that all are doing so just to make a political statement is absurd. are some doing it to make a political statement, im sure they are but its an over reach to say all do it.

so are you saying that a n95 mask is not effective at greatly reducing the spread of an airborne virus.

show me where i'm intolerant and calling names to lessen or demean the other sides points? Pointing out republican behavior and comparing it to the label you put on the democrats is not the same thing. My intent was to get an answer as to how the behavior I described in my previous post is not Cult-Like, much more so than the examples you listed.

Where is Proof that Trump overwhelmingly won the election? Why have Republican officials, both state and federal, stated that they have no evidence of voter fraud that would overturn the election results? Let me guess, those Republicans are in cahoots w/the Deep State to beat Trump.

A moral president who cheats on his wife's, lies about the Trump tower meeting his son and son in law had, lied about crafting Don Jr letter regarding that meeting. He lied about knowing anything about the Porn Star payoff but little did Trump know that his personal attny. secretly recorded the conversation and it has since come out and Trump knew all about the payoff. Trump made rediculous statements to the public and health officials asking about injecting bleach to kill covid and when called out on it Republicans covered saying he was joking. What kind of person jokes about that stuff when the country and world are facing a pandemic? So it was morally OK to tell Billy Bush that when you are rich and powerful you can "grab women by the pussy" or was that just joking too.

If this is your idea of the most morally & ethical president then it says a lot about you.

What makes him Moral or Ethical?



Well-known member
Project Veritas does this every time they release something. it's always followed by a GoFundMe. i wonder how much O'Queefe skims off the top for setting this all up in the form of 'operating fees' or some shit.


Well-known member
Imagine my shock when I found out photos were released of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau wearing 'blackface'...

When were you shocked realizing this?

Was it the last time this was brought up in the media years ago?

Or, was it just within the last couple days during his re-election campaign?

He won, Hempy. The outrage wore off years ago.

Circle back for the suckers.

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