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The fairy tale of Haschenputtel - Cinderella 99 x Dank Sinatra F4 - Selecting + Breeding


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In just under three weeks, I will switch to 12/12.
What nonsense …

Tomorrow it starts!

I have just removed a bin bag full of shoots and leaves, within three weeks everything would be overgrown. Since I want to spare myself and the plants the defoliation during flowering, I have to do it before the changeover, and quite radically at that. It will probably still be pretty tight on the hydrosystem.

My favourites:

DS #1:

DS #1.jpg

DS #2:

DS #2.jpg

DS #13:

DS #13.jpg

DS #15:

DS #15.jpg

DS #19:

DS #19.jpg

Root boxes have also been refilled, nerd info to come.


Active member
What is the advantage of calcium chloride over silica gel, for example? Or is there none at all?
Calcium chloride is superior in terms of performance. Silica gel still is a good option. My little dry chamber contains both desiccants, each have its advantages.

See here:

When drying larger quantities I even use a vacuum chamber to speed up the process. Not for pollen but for bubble hash for example.
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Hydrogen peroxide as a germination aid: The seeds were allowed to bathe for about 24 hours, then I planted them. The 10 mM solution showed better results, here the radicle was already visible in almost all of them. I would not leave them in the water longer, but at least for twelve hours.

The discarded nutrient solution of the three root boxes had the following values:
EC: 0.80 mS/cm, pH: 5.2
EC: 0.44 mS/cm, pH: 4.2
EC: 0.66 mS/cm, pH: 5.2

New nutrient solution:
10 l osmosis water
2.5 g calcium nitrate
1.25 g Epsom salt
2.5 g Hakaphos Soft Ultra
2.5 g Hakaphos Basis 5
0.25 ml pH-Plus
EC: 1.2 mS/cm
pH: 6.0
Nutrients (pure elements ppm): 96 N - 35 P - 113 K - 47 Ca - 23 Mg

In the DFT system the tank is only filled up, currently with the same nutrient solution as for the root boxes except for the addition of pH Plus, as this is not necessary. EC (1.2 mS/cm) and pH values (5.8) are very stable. The proportion of Hakaphos Soft Ultra is lowered with each refill, while that of Hakaphos Basis 5 is increased (less N, more K).

I am considering taking DS #15 out of the system right now. I already know that he is a male, and everything suggests that he will be wonderful for breeding. So why not separate him now and let him flower on his own? Then I can assess him directly and collect pollen. In the attic, the outpost has become free again. Let's see.
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Dank Sinatra #15 has been moved and, together with my Cindy, has been transferred to a hydro pot that sits on top of a 20 litre bucket. I simply took the nutrient solution from the tank of the DFT system. When pulling out DS #15, a good piece of the root ball tore off, which I luckily still caught. In order to remove any remaining residue and to prevent rotting, I exceptionally added some hydrogen peroxide (11.9 %) to the tank, perhaps 1-2 ml/l. As I have just cut away so much green, the loss of roots should not have a big impact, to be on the safe side I additionally pinched off most of the big leaves. In addition, the trunk of DS #15 is split, a little tissue tape will remedy this. The Cinderella has taken his place in the tubes. In a moment, the lights will go out for the first time; so far, they have all been lit continuously. In order to trigger flower induction, the first night will be particularly long at 16-24 hours, depending on when the light is to come on. We will continue with 12/12, tomorrow will be the first day of flowering.
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The gender of all Dank Sinatra in the bloom tent could already be determined.

♀: #1, 4, 5, 6, 10, 11, 14, 16, 19

♂: #2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13, 15, 17, 18

Not good odds, but not disastrous either.

I'll take those guys out and replace them with the Dank Sinatra ones that have been added on and are already big enough. All the boys - even the ones that don't seem suitable - may flower together at a later date to select the best for propagation and crosses.

I'll get right to work.


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The royal brother and sister looked very closely at the emissaries of the House of Sinatra. It was time to separate the ladies from the gentlemen to give them the education they deserved.

Each and every Sinatra had to prove in advance that they too could duplicate themselves, an indispensable skill to reach the next level.
The men, ten in number, moved out to make way for the sisters who joined later. Of the 13 stragglers, ten could not hold back and were already putting on their evening dress - five women and five men. Three were still busy with the previous exam. The remaining seats were taken by Cinderella's likenesses.
The Sinatra brothers now had to keep watch at the outpost. But they were not entirely alone. One of them had attracted Cinderella's attention early on and she had fallen in love with him. Besides, the men had to remain under observation. So Cinderella's favourite moved into the castle with her, while his brothers continued to compete with each other. Cinderella watched the spectacle from a lofty position. She was newly in love, but she had seen many times how quickly the tables could turn. Every Dank Sinatra would get his chance.

new outpost.jpg

The royal siblings took one last look at their chambers before setting off on their journey. They handed over the sceptre to their likenesses and followed the call that wafted over from the other side. As a farewell, Cinderella left her beautiful buttons and Cinderello handed over his golden stardust. Soon it would be put to use.

-> Continue ->

I threw the Dank Sinatra boys all loosely into a Euronorm box and poured some nutrient solution from the DFT system over the roots. They'll be able to stand it for a while. Tomorrow I'll give DS #21 a better home, he and DS #15 are my favourites among the males and so far meet my criteria. DS #2+9+13 are also possible candidates.
The Dank Sinatra girls may now bloom next to a few Cinderella. Here I like DS #1+19 especially, good chances still exist for DS #5+14+23+32.

Three stragglers are still waiting. Two of them almost dried out in the meantime and are therefore behind, the third plant seems to be an outlier. It is the only one with comparatively narrow leaflets and is also much brighter than its siblings. I am curious to see how DS #24 develops further.

Gender of the stragglers:
♀: #23, 25, 26, 30, 32
♂: #20, 21, 27, 28, 31
indeterminate: #22, 24, 29


Active member

Time for a few pictures. The first week of flowering is over, for DS #23+25+26+32 not quite yet, they arrived two days late.

General view:

general view - fw 1.jpg

DS #1:

DS #1 - BT 8 - von oben.jpg

DS #1 - fd 8 - from the side.jpg

DS #1 - fd 8 - trunk.jpg

DS #19:

DS #19 - BT 8.jpg

DS #19 - fd 8 - trunk.jpg

DS #23:

DS #23 - fd 5.jpg

DS #14:

DS #14 - fd 8.jpg

DS #5:

DS #5 - fd 8.jpg

These are my favourites, the order is deliberately chosen. We'll know more in two months at the latest.


Active member

After taking another close look at all the plants and their cuttings, DS #15 is the only one allowed to flower for now. I will let him live until the bitter end and keep a close eye on him. He is allowed to pollinate my C99, which stands next to him, and he should also provide as much pollen as possible for the future. Some of it will be used specifically in the tent in about two weeks for more Haschenputtel seeds and Dank Sinatra F5, the bulk will be frozen.

New ranking:
♀: DS #1+19+23+14+5+11
♂: DS #15+2+13+21+9+7

For the F5, all the above Dank Sinatra should be used, and for Haschenputtel, the ones in bold. If there are any plants that are hermaphrodite or show other undesirable characteristics, they will be sorted out.

After this round, I make room at the outpost and let the six boys there produce pollen for the F5.

I'm looking forward to it a bit.


New member
I really enjoyed your reports in the past. nice to see them here too! :)
edit: erst auf deutsch gepostet, ups
Fand deine Reports drüben schon sehr cool, aber hier gefallen sie mir noch besser!
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Active member

I will scythe DS #30 and test one of the cuttings in a later run, but she will probably not pass on her genes. DS #22 has shown his masculinity and had to leave directly as I didn't like him. DS #24 is taking its time and will probably be kicked out too, whether male or female doesn't matter - for the sake of completeness I'm still waiting. DS #29 is the plant that had almost dried up and will get a little more time.

As I had enough Cindy cuttings left, I wanted to renew the mums. I was already at it when I remembered that I still wanted to show how the aged mums had recovered after the radical cut. So I put them back to take some pictures for you the next day. Unfortunately, I had damaged the roots of one of the plants a bit too much during the action, so that it was already quite wilted. It wasn't planned, but you can see that when you prune the roots, you also have to prune around the top.

C99 mummies.jpg

C99 mummies - roots.jpg

After the pictures, the two came away, new mummies have already been put in.

Oh yes...
Let us remember Cinderello.

* 11.02.2020
† 14.11.2021

May his good qualities live on in his offspring.

I really enjoyed your reports in the past. nice to see them here too! :)
edit: erst auf deutsch gepostet, ups
Fand deine Reports drüben schon sehr cool, aber hier gefallen sie mir noch besser!
Thank you!
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Active member

Princess Cinderella was in love. There was no denying it any more. One Dank Sinatra had done it to her. She could hold on no longer and sent his brothers away. Struck by Cupid's arrow, she snuggled up to him, his strong arms would hold her. He could hardly believe his luck. The beautiful princess who had turned his head the first time they met had chosen him.

C99 #11 + DS #15 - fd 16.jpg

C99 #11 + DS #15 - flowers - fd 16.jpg

At the same time, the Sinatra sisters were being instructed in the art of gymnastics in the great hall. The princess led the training and cheered on the ladies who aspired to do the same. Gracefully they stretched towards the sun. All the other skills indispensable for a princess were also practised. The fixing of the hair and the selection of beguiling fragrances were obviously a particular pleasure.

-> Continue ->
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Active member

Flowering day 16 and 14 respectively:

DS #1 remains my favourite. She is not only the strongest, but also the most advanced in flowering.

DS #1 - fd 16.jpg

Right behind comes DS #19. Let's remember....

A few seedlings still need to catch up, but it looks like all of them will make it.
The two that hadn't sunk even after 24 hours of swimming came last and are still a bit weak. The seeds were quite small and seemed less mature. I had also helped these and a few others out of the rockwool by tearing the cubes in two and straightening the little plants a bit.

DS #24.jpg

This is what DS #19 looked like about two months ago. The seed wouldn't submerge, the seedling wouldn't come out of its shell and needed birth assistance.

Now the plant towers over all the others.

DS #19 - fd 16.jpg

DS #19 - flowers - fd 16.jpg

For the Dank Sinatra F5, I selected the following females in addition to DS #1+19:

DS #5:

DS #5 - fd 16.jpg

DS #6:

DS #6 - fd 16.jpg

DS #11:

DS #11 - fd 16.jpg

DS #14:

DS #14 - fd 16.jpg

DS #16:

DS #16 - fd 16.jpg

DS #23:

DS #23 - fd 14.jpg

I also changed the nutrient solution on the outpost.
The EC value of the discarded nutrient solution had risen from 1.2 mS/cm at the beginning to 1.5 mS/cm, the pH value had dropped to 4.7. New nutrient solution (EC: 1.2 mS/cm, pH: 5.8) was taken from the reservoir of the DFT system.

All plants have now revealed their sex, DS #24 the female and DS #22+29 the male.
Out of 39 seeds, 32 made it through, of these 15 were female and 17 male.

On and on.
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Active member

C99 #11 + DS #15 - fd 21.jpg

Do you see it?

DS #15 - hermaphrodite.jpg

DS #15 - hermaphrodite closer.jpg

What a pity, Princess Cinderella had fallen for the wrong man. DS #15 pushes isolated stigmata. So it is out of the question for my breeding project as well as for propagation. DS #2 is the next candidate for procreation of Haschenputtel line A.

So far the girls are free of hermaphrodite traits, I hope it will stay that way.

By the way, I have been thinking about the inheritance of hermaphrodite traits for a long time. Genes that are responsible for sex expression are not only found on the gonosomes, but also on autosomes. I could imagine that there are genes that simply result in increased ethylene production, so would not cause hermaphroditism in the female.
Discussion welcome. :)

Of course I will not take that risk. DS #15 has already left us.


Active member

Since I couldn't bring myself to kill the pregnant princess, she now stands alone in the outpost. I will let the seeds mature, but probably never use them.

Today I distributed some pollen from C99 #2, DS #1+14+19+23 and C99 #11 were blessed.

DS #14 is getting further and further ahead, I still like DS #1+19 better. DS #23 still has to catch up, but she has what it takes - she is younger and was switched to flowering two days later. DS #5+11 are not out of the race yet either.

Let's see how the brothers of DS #15 do, I still have a few promising candidates up my sleeve.

I can well imagine that the resulting seeds will be usable, which is one reason why I don't want to dispose of the plant. But since I will continue to work with seeds from sexually consolidated plants, the seeds from hermaphrodite males will go under lock and key. Perhaps they will be allowed to germinate at some point. Perhaps the females will remain "clean" and only the males will hermaphrodite? We could live with that very well, after all, it's the female flowers that matter to us.

Unfortunately, time and space are limited, so I'd rather concentrate on my project. According to my theory, certain genes could cause hermaphroditism in the male but not in the female (and vice versa), while some genes cause hermaphroditism in both sexes. Whether this is true and which of the possibilities applies to DS #15, I don't know.

This time I am also rather cautious about fertilising. The maximum EC value is 1.2 mS/cm, I'm still trying to work out a fertilisation schedule. But it's true, with some plants I've already reached the maximum, they show it with burnt leaf tips.


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The princess had send her former lover flying out. He had gone too far. Not only was he concerned with the production of golden stardust, no, he also showed conspicuous interest in pursuits reserved for princesses. She wanted to believe that it was her hair she had discovered on him, but she had to face the truth: He was not the one. Without him, she now wanted to direct the further destinies.

C99 #11 - pollinated with DS #15 - fd 27.jpg

C99 #11 - pollinated with DS #15 - flower - fd 27.jpg

There was no time for gloom. Cinderella proudly adjusted her hairstyle and gave instructions to take her brother's magic dust to the aspirants in the great hall. When the doors were opened, everything around shone brightly, the ladies' jewels glittered and sparkled, and the most beguiling fragrances filled the air. Only the most graceful, who fulfilled the princess's expectations, were considered and allowed to use Cinderello's fine gold dust to make delightful buttons as accessories for their hairstyles. They set to work with great skill.

fd 29(27) -  DS #1 front left.jpg

-> Continue ->


Active member

The fifth week of flowering has begun. Today, some more Cinderello pollen is being distributed.

So that you can get a better impression of Cinderello, I have rummaged around in my old threads and found a picture. Here you can see him (C99 #2) in a mini pot:

C99 #2.jpg

DS #15 is unfortunately eliminated as sire for Haschenputtel line A, as he showed female characteristics. Whether the hermaphroditism was triggered by stress - after all, the poor guy was quite maltreated (poor nutrition, severe pruning of shoots and roots, irregular day and night times, fluctuating temperatures) - is only of secondary importance as long as a male can be found who nevertheless flowers without stigmata. However, I let the seeds mature and put them in my Biohazard box as Haschenputtel*in.
In order to find the right male for my Cinderella, I first propagate: Dank Sinatra F5. For this, DS #2+7+9+13+21 are allowed to spread their dust on all female DS who make it into the next run. Hermaphrodites found in the current run and during propagation are sorted out. The best DS male is then allowed to flower again separately to provide pure pollen for Haschenputtel line A.

This is how Cinderella (C99 #11) looked in the mini pot:

C99 #11.jpg

C99 #11 - top.jpg

As my fertiliser is slowly but surely running out, I thought about the subject again and did some maths. I decided to use Peters Professional, as the EC value is probably lower than the competition's due to its particularly high purity, while the nutrient content remains the same. M-77 is also supposed to be pretty cool. The marketing drivel reads convincingly...


Active member

DS #1+14+19+23 are eligible as mothers for Haschenputtel line B. These four as well as DS #30, who was still too small for the flowering tent, will be allowed to prove themselves in another run before the decision is made. Should one of her sisters still surprise me positively in the current run, she may of course join them.

DS #1:

DS #1 - fd 29.jpg

DS #1 - flower - fd 29.jpg

DS #1 - flower pollinated - fd 29.jpg

DS #1 - trunk - fd 29.jpg

DS #14:

DS #14 - fd 29.jpg

DS #14 - trunk - fd 29.jpg

DS #19:

DS #19 - fd 29.jpg

DS #19 - trunk - fd 29.jpg

DS #23:

DS #23 - fd 27.jpg

DS #23 - trunk - fd 27.jpg

The scents wafting around the tent evoke associations whose description I like much better than that of the scents themselves:
"Warm and comfortable, like being in front of the fireplace wrapped in a cosy woollen blanket with a nice cup of tea."


Active member

Change of plan:

Originally, I wanted to send all eligible Dank Sinatra into flower together at the outpost in order to identify the most suitable crossing partner and propagate the variety. However, despite 24/0, the DS boys are desperate to flower. The poor nutrient supply may be playing its part - the plants are being pinched pretty hard and it shows.

To ensure the purity of the planned Haschenputtel line A, I have selected the most promising candidate for crossing: Lucky 13.
He will move to the outpost together with five of his sisters and provide for offspring, his pollen will also be used to pollinate my Cinderella.

His brothers will remain under constant light and can hopefully be kept from finally flowering for a while longer. Once Lucky 13 has done its job and the seeds on the girls are ripe, the remaining boys will go to the outpost to produce pollen for the Dank Sinatra F5.


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