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The fairy tale of Haschenputtel - Cinderella 99 x Dank Sinatra F4 - Selecting + Breeding


Active member

Once upon a time …

… when what many people enjoy had to take place in secret, a door opened up leading to undreamed-of possibilities. A door behind which a secret refuge was hidden. This is where the two royal siblings, Princess Cinderella and Prince Cinderello, ended up, and from then on they enjoyed themselves in their new chambers. Golden light shone down on them, and they feasted on the cool water whose gentle waves caressed their feet. But even a pleasant place like this could not dissuade them from their goal: They were sent out to meet the daughters and sons of the House of Sinatra, two dozen in number.

Dank Sinatra F4.jpg

-> Continue ->

This report is retrospective, even if it was not when I wrote it. It was in German then. Now I have decided to finally become active here on ICMag and translate the little story into English.
I currently have a few plants in flower, including Haschenputtel and Cinderella Super Bud, another of my own crosses. More about that in my next report.

Why Haschenputtel at all? What kind of name is that?
Let me explain briefly: Cinderella is called Aschenputtel in German. For this reason, I gave this name to the best female I found in a packet of seeds Cinderella 99 by Brothers Grimm from 2018. I placed 12 seeds to germinate in early 2020 and keep the winner to this day. She has proven to be the best of them over several grows. Of the males, I have used two for propagation and crossing and kept one until the creation of Haschenputtel. The name is a neologism composed of "Hasch", the spelling for hash in German, and "Aschenputtel". I thought it was kind of funny, but of course it doesn't work in English. In order for the name to make sense somehow, at least in German, a hash plant seemed to me to be the most suitable crossing partner. I tried several varieties, but only Dank Sinatra lived up to my expectations.

Cinderella 99 »»» Princess x P94
  • Princess
    »»» Jack Herer x Mystery Male​
    • Jack Herer
      »»» Haze x {Northern Lights #5 x Shiva Skunk}​
      • Northern Lights #5 x Shiva Skunk​
        • Northern Lights #5​
          • USA, Kalifornien »»» Mostly Indica​
        • Shiva Skunk​
          • Northern Lights 5 x Skunk #1 F-1 Hybrid F1
            »»» Northern Lights #5 x Skunk #1 F1​
            • Northern Lights #5 (specified above)​
            • Skunk #1​
              • Skunk #1
                »»» Afghanistan x Mexico x Colombia​
                • Afghanistan »»» Indica​
                • Mexico »»» Sativa​
                • Colombia »»» Sativa​
      • Haze​
        • O Haze
          »»» Mexico x Colombia x Thailand x India​
          • Mexico »»» Sativa​
          • Colombia »»» Sativa​
          • Thailand »»» Sativa​
          • India »»» Sativa​
    • Mystery Male »»» Unknown Strain​
  • P94
    »»» Princess x Cinderella 88​
    • Princess (specified above)​
    • Cinderella 88
      »»» Princess x P.75​
      • Princess (specified above)​
      • P.75
        »»» Princess x P.50​
        • Princess (specified above)​
        • P.50
          »»» Princess x Shiva Skunk​
          • Princess (specified above)​
          • Shiva Skunk (specified above)​

Aschenputtel - C99 (BG) - BT 56.jpg

Mother: Cinderella 99 #11 ("Aschenputtel") -> line A
Father: Cinderella 99 #2 -> line B

Dank Sinatra F4 »»» Dank Sinatra F4
  • Dank Sinatra
    »»» OG LA Affie x 88 G-13 HashPlant​
    • OG LA Affie​
      • Afghanistan »»» Indica​
    • 88 G-13 HashPlant IBL​
      • Mr. Nice G13 x Hash Plant
        »»» G13 x Hash Plant​
        • G13​
          • Indica​
        • Hash Plant​
          • Hash Plant
            »»» Hash Plant x {Hash Plant x NL #1}​
            • Hash Plant x NL #1​
              • Hash Plant​
                • USA, Kalifornien »»» Indica​
              • NL #1 IBL​
                • Afghanistan »»» Indica​
            • Hash Plant (specified above)​

Mother: Dank Sinatra #16+23+19 -> line B
Father: Dank Sinatra #9+13 -> line A

DFT system (Deep Flow Technique) made out of sewer pipes (DN 160) for 24 net pots (5.5 cm) fed by a 200 l reservoir cooled by Hailea Ultra Titan 300 in a tent (240 x 120 x 200 cm) with two box fans illuminated by two grow lights.
50 - 750 W
110 x 110 cm
10 bars
2880 pcs Samsung LM301H (CRI 80, 3500 K, SK Bin)
120 pcs Osram GH CSSPM1.24 (660 nm, 1U Bin)



Nutrient schedule:
10 l RO water
2 g calcium nitrate
1 g Epson salt
2 g Peters Professional Combi Sol
1 g Hakaphos Soft Ultra
0.25 ml (5 drops) pH Minus
27.5 ml H2O2 (11.9 %) (10 mM)

EC: 0.7 mS/cm
pH: 5.7
-> Nutrients (pure elements ppm): 61 N - 24 P - 75 K - 38 Ca - 15 Mg

Soak seeds and rockwool cubes for 12-24 h.
10 l RO water
6 g calcium nitrate
3 g Epsom salt
5 g Peters Professional Combi Sol
4 g Hakaphos Soft Ultra

-> Nutrients (pure elements ppm): 195 N - 53 P - 209 K - 114 Ca - 45 Mg

EC values:
Dilute nutrient solution to 0.7 mS/cm for seedlings and cuttings, raise to 0.8 - 2.0 mS/cm maximally.
10 l RO water
5 g calcium nitrate
3 g Epsom salt
7 g Peters Professional Combi Sol

-> Nutrients (pure elements ppm): 120 N - 55 P - 209 K - 95 Ca - 42 Mg

EC values:
Dilute nutrient solution to 0.8 - 2.0 mS/cm maximally, reduce to less than 0.7 mS/cm in the last week.
Nitrogen (N):
Atomic mass: 14.0067 u
optimal: 160 - 220 mg/l
For flowering drug-type cannabis in soilless culture, supply of 30 and 80 mg L⁻¹ N restricted whole plant and inflorescence growth, but plants performed optimally with supply of 160-320 mg L⁻¹ N (Saloner and Bernstein, 2021). The optimal N supply (194 mg L⁻¹) found in our study is within their range, despite the two studies using two different growing methods and plants with different genetic backgrounds.
  • N Supply affects cannabinoid and terpenoid concentrations in medical cannabis.​
  • Tetrahydrocannabinolic acid and cannabidiolic acid decrease with the increase in N application.​
  • Inflorescence yield is highest under 160–320 mg L⁻¹ N.​
  • Growth retardation and visual chlorosis are induced by N supply lower than 160 mg L⁻¹ N, and N supply up to 320 mg L⁻¹ did not induce a toxicity response.​
  • The optimal N level for yield quantity, combined with relatively high secondary metabolite content, is 160 mg L⁻¹ N.​

Phosphorous (P):
Atomic mass: 30.9738 u
optimal: 20 - 60 mg/l
Many commercial cannabis cultivation operations currently use fertilizer formulations that contain very high levels of P (more than 200 mg L⁻¹ P in some cases). This practice is based on anecdotal evidence that P enhances inflorescence production. These concentrations are much higher than the optimal rate of 60 mg L⁻¹ P found in our study, and at the higher range could cause reduction of both plant growth and inflorescence yield. In addition to reducing plant growth and yield, excessive supply of nutrients is a potential source of environmental pollution.
Thus, for production in a cannabinoid or distillate market, a P fertility concentration of 11.25 mg·L⁻¹ would be adequate, while for fresh market production, a P fertility concentration may be greater (22.5 mg·L⁻¹) to account for more visually appealing floral material.
Growing ‘BaOx’ C. sativa with a fertility rate of 15 mg·L⁻¹ P provided similar plant height, diameter, and totala above ground biomass produced in comparison to all other examined higher rates. This 15 mg·L⁻¹ P rate optimized plant growth without deficiency symptoms or stunting growth due to an over or under application. Although a plateau was not reached for the foliar accumulation of P, plant growth metrics were not significantly impacted by the variation of P fertility. These results demonstrate that while P plays a large role in plant growth and development, a fertility rate of 11.25 to 15 mg·L⁻¹ P recommended (Cockson et al., 2020) will provide optimal growth. Thus, growers can optimize yield and limit economic inputs without suppling the plant with greater P fertility rate that would promote luxury consumption.

Potassium (K):
Atommasse: 39.0983 u
optimal: 160 - 240 mg/l
While modeling of cannabis inflorescence yield response to N, P, and K with surface analysis accounts for interaction between nutrients, the surface response model demonstrated that K, within the tested range of 60-340 mg L⁻¹, had no effect on inflorescence yield. This lack of response may suggest that 60 mg L⁻¹ K is not low enough to cause nutrient deficiency, and 340 mg L⁻¹ K is not high enough to cause toxicity. Moreover, cannabis responses to K may be cultivar specific.
In both genotypes, biomass deposition was affected by K inputs but the response varied between the genotypes. In RM, growth positively responded to increase in K supply up to 175 ppm K (Figures 1A–C), as can be seen from the increase in leaves and root biomass (Figures 1A, C), stem diameter (Figure 2E), and internode elongation rate (Figures 2E, G), but decreased with further increase to 240 ppm K, rendering 175 ppm as the optimum concentration for this genotype. While DQ suffered as well from insufficient K supply under the 15 ppm K treatment, increasing K supply in the range of 60–175 ppm K did not affect plant development. Surprisingly, further increase in K supply, to the level of 240 ppm K, stimulated rather than restricted growth and development of this genotype.

Calcium (Ca) + Magnesium (Mg):
Atomic mass Ca: 40.078 u
Atomic mass Mg: 24.305 u
Optimal ratio to Potassium: 4 K : 2 Ca : 1 Mg
Optimal (Ca): 80 - 120 mg/l
Optimal (Mg): 40 - 60 mg/l
Ratio of K to Ca to Mg. Providing the proper balance of K to Ca to Mg is important for greenhouse production of cannabis. Too much of one element does not in itself result in toxicity symptoms. Instead, excessive levels of one element has an antagonism against the others. For instance, excessive K will result in either a Ca deficiency or an Mg deficiency being observed in a plant. Many instances of Mg deficiency observed in cannabis may be due to excessive K being supplied and not due to the lack of available Mg to the plant. Figure 3 illustrates the trend that is observed in the leaf tissue concentration of a plant when K is excessive.
For cannabis, K, Ca and Mg all appear to be needed in larger quantities compared to other greenhouse floriculture species. In general, the rule is provide K, Ca and Mg in a 4:2:1 ratio to avoid antagonisms. For commercial poinsettia production, we recommend a similar ratio around 200 ppm K to 100 ppm Ca to 50 ppm Mg; this would be a good starting point for cannabis (which, like poinsettias, is a short-day plant) until scientifically based research can determine optimal rates.


In the vegetative phase, a little more nitrogen is reasonable, towards the end of flowering a little less. The proportions of the other nutrients can be maintained throughout the grow. More is not always more, over-fertilisation should be avoided, often an EC value of just under 1.0 mS/cm is sufficient, depending on conditions and variety. The optimal amount of the respective nutrient refers to optimal conditions in an indoor hydroponic system in peak flowering.

The cheapest way to fertilise is with nutrient salts.
The nutrients are given in mass proportions: N as pure element, P as P4O10, K as K2O, Ca as CaO and Mg as MgO.

Based on the molar mass, the proportion of the pure element can be calculated.
Example P:
Molar mass (P4O10): 283.92 u
Atomic mass (P): 30.9738 u
4 * 30.9738 u / 283.92 u = 0.436

N: 100 %
P: 43.6 %
K: 83 %
Ca: 71.5 %
Mg: 60.3 %

1 g NPK fertiliser with the specifications 10-10-10 thus contains 100 mg N, 43.6 mg P and 83 mg K.

If you dissolve 1 g of salt in 10 l of water, it contains 100 ppm of the salt.

Reverse osmosis water is used, as my tap water is most unsuitable. With an EC value of 0.8 mS/cm, it contains, among other things, chlorides, which do not belong in a nutrient solution. Some people may be lucky and can tap directly out of the wall, but unfortunately I, like many others, am not one of them.

First calcium, as this is not contained in most nutrient salts and, on the other hand, a calcium fertiliser usually also contains nitrogen. I use calcium nitrate with 15.5 N and 26.5 CaO (18.95 Ca).

1 g calcium nitrate in 10 l water -> 15.5 ppm N + 19 ppm Ca
1 g Epsom salt in 10 l water -> 9.9 ppm Mg + 13 ppm S
1 g monopotassium phosphate MKP 52-34 in 10 l water -> 22.7 ppm P + 28.2 ppm K
1 ml pH Plus (potassium hydroxide 50 %) in 10 l water -> 52.4 ppm K
1 ml pH Minus (phosphoric acid 59 %) in 10 l water -> 26.4 ppm P

For the optimum proportion of Ca, 4-6 g of calcium nitrate per 10 l of water are needed.

5 g calcium nitrate in 10 l water -> 78 ppm N + 95 ppm Ca

So we still need 80-140 ppm N, 20-60 ppm P, 180-240 ppm K and 40-60 ppm Mg.

If you calculate in the other direction, it makes it easier to choose the right fertiliser. This way you can see at first glance whether the ratios fit.

160-220 N + 20-60 P + 160-240 K + 80-120 Ca + 40-60 Mg
160-200 N + 50-140 P4O10 + 190-290 K2O + 110-170 CaO + 60-100 MgO

Since NPK fertilisers usually do not contain calcium, we have to calculate out the N added by the calcium nitrate.
Magnesium is usually not sufficiently present in NPK fertiliser, so we can neglect this, as it is supplied by Epsom salt.

So a fertiliser that does not deviate too far from 1-1-2 NPK should in principle be suitable for us.
When mixing, make sure that the calcium nitrate is completely dissolved before adding other nutrient salts or, conversely, that all other nutrient salts are completely dissolved before adding calcium nitrate - best to dissolve separately and add to the nutrient solution. Depending on the genetics and conditions (light, temperature, humidity, CO2, etc.), an EC value of 0.8 mS/cm from planting to harvest may be sufficient. Overfertilisation should be avoided.


Table of contents:
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Active member

While the descendants of Dank Sinatra were still sleeping unconcernedly, the noble siblings had already been making use of their magical powers for many moons. Their special gift helped them to be in different places at the same time. They had the ability to multiply themselves.

C99 - rooted.jpg

So the two moved into an outpost, not without first giving their likenesses a task. As observers, they were to scout out the future consorts while the royal siblings themselves made all the preparations for the wedding.

Cinderella + Cinderello.jpg

The chosen ones from the House of Sinatra knew nothing of all this when they were carefully awakened. They had made a long journey, which was like a transfer of prisoners, crammed into a very small space and without light, only to be locked up in a chilly dungeon as soon as they arrived. But none of this bothered them. On the contrary, they enjoyed the peace and quiet. Armoured by a protective shell, they were prepared for all imaginable hardships. Now it was time to cast off this shell and step into life.

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Spring-like temperatures encouraged those who had come from afar to hop out of their cramped vehicle into the bath prepared for them. They were still encased in their shells and thus their senses were dampened, yet they had felt that they were no longer surrounded by cold. It was refreshing to be able to splash in the water at last, all the more so because it was no ordinary water, but a special one to which strengthening and cleansing essences had been carefully added.

Dank Sinatra - Start.jpg

After hours of swimming, they sank to the ground exhausted. Gently, they were tucked into soft pillows and fell wearily asleep. When they awoke, they cautiously poked their heads out and blinked shyly into the glaring light. So this is where they should be subjected to their test.

Dank Sinatra - VT 1.jpg

13 instead of 12 seeds per Eppendorf tube -> 2 seeds back into the stash -> 1 Eppendorf tube (min. 12 seeds) + 2 seeds left over

Seeds taken out of fridge: 03.09.21
Seeds and rockwool cubes soaked for 24 hours: 07.09.21
Seeds dipped: 22/24
Seeds placed in rockwool cube: 08.09.21
Seeds germinated: 24/24
Day 1: 12.09.21

Nutrient solution:
10 l reverse osmosis water
2 g calcium nitrate
1 g Epsom salt
3 g Hakaphos Soft Ultra (18-12-18)
50 ml H2O2 (11.9 %)
-> Nutrients (pure elements ppm): 85 N - 16 P - 45 K - 38 Ca - 13 Mg
-> EC 0.8
-> pH 5.6
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Active member

The fact that the seeds all germinated at the same time is probably also related to the hydrogen peroxide treatment. I looked at a few papers on germination under the influence of hydrogen peroxide, which showed that a 20 mM solution is best. However, they were about pea and aubergine seeds, which take a bit longer to germinate. Next time I will try a 10 mM solution and soak the rockwool cubes only in 5mM. I have the impression that for cannabis a lower concentration might be better.

Calculation on H2O2:
Hydrogen peroxide 11.9 %
Density: ~ 1.04 g/ml
Mass concentration: ~ 124 g/l (1.04 g/ml * 11.9/100)
Molar mass H2O2: 34.02 g/mol
Molarity: ~ 3.64 mol/l (124 g/l / 34.02 g/mol)
20 mM solution: 1000 ml * 0.02 M / 3.64 M = 5.5 ml

A few seedlings still need to catch up, but it looks like all of them will make it.
The two that hadn't sunk even after 24 hours of swimming came last and are still a bit weak. The seeds were quite small and seemed less mature. I had also helped these and a few others out of the rockwool by tearing the cubes in two and straightening the little plants a bit.

DS #24.jpg

The root of one seedling had been severed, I tell myself that I am innocent - it was the sharp broken edge of the hull that did it! This one also seems to be over the hill. There wasn't really any root left.

severed root.jpg

Apart from that, there are still two or three seedlings struggling with chlorotic cotyledons.

It will be alright.
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Well-known member
Hello Dionysos aka Rick! *burp*

Your report is really detailed and the structure is nice too, nice work!

I take a seat to watch your grow project! (y)

greets M


Active member

While the newly awakened waited for the things to come, the prince and princess stretched out towards the sun, far away from them. It only shone here for twelve hours, the other twelve hours of the day were dark night. This rhythm had an irresistible power that the prince and princess did not even try to defy.

They had waited a long time for this moment, now it was time to put on the most splendid robes. Cinderella spent most of her time grooming her hair, which she prepared to model tower hairstyles of ever more daring heights. Anyone who caught sight of her and perceived her scent was completely beguiled.
Meanwhile, Cinderello was busy making golden dust that could do extraordinary things. It has the potential to create entire armies, even the smallest amounts are enough. Of course, he had to fall in love with the right woman first, and she with him, but there was no one who would not have succumbed to his charm.

Cinderello geschüttelt.jpg

Since the little ones made hardly any progress the first week after germination, the fairy tale is now also faltering a little. To remedy this, the heating was turned up, as it had already become very chilly. Slowly they are getting back on their feet. Cinderella and Cinderello have to cope with the refreshing temperatures at the outpost, but they will fulfil their destiny.
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Day 18

Since yesterday 19 of the Dank Sinatra are in root boxes, here's a quick look at the little ones:

Dank Sinatra - VT 18.jpg

One seedling has already left us, three are expected to follow, and another is struggling valiantly.

As you can see, the development was very slow, it's only been a few days that things are progressing. I simply hadn't noticed how quickly it had cooled down in the cellar since August, and the low temperatures weren't exactly conducive.

The problem children have made it, the one with the white collar is the one that had its root cut off. It hadn't stretched enough to use the standard cover, so I tinkered a bit with foil. The two that wouldn't dive and barely came out of their cover are on the right.

Nutrient solution:
10 l RO water
1.5 g calcium nitrate
1.0 g Epsom salt
3.0 g Hakaphos Soft Ultra
25 ml hydrogen peroxide (11.9 %)
EC: 0.74 mS/cm
pH: 5.4

Nutrients (pure elements ppm): 77 N - 16 P - 45 K - 28 Ca - 14 Mg
10 l RO water
1.5 g calcium nitrate
1.0 g Epsom salt
3.0 g Hakaphos Soft Ultra
12.5 ml hydrogen peroxide (11.9 %)
EC: 0.74 mS/cm
pH: 5.4

Nutrients (pure elements ppm): 77 N - 16 P - 45 K - 28 Ca - 14 Mg
10 l RO water
1.5 g calcium nitrate
1.0 g Epsom salt
3.5 g Hakaphos Soft Ultra
EC: 0.88 mS/cm
pH: 5.4

Nutrients (pure elements ppm): 86 N - 18 P - 52 K - 28 Ca - 15 Mg
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Active member

Meanwhile, the 24 Sinatra were put through their first test. Autumnal cold got to them as they struggled through the first stage. Not all of them were up to the strain, only 19 of them made it through. Those who remained moved into new, more spacious accommodation to gather strength.

DS #1-24.jpg

At the same time, unnoticed by their brothers and sisters, the remaining emissaries of the House of Sinatra were gently roused from their slumber. Prince and Princess had been told by their likenesses exactly how the chosen ones were doing. They knew the severity of the test and nodded at each other, impressed. Without words they agreed.
Actually, the remaining Sinatra were to slumber in their cool lair for an indefinite time, but now this lot seemed like a punishment. So they were freed and given the same care as their siblings before. After an invigorating bath and pleasant rest, 14 of the initial 15 stretched out towards the sun. The 15th child preferred to stay in a warm bed and was allowed to lie down for a while. Even before that, those who were least expected had shown their will to live, and so the sleepy child also got its chance. The royal siblings arranged for him to be helped to open his cover and to be put back into his pillow.

DS #25-39.jpg

Seeds taken out of fridge: 29.09.21
Seeds and rockwool cubes soaked for 24 hours: 29.09.21
Seeds dipped: 15/15
Seeds placed in rockwool cube: 30.09.21
Seeds germinated: 14/15
Day 1: 03.10.21

After the bath 14 of 15 seeds were open, most of them already had the radicle visible. The reluctant seed does not look immature and probably has a particularly firm shell. I helped it by gently cracking it today.
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Active member

Today, the added Dank Sinatra were placed in their root boxes. 32 plants remained and were renumbered.

Dank Sinatra #1-32.jpg

Pollen from Cinderella 99 #2 is dried using calcium chloride. Tomorrow will be sieved and frozen.
Better sieve the pollen before drying, the low humidity makes the anthers very brittle so they turn to dust when you try to seperate them.

Cinderella 99 #2 - drying pollen.jpg
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Active member

Day 31 + day 10

As the Dank Sinatra are starting to take each other's space, a few leaves have been plucked off. These will be thrown to the rabbits today. Two birds with one stone!


DS #1-32 - day 31 + day 10 - before.jpg


DS #1-32 - day 31 + day 10 - after.jpg

Tomorrow fresh nutrient solution will be added to the boxes, nothing has been done to them yet.
As soon as I have rooted cuttings from all the plants, the boxes will be put into the big tent for outing, with some plants you can already tell the sex.
It will take a few more weeks until it gets really exciting.
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Active member

Yesterday I topped DS #1+15 above the sixth node, the rest may still grow a little. Here is a close-up of DS #15, who clearly shows his sex:

DS #15 - day 31.jpg

Since I had to refill the nutrient solution in the hydro pot with my C99 mom every day by now, it was time to wield the scissors.

C99 - before.jpg

C99 - roots before.jpg

C99 - after.jpg

C99 - roots after.jpg

By the way, I'm happy if you interrupt my monologue from time to time.
You are really welcome to comment. :)
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Active member

Two of the root boxes have just been supplied with new nutrient solution.

The discarded nutrient solution had the following values:

EC 0.3 mS/cm
pH: 4.8
EC: 0.54 mS/cm
pH: 5.2
10 l RO water
2.5 g calcium nitrate
1.5 g Epsom salt
3.5 g Hakaphos Soft Ultra
0.25 ml pH Plus
EC: 1.04 mS/cm
pH: 6.0
Nutrients (pure elements ppm): 102 N - 18 P - 65 K - 47 Ca - 20 Mg

Except for DS #21, I have moved the stragglers into the third box, whose nutrient solution composition still fits (EC: 0.88 mS/cm, pH: 5.8). It is allowed to stay in the second box because it is the most developed and there is not enough space in the third.
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Active member

Prince and Princess danced together in festive garments and rejoiced in life. Cinderella had braided pretty little buttons into her glittering hairdo, and Cinderello generously let golden magic dust trickle from his miraculous cornucopia. Satisfied, they looked to the future. Now they were sure that they would fulfil their destiny.

C99 - developing seeds.jpg

C99 - developing more seeds.jpg

C99 #2 - pollen.jpg

Seed and pollen production takes place under the worst possible circumstances. Low temperatures, little light, miserable nutrient supply. Tomorrow I will finally give them a new nutrient solution.
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Active member

In the meantime, those who had first been freed had grown to such a stately size that they fought over each other's space. One test relentlessly followed the next, not only the confinement was a problem for them, but also the lack of food due to the enforced fasting, some even had to suffer from thirst. Now the next trials were coming up, but before that the companions were allowed to recover under the best conditions. So they moved into their new accommodation, which, with a sumptuous feast, gave everyone enough room to develop. Soon they would have to prove that they too had magical powers.

DS #1-19.jpg

At the same time, the move out also brought better conditions for the younger siblings. They were allowed to join the older ones shortly after waking up, now finally they were no longer towered over by them. Of the initial 15, two were already gone, the sleepy child did not want to get out of his bed and another followed him. Even among those who remained, not all had made it yet, but they were looking forward cheerfully.

DS #20-32.jpg

I am really happy that I was able to get hold of the Dank Sinatra for my project, and I am quite confident that I will find good crossing partners for my C99 this time. For Haschenputtel line A, the best DS male may cross with Cinderella, and for line B, Cinderello with the best DS female.
However, it's still a few years until the final product... I plan to stabilise the crossbreeding if it really turns out as well as I hope.

A little extra picture of the pretty DS #1:

DS #1.jpg
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Active member
@Makroni @Kalle. @PolsBurg @mack 10
Thanks for your support, you guys. :)

Nice. Cindy really is something special.
What are you trying to achieve?

Nerd addendum:

Plants were moved on 23/10/2021.

EC 0.34 mS/cm
pH: 3.7
EC: 0.28 mS/cm
pH: 3.9
EC: 0.66 mS/cm
pH: 5.4
10 l RO water
2.5 g calcium nitrate
1.75 g Epsom salt
4.25 g Hakaphos Soft Ultra
0.25 ml pH Plus
EC: 1.1 mS/cm
pH: 6.0
Nutrients (pure elements ppm): 115 N - 22 P - 76 K - 47 Ca - 23 Mg
10 l RO water
3 g calcium nitrate
2 g Epsom salt
3 g Hakaphos Soft Novell
1.5 g Hakaphos Soft Ultra
0.25 ml pH Plus (adjustments hardly necessary later due to buffering effect)
EC: 1.2 mS/cm
pH: 6.0
Nutrients (pure elements ppm): 106 N - 22 P - 110 K - 57 Ca - 27 Mg

Any questions? :D
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Active member

When looking at the values of the discarded nutrient solution, one might be surprised what our herb can withstand. Even on hydro, you don't have to be as meticulous as many people seem to think.

Cuttings saved from all plants. #6+11+16+17, which took a few days longer to deliver cuttings, seem unsuitable for my breeding project due to their growth. They were a bit more hesitant in forming side shoots. For the sake of completeness, I nevertheless cut some of them before switching to flowering.

In just under three weeks, I will switch to 12/12. I have added five Cindy cuttings in the middle of the flower system, as it is not so easy to get to the plants there. Maybe I'll pollinate one of them already, but I still have to come up with a solution for the Dank Sinatra boys.

I have already refilled the nutrient solution, slightly reducing the nitrogen content - more Hakaphos Basis 5, less Soft Ultra or Soft Novell. I don't have the exact ratios at hand at the moment.

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