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The Exodus Collective: History of UK Cheese

Ganja baba

Active member
I was about to say, the one photoed by krug above looks to me like Jah's cut, which I have a suspicion is the Suicide cut.

I also have a feeling the Suicide cut is the Brightside cut crossed or selfed, slightly improving yield/potency whilst retaining cheese flavours.

I also have no doubt the Suicide cut came straight from Exodus.

For breeding purposes it is important to know the lineage of each cut as it will affect the breeding program.

For instance, I want a pure skunk to cross to NH, rather than a skunk with NL in it. When making hybrids, I'd rather not double anything up to begin with.

the history of my cut the suicide cut . this may be it will help decide which one it is , for me i think it is the original exodus .
but smells and tastes different depending how its grown ,

i got the cut 10 years ago from a friend who got it from birmingham who got it from luton 9 years at least before that .

one way i can tell if its suicide is when its curing the suicide doesnt loose any cheese smell it gets stronger where as alot of the other cuts seem to loose alot in the cure .

i actually like the sweet cheese and the diet cheese , these to have been around in mine and banamans collection for about 8 years now , these are also said to be the exodus . thats why we nick name them all so we dont get um mixed up .

the only way to tell most cheeses apart imo is for one grower to grow them all in the same grow room at the same time .

next time i see jah i will give him a cut to grow next to his one .


Well-known member
uk grower here!
never been lucky enough to find people with the cut(yet)
little off topic, but has anyone tried crossing the cheese cut to a sk#1 male, to try and bring back some stinky roadkill genes?


interesting history to this strain...

got to taste her finally and i see why people are all about it!

Piff Rhys Jones

🌴 Hugging Trees 🌴
Too much distorted information...... Look. The cutting from 89 is dead. All these foxtail cheese are not it in my opinion. GHS seems to have that foxtailing, as does Kalimans, hence his Dready cheese. That foxtailing in my long (drawn out career) looks like the feminised seed versions. They all have newer sk#1 genes. The swelling of calyxes into huge foxtails seem to be a post 2000 cultivar choice for higher yeilds. Cheese looks exactly like what I call 'pre95' sk#1. It's a shite yielder, and as the skunk of that time 88-95, was cheddar. Look at the first post about the alladged roots of the clone. The smell in skunk in them days was the cheese smell, hence it actually being bred out of skunk#1 as it was getting too many people ontop and collared by ol bill. The same thing is going on with cheese now. You cant cant grow it under subterfuge as the greasy cheesey, potent aroma has had previous neighbours at locations next to our crops, and they were getting headaches and nausea as it was penetrating the walls. I still fight with it now! This was an industrial unit full of other pongs too. trying to get the fuckers to week 9 is almost impossible if u got more than 100 real cheese. Exodus really can only lay claim to the name by thier passing out of the stinky. It was never thiers though.

Ps. Dont give Milo yung (Big Buddah Seeds) too much stick. He's from round my area and he's got the real cut, same as mine. but he be doing some real work with it, his FreezeCheese is a brilliant but not commercial. His cheese is though, better yeilder and less stinky for quiter life.

Damn, gotta get photos up to show the real cheese. "2 weeks left! lol

pps carbon filters, Onu gels , sprays ozone's are all pointless if you got the real aniseed terpene cheese. I will get the name of the actual terpene. Psychosis//cheese all pre95 UK sk#1

Have you seen/sampled the Brightside cut Cheddar Kid?

We have established that Cheese doesn't originate from Exodus, but they played a role in putting it about.

The Brightside cut definitely came out of Haz Manor. Brightside confirmed this years ago way before the hype.

It is very likely the Suicide cut came from Haz aswell, although I dont think I've come across anyone confirming this for certain.

It is also very likely Jah's cut came from Haz bearing in mind Jah's links and location.

All 3 can therefore reasonably command the label "Exodus Cheese".

True has pretty much confirmed that what I know as Cheese from years back is what he refers to as the Brightside cut.

I'm very excited about the prospects of an even stinkier more potent version! :thank you:


Duv' conoisseur^^
ICMag Donor
Hi fellows:)

Another pics of the same cut as i posted some pictures upstair, from my buddy kannag:



Piff Rhys Jones

🌴 Hugging Trees 🌴
Rah now that looks like Dr D's pic which ojd says is most likely the Brightside cut.

Either way I can taste that greasy cheesey funk from here - lovely.
Just a quickie, thanks guys for the rep+!!

You know when it's real cheese when u can quick dry it and the smell of pukka's is still there. I just took a week early nug (or 2) and stuck it on the radiator allday. It's the only weed I know that tastes pukka straight off the ballast!! lol

And Luton and the surrounding might of started it but us Brummies really preserved and commercialised it..... Everyone knows Birmingham is the place to go for cheese. :)

Will put them pics up in a few days. I have 3, yes THREE possible candidates. One of them is identical to that Krug pic with the yellowing leaves. I can't believe people still think they can guess varieties!! Stop! It's just cheese, an early nineties sk#1 pheno! You can't categorically say what 'cut' it is, so speculation must go, assuming we are taking our botany with a scientific approach. I'm sure, well positive actually, that proper DNA testing of different cheese's would yield diverse results.

Plus, cheese didn't even go mainstream in the counter-culture until milo from Birmingham (see connection?) won the 2005 highTimes Cup with his cheese and his Big budah seeds co.

Then not forgetting some absolute garbage about a white looking plant that struggled to look like cannabis being the true ting.... You would all be real shocked to find out who just has good pheno's originating from a big budha seed somewhere in Birmingham......

roll it large

exodus cheese x northern lights

exodus cheese x northern lights

this is another exodus cut being passed around by the collective

exodus cheese x northern lights aka nelly

super stinky with abit of sweetness mixed in







'nelly' you say'........sounds the perfect match, better yeild id imagine, thx for sharein, il look out for it :)
There appears to be 4 cheese cuts in circulation (not including the acknowledged crosses (nelly, white cheese, BB cheese etc.)

1. Brightside
2. Suicide
3. Jah's cut (similar to Suicide/Rick's cut)
4. Rick's cut (similar to Suicide/Jah's cut

ricks cut is the Brightside cut as he got it from him.



ricks cut is the Brightside cut as he got it from him.

if thats so theres better cuts out there .
Ive grown ricks cut and found it a very low yeilder , very weak branches , and not as smelly and the high wasnt as good as the cut ive grown over the past yrs from jah .
no 1 on this site can be 110% sure they have the real deal as theres some meny so called cheese cuts out there now and theres going to be alot more cheese clones being past about as exodus now ghsc are selling the seeds.

I remember smoking skunk weed back in the 90s (1991 to 1993 ) and going to exodus raves dont remember smoking cheese tho back then but i do remember smoking skunk very strong in smell but no musky smell like the cheese has .
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if thats so theres better cuts out there .
Ive grown ricks cut and found it a very low yeilder , very weak branches , and not as smelly and the high wasnt as good as the cut ive grown over the past yrs from jah .
no 1 on this site can be 110% sure they have the real deal as theres some meny so called cheese cuts out there now and theres going to be alot more cheese clones being past about as exodus now ghsc are selling the seeds.

I remember smoking skunk weed back in the 90s (1991 to 1993 ) and going to exodus raves dont remember smoking cheese tho back then but i do remember smoking skunk very strong in smell but no musky smell like the cheese has .

it is so!

04-15-2011, 07:01 PM

Senior Member
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Amsterdam
Posts: 198


before i get into the meat and potato`s of this post, i would like to dedicate this set of pics to someone very very special!,,i didn't tell anyone for years that i got my cut from bightside, but now i see it as his legacy in some ways,, so im not gona hide it anymore,,brighside deserves to be celebrated,,

lets all take a sec to send brightside our best wishes
,,hopefully them good vibes reaches the gentlemen himself,,

since people keep using my pics of cheese in this thread,,il post-up a load so you can see the cheese that i got from brightside in all different environments,,,most people dont know this but brightside and i were friends before i even joined icmag,,i met brightside while chilling in Amsterdam,, just sat smokin a spliff,,,the mans a star on a ground level

brightside used to chill at haz mannor,,,he saw loads of different snips the exodus crew passed about,,if your looking at an exodus snip in your garden , chances are brightside has seen it too and years before it was hyped,

the cheese from bightside seems to be the smelliest "cheese snip" ive come across yet,, its not the best tasting "cheese snip" ive ever smoked, but its defo seems to be the most explosive in smell,,,ive actually stopped flowering it over the last few years because its silly when the other "highclass cheese snips" taste better in a spliff at the end of the day, it just stinks for no reason,,holding a gram gains people a fukin ora,,even smoking a splif between 3 gives everyone skunk breath,,

just so you know,,,brightside said the psycho is a widow or a widow cross to cheese,,he seemed 100% sure that the psycho clone had widow in there,,so im betting Psycho is a widow type.

ok,,here are the pics

but hey like journos say "never let fact get in the way of good story!"


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
the best cheese i ever smoked is the brightside cut(big respect bro for sharing the cut)

ive grown a few other cheeses over the years and smoked handfulls of diferent cheese's grown by lots of big playaz and not found a beter version

if you got a beter version lets see it or beter smoke it



Well-known member
Just got some Greenhouse Exodus Cheese. Needed another two weeks on the plant, probably chopped at eight weeks. Smells of vomit in the bag and tastes typically like any other Cheese I've tried.

It would be nice to see anything but Cheese being served up in my area. Mind you, this Greenhouse stuff was being sold as 'Exodus', Cheese wasn't mentioned, but that wasn't my point.


@roll it large, your cheesexnl looks dank bro. just started cutting down a few plants of it myself today. got to say it FUCKING STINKS!!!!, hope it tastes as good as it smells. think its smellier than the straight exo cut. defo going to be running her again.

roll it large

@roll it large, your cheesexnl looks dank bro. just started cutting down a few plants of it myself today. got to say it FUCKING STINKS!!!!, hope it tastes as good as it smells. think its smellier than the straight exo cut. defo going to be running her again.

its supposed to be an improvement on the exodus cheese its got a sweet musky taste to it

ive heard that tolerence builds up quickly with it after few days but i didnt smoke too much of it

yields pretty good too ive got a friend looking after it for me at the mo hes well chuffed... havent got the room at the mo


Piff Rhys Jones

🌴 Hugging Trees 🌴
Where's rick these days?

It's strange that you qote rick saying: "brightside used to chill at haz mannor,,,he saw loads of different snips the exodus crew passed about,,if your looking at an exodus snip in your garden , chances are brightside has seen it too and years before it was hyped"

I only went to the manor twice - my grow mentor was well known down there - even taught some guy to grow - so I do not know which 'cheese' I have ('caus I did not even know there were two !)