I guess as an old guy ya just sit back and laugh at all this foolishness.
If this is a war we are going to be slaughtered unless we can do something together and at least post pone this crap.
I really hope those 3 assholes get what they deserve, in the meantime, I dont think its impossible to slow this down, what can be done?
There is nothing funny about this. And for those that think prices will not go up drastically,think again. Once scientific studies prove it's medicinal properties prices will skyrocket, want proof just look at the newest example, Epipens, $1 worth of medicine now costs $600.
Why do you think big pharma is bankrolling opposition to recreational marijuana.
Case law is most certainly NOT common law!
They're not even related.
I was really considering becoming a care giver. Fuck it now I guess.
If this legislative business model passes no caregiver will be allowed to participate at any level. You may actually have opportunities others will not. That is if you can make 8.50$ per hour work as a living wage ...
From what i read ,caregivers in MI are exempt from the dispensary rules,and they can still grow for their patients,no?
From what i read ,caregivers in MI are exempt from the dispensary rules,and they can still grow for their patients,no?
It would seem that the only thing being addressed is all the illegal activity that is hiding behind the MMMA. Overages are illegal, dispensing is illegal, making a "living" doesn't have fuck to do with the law.
What is it Caregivers, money or patients? We have had 8 years of the state watching Caregivers take advantage for money, what do you expect?
Your not going to grow weed in your basement and put your kids through college legally. The same people complaining are the ones that are making our law a joke to the rest of john q public. Please leave, we don't want you in MI.
I don't understand your position... Maybe state clearly what and with whom your pissed at?
I can only comment on my caregiver experience in Colorado. I paid about a $1500 a month to grow... I charged half the going rate when I started so $200 a ounce, as my grow and patients grew I was able to sell my overage back to a dispensary. I then sold to the patients meds for $50 a ounce... Why because my time and labor were covered by me selling my excess meds to the dispenary. I'm a good guy and all and some of my people were on fixed incomes so I cut them some slack but nothing is free, anything of worth has some cost... That warm cozy feeling you get doesn't pay the light bill...
Do you grow for free? Do you give your patients meds for free? Are you able to use all the meds before they degrade? There will always be people that game any system, focusing on them doesn't help you in anyway...
Besides what's wrong with someone making a living growing weed and helping people? Some names come to mind bodhi,subcool, DJ and JD short, Tom hill, and on and on... except that rat Rezdog fuck that guy!