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The Deep South


New member
Yeah I live in South West Georgia and I'm going to be growing for the first time starting in February, I'll grow indoors then move outside in April. Just wanting to get any insight some locals might have for me. I have a pretty rural location but I do have a nosey room mate so I have converted one of my dressers into a massive grow box. The set up isn't fully complete, I still have time, but I wanted to plan early and any help from you guys would be awesome!


Yeah I live in South West Georgia and I'm going to be growing for the first time starting in February, I'll grow indoors then move outside in April. Just wanting to get any insight some locals might have for me. I have a pretty rural location but I do have a nosey room mate so I have converted one of my dressers into a massive grow box. The set up isn't fully complete, I still have time, but I wanted to plan early and any help from you guys would be awesome!

good luck but if you have a room mate you gotta hide it from your already off too a bad start because it seems like it would be hard to keep everything from your roomy esp when they flower although it a small grow in dresser and then when ya gotta trim and dry. buut if you can control the smell shouuld be ok gl.


yeah if u don't want your roomy to know ... i wouldn't do it.. u can probley pull it off but ur gonna have to be slick . if u r just wanting to grow inside to get the plants growing and to clone u might can pull it off. but like the other guy says when u gotta trim its gonna be tricky..


New member
We have our own rooms and yeah, I am going to try my best to hide it from her. I just want to give them a head start before I plant them outside. She never goes out into the yard and there are lots of good hiding spots. I'm interested in masking the odor, does Lowes or some other place carry anything I can get? Would an air freshener hurt the plants?
We have our own rooms and yeah, I am going to try my best to hide it from her. I just want to give them a head start before I plant them outside. She never goes out into the yard and there are lots of good hiding spots. I'm interested in masking the odor, does Lowes or some other place carry anything I can get? Would an air freshener hurt the plants?

they have these expensive ionizer ( i think thats the correct name) things that will neutralize all odors but I think you can rent them from places if you need it just during times of peak skunkyness.

Outdoors i doubt theres a way to mask it though. A room mate that does not approve is not good :dunno:
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New member
I'm going to be starting other seedlings because I also want to start a veg and herb garden and transplant them to outside around the same time. She pretty much stays out of my room and if she does find out she wont call the popo but will probably kill them or throw them away. I really want to do this but I don't want my money and effort to go to waist. Oh, and thanks to everyone replying, you all are providing great points I need to deeply consider.


There is another consideration that has not been mentioned in regards to hiding this from your room mate. Do you really feel that it is right to involve your room mate in a criminal activity without her knowledge or approval? As long as it is in your room if something were to happen you MIGHT be able to convince the authorities that she had nothing to do with it. Once you move them outside, if something were to happen it will be much harder to convince them not to bust both of you.
And if your room mate truly is nosy she will discover your grow. Talk to her about it dude. She might surprise you.


Active member
Ona gel for light odor control.


There is another consideration that has not been mentioned in regards to hiding this from your room mate. Do you really feel that it is right to involve your room mate in a criminal activity without her knowledge or approval? As long as it is in your room if something were to happen you MIGHT be able to convince the authorities that she had nothing to do with it. Once you move them outside, if something were to happen it will be much harder to convince them not to bust both of you.
And if your room mate truly is nosy she will discover your grow. Talk to her about it dude. She might surprise you.

They can and will arrest you both but if you are just thinking about getting a couple of weeks or a month head start I guess you could do it. I have done outdoor in GA b4 though north of you. My best advice is to find a swampy area with a sandhill to plant on. The best would be to find somewhere like a flood plain that is controlled via a dam or reservoir and look for the high spots back in the bush(far enough people aren't just going to walk up on your spot). Specifically I would look for what would be islands when the water gets high, land has to be good draining but also have close proximity to water all year. So in short, find a few hammocks with small clearings and plant a plant here and there, spread them out so you have a better chance of yielding something. Come back every couple of months to tie the plants out/down so they are wide and low so they are harder to spot.


ANOTHER THING TO THINK ABOUT.. WHY START SO EARLY?? r u trying to get some early bud. which will happen if u put them out end of april? if ur not trying to get some early bud u should wait a little longer or u r gonna have a monster plant to hide


New member
Ok, Duckslayer, yeah I'll take that into consideration, I deff dont wanna get her in trouble but there is no talking to her, Ive tried. I guess the house is NOT the location to do this at.

And Zenoonez, thanks for the tips, I will totally put them to use. There is actually woods about half a mile from my place that is swampy, I think I can find a spot out there that is private.

I'm glad you said something about that, Stunky, I had no idea I would get a monster, I didn't plan to grow them so long but I guess I have to for the flowering to kick in. You're right, I should wait longer but what month should I sprout seedlings in order to avoid a monster?


Active member
i wouldnt do it....nosey roomate just spells problems. theres dozens of horror stories on IC involving roomates and grows..


Do a straight guerilla grow or stack your cheese and get your own place. Don't sit down and talk to her about it. Why would you do that? First rule of growing, no one but yourself should know. Maybe she's "cool," but how long does that last before she throws you to the wolves?

Prop215 nailed it, over the years I've read countless threads of roommates getting our fellow growers caught up.

Be safe. Good luck.


shut the fuck up Donny
Be careful and be sure to decide whether it is worth the risk or not.

In georgia, any grow under 10 pounds is an instant felony with a min sentence of 1 year and a max of 10 years in jail.

Anything over 10 pounds is MMS 5 years and a $100,000 fine.

Just being caught WITH over an ounce of bud, let alone growing it, is a felony.

Not the friendliest state.


New member
I really don't think bag seed is worth all that, I was only going to grow for fun. That just seems like too much risk...


Executive Branch Genetics
Me being from Fl I know about leo and how they work. There a gang that cant be stopped and there not playing fair so be on ur toes