hhhmm, white wins in one move?
from what i see bishop a3-d6 to strenghten your queens position but after that i suppose mrs Black (aka f5) could slide right down & corner mr white (h1)
bet its astonisishingly simple & staring me right in the face
Ayhev, here's what I remember without going back to the page and copying verbatim. The winning line begins with 1. Ba4-b5!! (stopping the mate on f1) and now 1... c6xb5 loses immediately to 2. Qa7-a6+ Kc8-c7 3. Ba3xd6+ and mate next move. But the real craziness begins after 1... Rd8-f8!, and now I'm not sure exactly how White wins, but apparently there's a way. I'm going to go set this one up and take a look. If I can't figure it out I'll post a link tomorrow.
*** Well, for one, shit is hopeless after 1... Rd8-f8 2. Bb5-a6+! Kc8-d8 3. Ba3xd6 when White's back rank mate threats are tougher than Black's. 3... Kd8-e8 4. Re4xe5+!, 3... Qf5-f1+ 4. Bb5xf1 Rf8xf1+ 5. Qa7-g1 Rf1xg1+ 6. Kh1xg1 Rh8-e8 7. Re4xe5 is lost too. I'm getting tired lol, so I'll leave the other winner, 2. Qa7-a8+!!, up to y'all to look at.