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The 2020 Presidential Election

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Dallas Conner

New member
Nice thread. Joined ICMag this morning and quickly came upon this thread. Not hard since it's the largest one here. I can't imagine a better way to destroy a community than to provide a place to lob ad hominem attacks at each other. I couldn't get through a day IRL if I knew the politics of everyone I encounter. No wonder there is an obvious lack of perspective in the posts I just spent an hour glancing through.

To those who think re-posting memes means anything, presents a sincere view or has any free speech value, you are not only wrong, you are delusional. There is a reason they are formatted like comics. Grow up and stop diminishing serious issues. You have reduced each other to caricatures.

Stop thinking you can convince or bully the other side into "understanding" the truth. You are completely missing the point. They already know Trump is a liar, has trampled the constitution, has enriched himself at the public trough. THEY DON'T CARE. They hate you more and love the fact that Trump disturbs you so much that you can't see the real agenda.

You and your media are tearing your hair out "bewildered" by Republican senators who similarly can't see Trump's misconduct. "If only we explain it for hours and hours, a few may see the evil and come to the light". THEY DON'T CARE EITHER. They know that if Trump is removed from office, they will be swept out too and will NEVER REGAIN POWER because of the country's changing demographics. Keep pretending that all Americans share the same fundamental civic beliefs at your own peril. Trumpists know there is no political future without voter suppression, foreign interference and salting the intellectual landscape with lies and propaganda. They will gladly sacrifice the constitution and even their citizenship to sustain white privilege. They will never accept that reduced advantage is not disadvantage. You're dreaming if you don't think it will happen here. It has before. Ask Lincoln.

Sorry I can't call you Righties. Grow some balls. Stop whining about being called racist when you use terms like "Obammy". Can't have it both ways. Discriminatory rental policies, Central Park 5, birtherism, Stephen Miller, Charlottesville, etc. You can't credibly claim not to be white supremacists when you support this guy. Admit it. Embrace it. History will condemn you but not as much as it will if you behave one way and pretend to believe the opposite. Stop with the Hillary on the Grassy Knoll bullshit. Of course she is corrupt. Bidens too. Making absurd claims that ignore the greater corruption on Trump's part makes you look like complete tools. Dishonest tools. What is that about? Can't be honest about what you embrace? That's borderline pervert stuff.

Bernie Bros:
Bernie has some great ideas. If you bullet pointed his policies, most Trumpists would enthusiastically accept them, other than the admitted junkie who wants to ban abortion and apparently thinks gay marriage is mandatory. Some of them redistribute wealth upward as a side effect, so probably aren't the best way to go. Problem is, he has baggage. Too much baggage. He may well be able to eek out a win, but that will leave McConnell in place and nobody will be better off than they would have been if Clinton had won in 2016.

One of you said you wouldn't vote if Bernie wasn't on the ballot. You probably shouldn't vote at all, if that's the extent of your idea of civic responsibility.


Well-known member
Bernie Bros:
Bernie has some great ideas. If you bullet pointed his policies, most Trumpists would enthusiastically accept them

I'm pro capitalism and support Trump, what Bernie policies do you think I would support? My biggest problem with Bernie is his supporters and their anti capitalist extremists views. Call me a white supremacist or whatever all you want I'm not even 100% white, it's the go to for lefties when their argument is falling flat. I go into many hard core left and right wing homes (plumbing and hvac) and by far the most disrespectful towards me are lefties not because they are racist but due to policy differences in my opinion.


Active member
I'm pro capitalism and support Trump, what Bernie policies do you think I would support? My biggest problem with Bernie is his supporters and their anti capitalist extremists views. Call me a white supremacist or whatever all you want I'm not even 100% white, it's the go to for lefties when their argument is falling flat. I go into many hard core left and right wing homes (plumbing and hvac) and by far the most disrespectful towards me are lefties (some are very nice and in my opinion good people at heart) not because they are racist but due to policy differences in my opinion.

Really unprofessional of you going into people's houses and discussing politics. Not surprised people are rude to you. Your boss shouldn't tolerate his employees talking politics with clients.


Well-known member
Really unprofessional of you going into people's houses and discussing politics. Not surprised people are rude to you. Your boss shouldn't tolerate his employees talking politics with clients.

I usually don't but if someone asks me my opinion I won't lie, I have had many great conversations where I come to a better understanding of where they are coming from. I will always do my best job regardless of who I'm working for. I love my job, I'm doing something different every day.


Active member
I usually don't but if someone asks me my opinion I won't lie, I have had many great conversations where I come to a better understanding of where they are coming from. I will always do my best job regardless of who I'm working for. I love my job, I'm doing something different every day.

I highly doubt people are asking a stranger who is in their house about their opinion on politics. I would wager to bet you make a political comment then see where you can take it. Probably got a MAGA sticker on your tool box.


Well-known member
I highly doubt people are asking a stranger who is in their house about their opinion on politics. I would wager to bet you make a political comment then see where you can take it. Probably got a MAGA sticker on your tool box.

So salty... Many people want to talk about politics especially right now.

Mr D

Nice thread. Joined ICMag this morning and quickly came upon this thread. Not hard since it's the largest one here. I can't imagine a better way to destroy a community than to provide a place to lob ad hominem attacks at each other. I couldn't get through a day IRL if I knew the politics of everyone I encounter. No wonder there is an obvious lack of perspective in the posts I just spent an hour glancing through.

To those who think re-posting memes means anything, presents a sincere view or has any free speech value, you are not only wrong, you are delusional. There is a reason they are formatted like comics. Grow up and stop diminishing serious issues. You have reduced each other to caricatures.

Stop thinking you can convince or bully the other side into "understanding" the truth. You are completely missing the point. They already know Trump is a liar, has trampled the constitution, has enriched himself at the public trough. THEY DON'T CARE. They hate you more and love the fact that Trump disturbs you so much that you can't see the real agenda.

You and your media are tearing your hair out "bewildered" by Republican senators who similarly can't see Trump's misconduct. "If only we explain it for hours and hours, a few may see the evil and come to the light". THEY DON'T CARE EITHER. They know that if Trump is removed from office, they will be swept out too and will NEVER REGAIN POWER because of the country's changing demographics. Keep pretending that all Americans share the same fundamental civic beliefs at your own peril. Trumpists know there is no political future without voter suppression, foreign interference and salting the intellectual landscape with lies and propaganda. They will gladly sacrifice the constitution and even their citizenship to sustain white privilege. They will never accept that reduced advantage is not disadvantage. You're dreaming if you don't think it will happen here. It has before. Ask Lincoln.

Sorry I can't call you Righties. Grow some balls. Stop whining about being called racist when you use terms like "Obammy". Can't have it both ways. Discriminatory rental policies, Central Park 5, birtherism, Stephen Miller, Charlottesville, etc. You can't credibly claim not to be white supremacists when you support this guy. Admit it. Embrace it. History will condemn you but not as much as it will if you behave one way and pretend to believe the opposite. Stop with the Hillary on the Grassy Knoll bullshit. Of course she is corrupt. Bidens too. Making absurd claims that ignore the greater corruption on Trump's part makes you look like complete tools. Dishonest tools. What is that about? Can't be honest about what you embrace? That's borderline pervert stuff.

Bernie Bros:
Bernie has some great ideas. If you bullet pointed his policies, most Trumpists would enthusiastically accept them, other than the admitted junkie who wants to ban abortion and apparently thinks gay marriage is mandatory. Some of them redistribute wealth upward as a side effect, so probably aren't the best way to go. Problem is, he has baggage. Too much baggage. He may well be able to eek out a win, but that will leave McConnell in place and nobody will be better off than they would have been if Clinton had won in 2016.

One of you said you wouldn't vote if Bernie wasn't on the ballot. You probably shouldn't vote at all, if that's the extent of your idea of civic responsibility.

White Beard is that you?

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Remember when Hillary, the DNC, and the fakestream media coined the term 'Bernie Bros' to imply that if a male supports Bernie, they are guilty of 'toxic masculinity?' Kinda the same tactic used against those who support Trump, lol.

Oh, those demz:)

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
You made the claim. Post the link. That way everybody knows what you are talking about and we can discus the article. See if it's peer reviewed. Have no clue why posting a link is so hard for you.

Okay, okay. Jeez. Smoke a joint. Gosh...


Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Remember when Hillary, the DNC, and the fakestream media coined the term 'Bernie Bros' to imply that if a male supports Bernie, they are guilty of 'toxic masculinity?' Kinda the same tactic used against those who support Trump, lol.

Oh, those demz:)

I remember the timing coinceded with another fake story about a 'pro-rape' mens group rally (that never happened because there is no such thing).


Remember when Hillary, the DNC, and the fakestream media coined the term 'Bernie Bros' to imply that if a male supports Bernie, they are guilty of 'toxic masculinity?' Kinda the same tactic used against those who support Trump, lol.

Oh, those demz:)

Remember when you said hillary helped nixon against jfk. It was pointed out she was 12 or 13 at that time. One could say the "fakestream media" is whomever led you to that belief.

Hempy McNoodle

Well-known member
Remember when you said hillary helped nixon against jfk. It was pointed out she was 12 or 13 at that time. One could say the "fakestream media" is whomever led you to that belief.

Has this been debunked. I posted it a few weeks ago. I said she was 13. Nobody pointed it out to me.
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