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The 2020 Presidential Election

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I`d like to know how the Obama administration over an 8 yr period allowed "BILLIONS" to be given freely to a Terrorist Regime that from 1979 has been screaming "Death to America".....and so...…

Trump shoves a boot up their ass ordering the assassination of their head General and then does nothing after they return fire.....not only not return fire , but not return fire after 2 MORE missiles were fired the next night to the "green zone" in Iraq , not to mention that the idiots blew up a Ukranian commercial passenger jet in the process of their bullshit propaganda " show of force and revenge " they spewed killed 80 + and wounded 200+ while destroying millions in military equipment and helicopters THAT NEVER HAPPENED , but they DID BLOW UP 176 innocent bystanders outta the sky that had nothing to do with their so-called show of force and revenge that did nothing but blow up innocent folks .....OK ?.....so now.....

What happens in the meantime ?...... iNuthin ass Nancy Pelosi calls for a War Powers Act trying to tie the President`s hand so we can`t react on what`s ALREADY HAPPENED cuz Iran KNOWS the Democrats will limit action at all costs to try and "talk it out" when it all boils down to Iran knows we`re weak with the Democrats and have used that to their benefit for decades....bottom line guys......regardless of your beliefs.....We look weak in their eyes and know we won`t retaliate now.....

The Iranian Government controls and financially supports 90% of all terrorist activities "Global Wide" and our government has absolute evidence proving so , but yet still negotiations are better than stomping a mudhole in their ass and stopping all this shit once and for all that brings ALL our troops home ouitta that God forsaken region and let`s those idiots blow each other up till THEY figure out what the fuck they`ve been up to for 1000`s of yrs that ain`t got a damn thing to do with us here in America.......

My boy goes to war tomorrow for NO apparent reason other than to protect our freedom at all costs , so I`m good with it.....and lastly.....If you don`t like the way things are , don`t bitch......Stand up and do somethin bout it or GTFO.....

Peace.....DHF...…:ying: …….
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Mr D

I`d like to know how the Obama administration over an 8 yr period allowed "BILLIONS" to be given freely to a Terrorist Regime that from 1979 has been screaming "Death to America".....and so...…

Trump shoves a boot up their ass ordering the assassination of their head General and then does nothing after they return fire.....not only not return fire , but not return fire after 2 MORE missiles were fired the next night to the "green zone" in Iraq , not to mention that the idiots blew up a Ukranian commercial passenger jet in the process of their bullshit propaganda " show of force and revenge " they spewed killed 80 + and wounded 200+ while destroying millions in military equipment and helicopters THAT NEVER HAPPENED , but they DID BLOW UP 176 innocent bystanders outta the sky that had nothing to do with their so-called show of force and revenge that did nothing but blow up innocent folks .....OK ?.....so now.....

What happens in the meantime ?...... iNuthin ass Nancy Pelosi calls for a War Powers Act trying to tie the President`s hand so we can`t react on what`s ALREADY HAPPENED cuz Iran KNOWS the Democrats will limit action at all costs to try and "talk it out" when it all boils down to Iran knows we`re weak with the Democrats and have used that to their benefit for decades....bottom line guys......regardless of your beliefs.....We look weak in their eyes and know we won`t retaliate now.....

The Iranian Government controls and financially supports 90% of all terrorist activities "Global Wide" and our government has absolute evidence proving so , but yet still negotiations are better than stomping a mudhole in their ass and stopping all this shit once and for all that brings ALL our troops home ouitta that God forsaken region and let`s those idiots blow each other up till THEY figure out what the fuck they`ve been up to for 1000`s of yrs that ain`t got a damn thing to do with us here in America.......

My boy goes to war tomorrow for NO apparent reason other than to protect our freedom at all costs , so I`m good with it.....and lastly.....If you don`t like the way things are , don`t bitch......Stand up and do somethin bout it.....

Peace.....DHF...…:ying: …….

They are going to do something or everything in there power to help keep the uniparty in power.

Did you ever notice how Bernie never calls out the rampant corruption in his own DC backyard?

Bernie is upset Trump killed some guy labeled as a terrorist but never calls out Biden over his corruption that resulted in many more deaths.

Bernie by his lack of willingness to call out the corrupt DC establishment is just another tool bag of the corrupt uniparty.

Higher taxes for the good of the people ....come on who the fuck is this guy kidding with those empty promises.

Mr D

Last year, he was quoting the anti-federalist papers.

I made a crack maybe 9 - 10 months ago about Maddow's Russia coverage. Long before she used the Alex Jones defense in the lawsuit against her. Or the intercept article that lambasted her hyperbole and lies. WB challenged my assertion that Maddow's reporting, spin , bullshit or whatever you want to call it, was somehow accurate. I mean what do you say to some dumb shit like that?

BTW did you see Warren's recent rally in NH where a guy got up and started yelling about Iran? It was like a Biden rally 20 - 30 people with just as many press people.

What a bunch of boring lackluster socialists. Is this the best we can do in 2020?


ICMag Donor
You remind me of the Mayhem guy in the Alstate commercials. There's one with Tina Fay, he's the dog, and she is tells him “knock it off I saw you eating poop earlier” when he starts licking her face while driving.



Mr D

You remind me of the Mayhem guy in the Alstate commercials. There's one with Tina Fay, he's the dog, and she is tells him “knock it off I saw you eating poop earlier” when he starts licking her face while driving.


The boy who cried mayhem............since 2017


Well-known member

Due you ever have anything nice to say? Haters gonna hate, I guess. ...Because it's all they know how to due.

you stop spouting brainless conspiracy theories, and i'll be your best friend. okay? i say VERY nice things to those that show me that they think for themselves, (NOT agree with me. i give points for originality) are capable of changing their minds in the face of overwhelming evidence, and know the difference between "due" and "do", and "their", "there," and "they're" and their proper usage. for instance, you pointed out that the Iranians shot down the jet. they have admitted as much, and they say it made a turn toward a sensitive military position. the US shot down at least one passenger jet over a similar move that i am aware of. so be it. but, then you had to try to link the "deep state" to it. sometimes (frequently) a cigar is just a fucking cigar.:tiphat:
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