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Thai weed from Thailand


Chasing the Present
Nah ,,,
It`s a lot more common than that .

Old seeds seem to have more variations . But malformed crinkled leaves and stunted growth comes out a lot more often than 1 in 1 billion . I have seen it several times within a few thousand plants .
malformed crinkled leaves & stunted growth are NOT A MUTATION just a weird looking plant often due insect damage, and that's my entire point. The word mutation is being used freely, often and to describe things that are not in fact mutations. True mutations are extremely rare in both plants and animals

A mutation is a change in the DNA sequence of an organism, Elmer seeing malformed or crinkled leafs equals a mutation how...?

it seems that a species would have a difficult time adapting to environmental changes if the gene mutation rate required so many individuals. Plant species manage to adapt to unique island environments with very small founder population sizes. Far far less then a billion individuals.

"Comparing the genomes of plant and animal species is common scientific practice now, but the research team took this a stage further by studying all the genetic changes in five varieties of the flowering plant Arabidopsis thaliana (commonly known as mouse ear cress) over 30 generations. Their goal was to identify the differences between the genome of the final generation and the genome of the first generation. The research found that over several years 20 DNA building blocks (also called base pairs) had mutated in each of the 5 varieties of Arabidopsis.

This means in effect that each Arabidopsis seedling has, on average, one new mutation in each of the two new copies of the genome that it inherits from its parents.

The research made clear to the team just how changeable genomes are. Although the number of mutations in the Arabidopsis plants seemed small, when considering that the plant produces thousands of seeds in one generation, the speed of the mutations seems remarkable."

am i misunderstanding?

not trying to argue with you either brother, just a good conversation where we disagree on some things. Adaptation is not mutation, it's slow evolution, sometimes evolution is dramatically expedited by Mutations but adaptation happens often and constantly without any mutations at all.

Sounds like Mouse ear cress is remarkable in the plant world, even the article states this above; this is remarkable (extraordinary by definition) vs what most animals and plants actually experience mutation rates at on average. I've read so many articles on this it's exhausting, the point is mutations in plants and animals is extremely rare, like winning the lottery and some growers think they have mutations every 20 plants they pop, it's ridiculous. Again my original point was simply that the word is used constantly to describe things that have nothing to do with changes at the DNA base level and it's sequencing, and certainly the ones tossing around mutations are not having their plants sequenced to prove such, it's Bro science at it's worst!

You mix the 3% hydrogen peroxide with RO or distilled water, the hydrogen peroxide breaks down to h20.

I only used GA once and I ordered that pre-made from Israel and I only saw one seedling start to grow a little lanky, but it grew out of that early.

Old seed, no matter how they're store over time, lose all the hormones and enzymes stored in the embryo sack and dry up that's a big reason for older seed not germinating the GA replaces that and that's why it works well.

Hempy, you take the 3% H202 and mix with water to make a solution of 1% H202, I think that point was clearly inferred unless you know a place we all can purchase 1% H202...?

Old seed requires two primary key things for preservation: vacuum seal & stable cool / cold temps... Far too many fail to vacuum seal their stuff and that's the root cause of expedited degradation outside of nature running her course.

Hi brethen

Hola @funkyhorse , yes brother, me and other great Friends are trying to get back the mitic "Thai 82" from greenhornet seeds.
I don't really like to comment on what I'm doing
until things are a reality.
I've always been that way since I started on the forums, more than 20 years ago. I don't like to comment or write much. Most of what is discussed seems like a waste of time, in my humble opinion, and I say this without meaning to offend anyone. I prefer to simply focus on objectives.
I truly love growing marijuana, and that's the only thing that interests me.
We have an ambitious project to revive many old genetics. Right now, we're working on Thai 82, Malawi Gold, and Vietnam Tourist, all from Greenhornet seeds. Also, many more very old Landraces, including many seeds saved from the 1960s.
It's not easy. For me, it's required a huge effort to keep moving to acquire rare genetics. All these years, including trips to high-risk areas in my country to acquire the last remaining strains of the legendary Mexican sativas, which is why I don't have much time for idle discussions.
Since it seems like real Thai strains are almost impossible to find, I've decided to create my own Thai version. I already have some very interesting genetics, so perhaps in the future we can offer something interesting to the community.
@ledo brother, I hadn't mentioned anything before because it was supposed to be a surprise.
But yes, brother, we're working with this old Thai strain ,hoping everything goes well.
You know, you'll be one of the first to receive seeds.
Great hearing from you brother, I do hope you've been well and in good health. I'm pleasantly surprised to be hearing this, may you and your partners have wild success in reviving some of that old gear, God knows it's not easy work and work that often goes unnoticed and un-appreciated, we appreciate you brother ElChichas - much love man ! In good & happy health
Thank you for taking your time to share knowledge
In the whorled phillotaxy plants I got from the progeny I made they never grew out of it, the plant made until maturity 3 branches per node with very poor productivity. And the whorled phillotaxy I got from other sources it was always the lowest productivity plant not giving any special or stronger high than normal sisters
What you comment is exactly my experience with the only fasciated plant I got
Thunk sold by Breeders Retail was not clear if it was made in the 90s or early 2000s
I got about 25% germination from the 20 seeds I tried

This is the only flower the fasciated Thunk made. The rest pure leaf
Very beautiful to see but I dont high from looks, I get high from bud and this thing doesnt produce any bud
View attachment 19172962 View attachment 19172963 View attachment 19172964 View attachment 19172965

Good luck to everyone trying to revive those old gems
see all that leaf, more leaf and then a bit more leaf..... Nobody hates trimming more than I, nobody !

Part of my selection criteria on plants is choosing for very good to excellent Flower:Leaf ratio and also leaf abscission, Sativas are so special and friendly they even shed them for ya.

Much love brother Funky, I appreciate and respect your truth crusade, far too many people pleasers in the world today, few whom tell it like it is and have experience to back it up
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Chasing the Present
I hate fasciated branches and always cut them, I don't want those flat stems and horrible flowers, recently I had to cull a seedling I was testing because all her branches were fasciated, no way I bloom a horrible plant like this. I came out of Bota Farm seeds testers, some polybybrids made without any real breeding goals except "fingers crossed I'll get a clone elite" out of this genetic mess, it's a ridiculous breeding program to starr and the seeds are sold at insane prices, thankfully I didn't pay for mine or I'd be very angry and ask for a refund, I had only 1 viable plant out of 5 seeds, the ones I culled were horrible mutants or just degenerate seedlings, that's what you get when you don't know what you're doing and make seeds with highly unstable polyhybrids who don't breed true. My advice so far is, don't waste your money on those Bota farm bullshit seeds they are not worthy of their asked price or your grow space, I do better seeds in my small set-up while having fun with what I have available. I have a grow journal where I document the Bota Farm seedlings, I hope the last plant alive will make decent flowers and won't herm which is still a possibility with this highly unstable polyhybrid absolutely not worked for further generations to try to stabilize desired traits, I'm afraid the seed maker of BT have no idea what he's doing and just pollen chuck without any goals to begin with.
Amen ! It's insane to me how many are selecting for deleterious expressions on plants, even worse trying to spin them as "mutations"... Fasciation in cannabis is a horrible trait !

I constantly see young leaf crinkly and malformed; people be like I'm keeping and breeding this mutation... It's most often fucking thrips or some other insect eating their newest growth, it's sadly comical.

Problem is these are uninformed growers and then the room cheers them on, yo bro you got this sick mutation this sick mutation that, meanwhile my head is about to explode... I can spot thrip damage from the other side the planet - Pine Squirrels and Thrips are wagging war against each other to be my number one nemesis currently, lol :)


secretion engineer
ICMag Donor


Genghis Kush.

Well-known member
malformed crinkled leaves & stunted growth are NOT A MUTATION just a weird looking plant often due insect damage, and that's my entire point. The word mutation is being used freely, often and to describe things that are not in fact mutations. True mutations are extremely rare in both plants and animals

A mutation is a change in the DNA sequence of an organism, Elmer seeing malformed or crinkled leafs equals a mutation how...?

not trying to argue with you either brother, just a good conversation where we disagree on some things. Adaptation is not mutation, it's slow evolution, sometimes evolution is dramatically expedited by Mutations but adaptation happens often and constantly without any mutations at all.

Sounds like Mouse ear cress is remarkable in the plant world, even the article states this above; this is remarkable (extraordinary by definition) vs what most animals and plants actually experience mutation rates at on average. I've read so many articles on this it's exhausting, the point is mutations in plants and animals is extremely rare, like winning the lottery and some growers think they have mutations every 20 plants they pop, it's ridiculous. Again my original point was simply that the word is used constantly to describe things that have nothing to do with changes at the DNA base level and it's sequencing, and certainly the ones tossing around mutations are not having their plants sequenced to prove such, it's Bro science at it's worst!

Hempy, you take the 3% H202 and mix with water to make a solution of 1% H202, I think that point was clearly inferred unless you know a place we all can purchase 1% H202...?

Old seed requires two primary key things for preservation: vacuum seal & stable cool / cold temps... Far too many fail to vacuum seal their stuff and that's the root cause of expedited degradation outside of nature running her course.

Great hearing from you brother, I do hope you've been well and in good health. I'm pleasantly surprised to be hearing this, may you and your partners have wild success in reviving some of that old gear, God knows it's not easy work and work that often goes unnoticed and un-appreciated, we appreciate you brother ElChichas - much love man ! In good & happy health

see all that leaf, more leaf and then a bit more leaf..... Nobody hates trimming more than I, nobody !

Part of my selection criteria on plants is choosing for very good to excellent Flower:Leaf ratio and also leaf abscission, Sativas are so special and friendly they even shed them for ya.

Much love brother Funky, I appreciate and respect your truth crusade, far too many people pleasers in the world today, few whom tell it like it is and have experience to back it up
much respect Ledo

I should a written genetic adaption, thats what I meant.
we must be talking about different things, because everything that I read says that gene mutations are common. Every Human has between 5-50 gene mutations. I can also find info on many plants that have mutations every generation.
"Mutation rates in rice
The number of fixed mutations per generation is estimated to be 1.38-2.25, and when 50 generations have passed, the number of mutations is estimated to be 69.0-112.5 in the whole genome, and 10.4-16.9 in the coding. "

But most of those genetic mutations have no negative or positive effect .

I agree that genetic mutations that are visible to someone growing a plant are probably not very common




Chasing the Present
much respect Ledo

I should a written genetic adaption, thats what I meant.
we must be talking about different things, because everything that I read says that gene mutations are common. Every Human has between 5-50 gene mutations. I can also find info on many plants that have mutations every generation.

But most of those genetic mutations have no negative or positive effect .

How many total humans have lived in the past 50,000, 100,000 or 1,000,000 years? Divide that by 5-50 Homey, what you come up with....? We're obviously not talking about old, successful mutations encoded into all our genes, were talking about NEW & novel mutations brother...

How many current humans living have new & novel mutations out of the 8 billion people walking around..? 1/10,000 = 800,000 People, I'd love to meet just one of them, especially if one of them can fly, Red bull it gives you wings...Ha

Everything is filled with historic mutations, that's a key part of evolution, you can read up on the theory of punctuated evolution in your spare time brought forth by Eldredge & Gould, have fun with it - I sure did, it's based on evolution driven by mutation :)

Mutations would only persist in a species if they offered significant benefit, this is the basis of evolution...

Peace & much love
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Genghis Kush.

Well-known member
How many total humans have lived in the past 50,000, 100,000 or 1,000,000 years? Divide that by 5-50 Homey, what you come up with....? We're obviously not talking about old, successful mutations encoded into all our genes, were talking about NEW & novel mutations brother...

How many current humans living have new & novel mutations out of the 8 billion people walking around..? 1/10,000 = 800,000 People, I'd love to meet just one of them, especially if one of them can fly, Red bull it gives you wings...Ha

Everything is filled with historic mutations, that's a key part of evolution, you can read up on the theory of punctuated evolution in your spare time brought forth by Eldredge & Gould, have fun with it - I sure did, it's based on evolution driven by mutation :)

Mutations would only persist in a species if they offered significant benefit, this is the basis of evolution...

Peace & much love

"Mutations would only persist in a species if they offered significant benefit, this is the basis of evolution..."
its the basis for Natural Selection. Evolution is just the concept that species change over time.

most gene mutations, inherited or not are neutral. they have no negative or positive effect. that is why there can be so many per generation.

It seems like you are talking about inherited gene mutations (germline mutations) that are rare
and i was referring to gene mutations in general which happen every generation (acquired or somatic mutations)

I was confused because I thought you were referring to all plant mutations not just those that are inheritable through the germline

Somatic mutations are common in plants
  • Examples:
    • Colored flecks in a white flower: A white flower might develop colored spots or stripes due to a somatic mutation.

    • Change in foliage color: A plant might develop leaves with different colors or patterns than its usual foliage, again due to a somatic mutation.

    • Fruit appearance change: The fruit of a plant might show a change in color, size, or shape due to a somatic mutation.

    • A stem that holds a double flower: A stem might develop two flowers instead of one, or a flower with multiple petals, as a result of a somatic mutation.

I agree with you . Inherited genetic mutations (germline mutations) are relatively rare. But not so rare that it would require a billion individuals for a new mutation to arise.

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Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
malformed crinkled leaves & stunted growth are NOT A MUTATION just a weird looking plant often due insect damage, and that's my entire point. The word mutation is being used freely, often and to describe things that are not in fact mutations. True mutations are extremely rare in both plants and animals

A mutation is a change in the DNA sequence of an organism, Elmer seeing malformed or crinkled leafs equals a mutation how...?

not trying to argue with you either brother, just a good conversation where we disagree on some things. Adaptation is not mutation, it's slow evolution, sometimes evolution is dramatically expedited by Mutations but adaptation happens often and constantly without any mutations at all.

Sounds like Mouse ear cress is remarkable in the plant world, even the article states this above; this is remarkable (extraordinary by definition) vs what most animals and plants actually experience mutation rates at on average. I've read so many articles on this it's exhausting, the point is mutations in plants and animals is extremely rare, like winning the lottery and some growers think they have mutations every 20 plants they pop, it's ridiculous. Again my original point was simply that the word is used constantly to describe things that have nothing to do with changes at the DNA base level and it's sequencing, and certainly the ones tossing around mutations are not having their plants sequenced to prove such, it's Bro science at it's worst!

Hempy, you take the 3% H202 and mix with water to make a solution of 1% H202, I think that point was clearly inferred unless you know a place we all can purchase 1% H202...?

Old seed requires two primary key things for preservation: vacuum seal & stable cool / cold temps... Far too many fail to vacuum seal their stuff and that's the root cause of expedited degradation outside of nature running her course.

Great hearing from you brother, I do hope you've been well and in good health. I'm pleasantly surprised to be hearing this, may you and your partners have wild success in reviving some of that old gear, God knows it's not easy work and work that often goes unnoticed and un-appreciated, we appreciate you brother ElChichas - much love man ! In good & happy health

see all that leaf, more leaf and then a bit more leaf..... Nobody hates trimming more than I, nobody !

Part of my selection criteria on plants is choosing for very good to excellent Flower:Leaf ratio and also leaf abscission, Sativas are so special and friendly they even shed them for ya.

Much love brother Funky, I appreciate and respect your truth crusade, far too many people pleasers in the world today, few whom tell it like it is and have experience to back it up
TLDR ...


The Haze Whisperer
Hempy, you take the 3% H202 and mix with water to make a solution of 1% H202, I think that point was clearly inferred unless you know a place we all can purchase 1% H202...?

Old seed requires two primary key things for preservation:
vacuum seal & stable cool / cold temps... Far too many fail to vacuum seal their stuff and that's the root cause of expedited degradation outside of nature running her course.

You can buy 1% hydrogen peroxide, that was not the point, was it.

No seed need to be Air Light and moisture proof along with them being stored at a constant set cool temp and that adds up to 4.


Well-known member
see all that leaf, more leaf and then a bit more leaf..... Nobody hates trimming more than I, nobody !

Part of my selection criteria on plants is choosing for very good to excellent Flower:Leaf ratio and also leaf abscission, Sativas are so special and friendly they even shed them for ya.

Much love brother Funky, I appreciate and respect your truth crusade, far too many people pleasers in the world today, few whom tell it like it is and have experience to back it up
Ledo, you cant hate trimming more than me, maybe same hate but more I doubt it. I still take it philosophically like a huge challenge for myself doing something I dislike very much

It is not a crusade. I simply think without truth is impossible to put quality in our joints, pipes, bongs or vapes
Look at Prempavee, she is a prime example. Just because people want to please her and not make her lose face she never heard what she grew is CBD. I dont think it helps anybody but people seem to get high from hyping and not from actual buds

It is very interesting, we were commenting this at the previous thai thread
well said

i had some nanners at the end.on the " from mad Mac “..thai stick...

all in all it grew a good plant..decent resin too

the high was not really my thing....next

thanks for it
RGD, Now I can say I never saw nanners in any thai plant I grew. For sure they go intersex big time but they all grew male sacks, never saw a banana in real thai weed and from the hybrids I got from MadMac using the thai stick I got same experience as RGD with his thai stick

Hi there Rgd
One thing I saw around here is breeders get pissed off when you post your true experience

I must say I got whorled phillotaxy from a few breeders: Chimera, JGL and SamS through MadMac come to mind first
It is clear these guys are selecting this trait. It is also very clear they have a huge knowledge about botany
I dont understand this breeding
The fasciation comes from genetics Sam used in his breeding .
Mad Mac then used a plant with this trait to breed with . Like begets like .
So why people with huge botany knowledge select this trait? makes no sense to me

Another terrible trait I see people selecting for is foxtails. Pearl bracts with minimal productivity.
For the lovers of trimming. It is a trimming nightmare and the foxtail is not better at all than chunky productive sisters. For me it is the end of the road.
Why people with huge botany knowledge and lovers of weed select this trait???

Most of what is discussed seems like a waste of time, in my humble opinion, and I say this without meaning to offend anyone. I prefer to simply focus on objectives.
I can understand you. After hanging around forums for so many decades for you has no point
But I take it differently. I think it is a very interesting teaching method. It keeps attention up because when masters talk about cannascience when the arguments and funny things come in the middle it helps learning. I see it as a great teaching method for newbies like me who never liked nor studied botany and are discovering at this stage in life I love growing plants so much. I never had a hint in my life I would love this hobby. Pandemy was a great time for me, I could grow over 100 big plants per year. It is a luxury I cannot afford today in the postpandemy world

So in one of these arguments Wally pointed out SamS was an altruist helping survive russian hemp and interested in the weed growing at the north pole
I must say altruism is a luxury only rich people can afford. It is obvious for SamS money was not the motivation to breed

SamS had a huge collection including real Paraguayan. A little hybridized in 1994 but still top notch batches you could find. The only strain having similar high reports is Thai Stick and in the relatives it is shown thai stick

So how come SamS having the largest collection of the world and having access to the best weed in the planet he just released diluted hybridized weed containing unwanted stock like whorled phillotaxy and fasciation? This is something I dont understand. Or the motives behind this decission.

Now I have seen variegation of different kinds
@ledo I dont know if it can be called a mutation or if it is just lack of chorophyll
This was the most weird variegation of all because it appeared only on flowering
This is the Northern Thai boy 1. Variegation only showed during flowering and only at one spot
Is this naturally occurring?
The progeny of this boy was the lowest quality of the 3 boys I had, I dont know if related or not. I also got variegation from stock I received from seedbanks like Mr Nice Nevil Haze and it wasnt good at all.
Very beautiful to see these albinos though
N Thai boy (10).jpeg
N Thai boy (1)(1).jpeg
N Thai boy (11).jpeg
N Thai boy (13).jpeg

Very interesting seedbank this Green Hornet. It seems from 2009
They had a Sri Lankan ganja as well. Mamma mia @ the prices they sold their shit. Blueberry x Strawberry 160 swiss francs 10 seeds in 2009!!!

This part I dont understand as well. The pricing of seed. Why thai 82 costed half price of Malawi Gold?
Seeds are seeds, it costs the same price to make one strain or another. I dont find any logic in the pricing, it was all reproduced in Switzerland.
BB x Strawberry is ready in 45 days yet costed a lot more expensive than all the sativas. It is nonsense
I received a hybrid of Vietnam Tourist Hemp called Vietchunk I could never grow

Genghis Kush.

Well-known member
  • What is Variegation?
    Variegation refers to the appearance of differently colored zones or sectors in plant tissues, often resulting in a speckled, striped, or patchy appearance.

  • How does it relate to somatic mutations?
    • Somatic mutations are changes in DNA that occur in non-germline cells (cells that do not produce gametes) after the formation of the zygote.

    • These mutations can affect the development and function of the cells in which they occur, and can lead to observable changes in the plant, such as variegation.

    • In the case of variegation, a somatic mutation can disrupt the normal production of pigments, leading to the formation of sectors with different colors.
  • Examples of Variegation:
    • Some plants naturally display variegation, while others can develop it as a result of mutations.

    • Examples include plants with leaves that have green and yellow or white sectors, or flowers with different colored patterns.
  • Somatic Mutations and Mosaicism:
    Somatic mutations can lead to mosaicism, where an individual has cells with different genotypes. In the case of variegation, this means that some cells have normal pigment production, while others do not, resulting in the different colored sectors.

  • Variegation and Genetics:
    • Variegation can be caused by mutations in the plastid or mitochondrial genomes, or by mutations in nuclear genes that affect plastid development.

    • The study of variegation mutants has been important in understanding non-Mendelian inheritance and the molecular basis of nuclear-organelle interactions.


secretion engineer
ICMag Donor
I received a hybrid of Vietnam Tourist Hemp called Vietchunk I could never grow
I grew 3 Vietchunk from @Alfred- cannaria
Vietnamese "Tourist" x Deep Chunk F1.
Just found a couple of pics



It was nice :)
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Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
Ledo, you cant hate trimming more than me, maybe same hate but more I doubt it. I still take it philosophically like a huge challenge for myself doing something I dislike very much

It is not a crusade. I simply think without truth is impossible to put quality in our joints, pipes, bongs or vapes
Look at Prempavee, she is a prime example. Just because people want to please her and not make her lose face she never heard what she grew is CBD. I dont think it helps anybody but people seem to get high from hyping and not from actual buds

It is very interesting, we were commenting this at the previous thai thread

RGD, Now I can say I never saw nanners in any thai plant I grew. For sure they go intersex big time but they all grew male sacks, never saw a banana in real thai weed and from the hybrids I got from MadMac using the thai stick I got same experience as RGD with his thai stick

I must say I got whorled phillotaxy from a few breeders: Chimera, JGL and SamS through MadMac come to mind first
It is clear these guys are selecting this trait. It is also very clear they have a huge knowledge about botany
I dont understand this breeding

So why people with huge botany knowledge select this trait? makes no sense to me

Another terrible trait I see people selecting for is foxtails. Pearl bracts with minimal productivity.
For the lovers of trimming. It is a trimming nightmare and the foxtail is not better at all than chunky productive sisters. For me it is the end of the road.
Why people with huge botany knowledge and lovers of weed select this trait???

I can understand you. After hanging around forums for so many decades for you has no point
But I take it differently. I think it is a very interesting teaching method. It keeps attention up because when masters talk about cannascience when the arguments and funny things come in the middle it helps learning. I see it as a great teaching method for newbies like me who never liked nor studied botany and are discovering at this stage in life I love growing plants so much. I never had a hint in my life I would love this hobby. Pandemy was a great time for me, I could grow over 100 big plants per year. It is a luxury I cannot afford today in the postpandemy world

So in one of these arguments Wally pointed out SamS was an altruist helping survive russian hemp and interested in the weed growing at the north pole
I must say altruism is a luxury only rich people can afford. It is obvious for SamS money was not the motivation to breed

SamS had a huge collection including real Paraguayan. A little hybridized in 1994 but still top notch batches you could find. The only strain having similar high reports is Thai Stick and in the relatives it is shown thai stick

So how come SamS having the largest collection of the world and having access to the best weed in the planet he just released diluted hybridized weed containing unwanted stock like whorled phillotaxy and fasciation? This is something I dont understand. Or the motives behind this decission.

Now I have seen variegation of different kinds
@ledo I dont know if it can be called a mutation or if it is just lack of chorophyll
This was the most weird variegation of all because it appeared only on flowering
This is the Northern Thai boy 1. Variegation only showed during flowering and only at one spot
Is this naturally occurring?
The progeny of this boy was the lowest quality of the 3 boys I had, I dont know if related or not. I also got variegation from stock I received from seedbanks like Mr Nice Nevil Haze and it wasnt good at all.
Very beautiful to see these albinos though
View attachment 19173727 View attachment 19173728 View attachment 19173729 View attachment 19173730

Very interesting seedbank this Green Hornet. It seems from 2009
They had a Sri Lankan ganja as well. Mamma mia @ the prices they sold their shit. Blueberry x Strawberry 160 swiss francs 10 seeds in 2009!!!

This part I dont understand as well. The pricing of seed. Why thai 82 costed half price of Malawi Gold?
Seeds are seeds, it costs the same price to make one strain or another. I dont find any logic in the pricing, it was all reproduced in Switzerland.
BB x Strawberry is ready in 45 days yet costed a lot more expensive than all the sativas. It is nonsense
I received a hybrid of Vietnam Tourist Hemp called Vietchunk I could never grow

Making seeds in Sativas doesn`t take 120 days .
10 - 12 weeks should do it .4- 6 weeks to get lots of pistils and 6 weeks of maturing the seed .
Gonna be similar time with the indica . Show pistils 2-3 weeks , 6 weeks maturing seed . 3-4 weeks more for Sativa seeds .

Zeta Reticuli

Well-known member
Ledo, you cant hate trimming more than me, maybe same hate but more I doubt it. I still take it philosophically like a huge challenge for myself doing something I dislike very much

It is not a crusade. I simply think without truth is impossible to put quality in our joints, pipes, bongs or vapes
Look at Prempavee, she is a prime example. Just because people want to please her and not make her lose face she never heard what she grew is CBD. I dont think it helps anybody but people seem to get high from hyping and not from actual buds

It is very interesting, we were commenting this at the previous thai thread

RGD, Now I can say I never saw nanners in any thai plant I grew. For sure they go intersex big time but they all grew male sacks, never saw a banana in real thai weed and from the hybrids I got from MadMac using the thai stick I got same experience as RGD with his thai stick

I must say I got whorled phillotaxy from a few breeders: Chimera, JGL and SamS through MadMac come to mind first
It is clear these guys are selecting this trait. It is also very clear they have a huge knowledge about botany
I dont understand this breeding

So why people with huge botany knowledge select this trait? makes no sense to me

Another terrible trait I see people selecting for is foxtails. Pearl bracts with minimal productivity.
For the lovers of trimming. It is a trimming nightmare and the foxtail is not better at all than chunky productive sisters. For me it is the end of the road.
Why people with huge botany knowledge and lovers of weed select this trait???

I can understand you. After hanging around forums for so many decades for you has no point
But I take it differently. I think it is a very interesting teaching method. It keeps attention up because when masters talk about cannascience when the arguments and funny things come in the middle it helps learning. I see it as a great teaching method for newbies like me who never liked nor studied botany and are discovering at this stage in life I love growing plants so much. I never had a hint in my life I would love this hobby. Pandemy was a great time for me, I could grow over 100 big plants per year. It is a luxury I cannot afford today in the postpandemy world

So in one of these arguments Wally pointed out SamS was an altruist helping survive russian hemp and interested in the weed growing at the north pole
I must say altruism is a luxury only rich people can afford. It is obvious for SamS money was not the motivation to breed

SamS had a huge collection including real Paraguayan. A little hybridized in 1994 but still top notch batches you could find. The only strain having similar high reports is Thai Stick and in the relatives it is shown thai stick

So how come SamS having the largest collection of the world and having access to the best weed in the planet he just released diluted hybridized weed containing unwanted stock like whorled phillotaxy and fasciation? This is something I dont understand. Or the motives behind this decission.

Now I have seen variegation of different kinds
@ledo I dont know if it can be called a mutation or if it is just lack of chorophyll
This was the most weird variegation of all because it appeared only on flowering
This is the Northern Thai boy 1. Variegation only showed during flowering and only at one spot
Is this naturally occurring?
The progeny of this boy was the lowest quality of the 3 boys I had, I dont know if related or not. I also got variegation from stock I received from seedbanks like Mr Nice Nevil Haze and it wasnt good at all.
Very beautiful to see these albinos though
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Very interesting seedbank this Green Hornet. It seems from 2009
They had a Sri Lankan ganja as well. Mamma mia @ the prices they sold their shit. Blueberry x Strawberry 160 swiss francs 10 seeds in 2009!!!

This part I dont understand as well. The pricing of seed. Why thai 82 costed half price of Malawi Gold?
Seeds are seeds, it costs the same price to make one strain or another. I dont find any logic in the pricing, it was all reproduced in Switzerland.
BB x Strawberry is ready in 45 days yet costed a lot more expensive than all the sativas. It is nonsense
I received a hybrid of Vietnam Tourist Hemp called Vietchunk I could never grow

Thats a example of chimerism,all plants,animals and even humans can have chimera mutation.



The Haze Whisperer
I dont know if it can be called a mutation or if it is just lack of chorophyll
This was the most weird variegation of all because it appeared only on flowering
This is the Northern Thai boy 1. Variegation only showed during flowering and only at one spot
Is this naturally occurring?
It is a mutation Funky and very normal in all plants including cannabis.

Albinism in cannabis, or "albino weed," is a rare genetic mutation that results in a lack of chlorophyll, leading to a white or pale color and potentially fatal issues for the plant due to its inability to photosynthesize.




Well-known member
Making seeds in Sativas doesn`t take 120 days .
10 - 12 weeks should do it .4- 6 weeks to get lots of pistils and 6 weeks of maturing the seed .
Gonna be similar time with the indica . Show pistils 2-3 weeks , 6 weeks maturing seed . 3-4 weeks more for Sativa seeds .
I made in this short time growing weed pure sativa seed, pure indica seed and indica x sativa seed
It doesnt make any sense the price difference on seed it doesnt matter if it is sativa, indica or hybrid

So variegation/chimera is a mutation
Breeders select this trait? It is coming up in different lines, these are the ones coming to mind but I had more chimeras
It comes up a lot more often than 1/billion I think. I didnt even grow 1000 plants during the pandemy and I got quite a few
Nevil Haze Mr Nice the variegated plant is on the right.
We had enough comments about the sativity of this 2019 Mr Nice release, I guess older stock is a lot more interesting
Nevil haze.jpeg

Red Snake Cannabiogen Punto Rojo pheno
Red Snake Punto Rojo pheno variegated.jpeg

NL5 x Hz F3 Tropical Seeds Co release
NL5 x Hz F3 TSCo variegated(1).jpeg

Mate I hope you dont mind I am quoting you. It is impressive to read this from a breeder and I agree with you 100%
Also ass kissing is big in this game to open doors in this game.
All this anilingus the only door that is opening is the door of an ass and the brown matter coming out of it is not exactly love...you can call it brown love if you like and the quality of weed is reflecting these anilingus acts
I grew the Ko Chang/Thai Stick x Ohz from MadMac and the experience was I got washed down weed with 45 min high, I didnt like it at all and didnt smoke it. I guess breeding for sexual stability has nothing to do with quality high. My neighbours loved it because they are used to smoke 30 min effect weed so it is all a matter of perspective as BC lonewolf experience also shows

Albino weed is the rave in Bangkok and Laos too, the most expensive weed.
This one had 3 hour effects, 90 min high and more than 90 min comedown
Faso albino (1).jpeg
Faso albino (2).jpeg

Latest updates from Thailand
For the fans of glamour
Rotten Citrus
Rotten citrus.jpeg

Cozy and Black fritter

Rose Gold runtz
Rose Gold runtz.jpeg

And last release is the super amazing Banana Sherbet
Banana sherbet.jpeg

Banana sherbet sucks man.
Banana split rules. Now I search on tasteatlas banana split and I see this sacrilege

Peanuts on fucking icecream???? Are you guys serious???
This is same level as putting pineapple on your pizza, wtf @ peanuts on icecream???
No man, that is total fake banana split

This one is the only real, authentical and original banana split
Banana cream icecream with dulce de leche and top quality chocolate flakes is unbeatable man.
De-li-cious!! I miss it so much

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