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Thai weed from Thailand


Well-known member
Forums and threads have dynamics of its own, same happens with crops all over the world
I think the thread belongs to Icmag, it doesnt matter who is the thread opener and all discussions on topic are welcome, specially when it is done in a civil manner, we all enjoy it and we all can learn

Same as many other things in the canna world, it is not very clear what is being called landrace and we are probably not having the same parameters
For me weed is a commodity, same as other crops like coffee or tea. The difference is this is not a legal crop and it reflects on the quality of current weed
Coffee and tea are being grown at the same place for many years, these grows get adapted to their unique terroir and produce consistent quality over time
Ganja production places are changing all the time, quality is not the same as before and I think the reason is plants are being grown in new areas where they need to adapt plus they are being grown by different farmers in the new regions. Reports indicate thai weed quality today is not the same as before
Well if you change the locations of the coffee bean plantations and you bring the same coffee bean somwhere else to grow, do you think quality will remain the same?
This is happening not only with weed but also with food. One thing is the Maasdam cheese I buy in Holland and another completely different thing is the rubbish cheese they sell here as Maasdam locally produced
In thailand for many years there was a war on drugs until not so long ago. Prohibitions and wars make the grows change locations and countries. The result is the quality of the effects going down and not being consistent

I read all this talk about landraces
So what is exactly landrace? Feral weed? Thai is not feral. Himalayan and manchurian weed are feral

Arjan has bad fame here. He is not guilty of the hybridization of weed in the planet. He is a businessman and his business is to sell hybrid weed.
Me as many other backpackers have given seed to the locals and people doing this are not thinking for a moment it will ruin the local weed. For me seed was always an unwanted product destined to be garbage and for the other backpackers it was the same. Backpackers are giving something that has no value to them and is a way of making friends or relations with the local people
Farmers running large crops dont do it because they love weed. They do it because they love money
If customers dont have any requirements or demands on the quality of the weed, then it will keep going down

In the case of Thailand and what we are seeing coming from the legal grows, there is no breeding at all. Seed is naturally produced from intersex plants that are not being chopped, pollen is flying all around and it is all a new scene in Thailand with people growing large crops again and learning how to do it from scratch. Weed moved from Thailand to Cambodia and then the buck of the production moved to Laos.
Ganja is not wheat, psychoactive effects change when plants move from location to location adapting to new terroirs and new conditions, grown by different farmers with different thinking and growing methods

Wally, I hope you dont mind, for me this is real life weed. There are not many things in the canna world I can use as reference. This weed is one of the very few different people have smoked
Since I arrived to South east Asia end of 90s until I left 7 years ago this was the common weed around.
This was the standard weed available all over south east asia
There were different batches, some better some worse. I didnt see any thai stick in my life and nobody heard of it when I arrived to Thailand end of last century. The smoke reports of thai stick match the effects of Punto Rojo or paraguayan of the 80s. Those creeper effects and 3 toke weed are lost today. War on drugs, paraquat and the focus put on productivity and 3 grows per year over quality are to be blamed
Wally, do you have the seed of these bricks?

My experience in the canna world growing is this: the oldest the strain is, the more I like it. It doesnt matter if hybrid or pure race
The difference is the effects I like I will find them in the sativa pure race long flowering one. The weed that is harvested in july southern hemisphere or january in northern hemisphere. It doesnt mean at all that all weed harvested this time is top notch, but the best effects for me are there. This creeper effect is what I look for in weed
I think if you want the effects back today we need to search in the old seed available and start all over again
The problem is there is no commercial incentive at all to do this. It seems all weed produced is sold no matter the effects at all, no matter if it gets you high or not.
So growers have incentive only to produce quantity but not quality today
Do you guys think breeding for effects has a market? Do you think a grower producing top quality weed like before will get a premium over a neighbour producing meh weed? If they all get the same money, it is clear farmers have no incentive at all to grow quality.
The reality is wine is produced at the same place for decades producing strains of quality and standards recognized worldwide and this is very far from happening in the canna world. I can access coffee grown in Kenya but ganja from Kenya is just a dream. I would love to try Mombasa weed and to be able to buy from a Mombasa dispensary. The way this world is attempts against quality and consistent results

Sawadeekhap weedebook 🙏
I hope you dont mind, people love thai weed

This Chiang Rai weed you grow it yourself or is coming from one of the dispensaries? If it is dispensary weed, which dispensary it is coming from and what is the price of this Chiang Rai weed?
When I talk about having different parameters, I think this is an example
I think what weedebook calls little body high is very different from what is understood in the west as body
The ¨body¨ of a sativa is what I call down. It is like hangover, not a clean comedown. For me munchies is part of the down.
Since I am growing myself, I dont have this down or body anymore. I think it is a by product of the cure or the handling or nutrients being used

I think south east asian weed is just one and can be divided in tropical grown at lat 15N and north vs equatorial south of Lat 15 to lat 0. The creeper effects I like I found only in the tropical south east asian weed
And I think if we want the effects of the weed back, it need to be searched for in old seed.
I think the best south east asian weed today is old seed preserved in collectors fridges and it should be bred and start all over again with the current knowledge. The problem is this is not commercial and there is no commercial incentive to do this at all
I learned it by myself. Sorry, some words maybe incorrect. When go to the shop and tell effect i want they throw indica to me . It not the same effect i was smoke. And sativa today effect is not the same too. some have anxious to me. i want old effect back imagination energy and inspired to work contentment and a good mood . So sad it disapears


learning and laughing
And sativa today effect is not the same too. some have anxious to me. i want old effect back imagination energy and inspired to work contentment and a good mood . So sad it disapears

Maybe look more to ibl, less to polyhybrids.

ACE offers some that I like for their "softer" and cleaner high.
Like New Caledonia and Ethiopian.

To be honest I also like their Honduras x Panama, even thought it's more hybridized. The two phenos I grew offer a little body with the sativaish head high.

With the NC and HxP from ACE I have the slightly relaxing, unexpectedly happy floaty giggly high that still leaves me functional.
And almost not heavyness or befuddlement the next day. 🥳

Will try their Ethiopian crossed to their Congo this fall. Hoping to discover similar traits with some added ThcV 👍🏼
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Well-known member

This is makhong classis from P.Prempavee. And Changrai landrace from P.Ampfree.


Active member
might be the case limey ,,
a lot of the thai was euphoric
and some a little scary , but that might be just accentuating moods we were in at the time ,

i was pretty young , so its a bit of a blur for me really ,
i dont remember specifics on somethings ,

i do recall the stuff we got called golden buddha , aka golden thai ,
was not airy and fluffy , not tied to a stick either ,
and was very strong ... wasnt the same as the racy stuff , aka speed/caffeine weed though ,
i know i fell asleep easily on that stuff ...

sorry for hijacking funky ....
I have a Thai friend about 40-50 who was recently telling me about 'Buddha', said it was sticky as and heavy strong. She recently went home, I look forward to asking her if she found what she was telling me about..

Donald Mallard

el duck
I have a Thai friend about 40-50 who was recently telling me about 'Buddha', said it was sticky as and heavy strong. She recently went home, I look forward to asking her if she found what she was telling me about..
probably hard to find anything like they grew 40 + years ago id imagine ,
but im sure they can find some good stuff , plenty growing there now ,
awesome climate for weed in the north east where those thai sticks were coming from ...


Well-known member
I have a Thai friend about 40-50 who was recently telling me about 'Buddha', said it was sticky as and heavy strong. She recently went home, I look forward to asking her if she found what she was telling me about..
about 18-20 years ago. Comes with golden yellow bud sticky, sweet pungent smell, pomelo sour mango, effect similar to Mekong classic and local changrai but heavier*2. I hear that sativa flowers take 16-18 weeks is it true i'm new grow.


Well-known member
Landraces are not feral. That is a misnomer from people jumping to conclusions based on what the name sounds like or something.

The term “landrace” has generally been defined as a cultivated, genetically heterogeneous variety that has evolved in a certain ecogeographical area and is therefore adapted to the edaphic and climatic conditions and to its traditional management and uses.

Thanks for posting the article
I agree 100% with this, thats why the thread title is Thai weed from Thailand and not landraces from Thailand
All this new thai scene started 2 years ago, nothing is landrace anymore
What we are getting from different sellers as landrace is at best heirloom. I think many seed sellers are making a landrace out of any little private garden they find
I feel similar to weedebook, for me current weed is not the same as before, this is why I started growing
Something happened with weed. At least something happened with landrace sativas
What I smoked all my life was landrace, it didnt matter if it was in South America, Middle East or Far East, it was all landrace weed, the difference with current weed is clear, hybrid weed dont have same quality as old landrace weed and all these crops of many varieties in one field is not producing the quality of not so long ago.
It seems it is not commercial for farmers to grow landrace weed. I wonder how long it will take until jasmin and basmati rice gets hybridized too. Even glutinous rice will get hybridized at this pace.
Man I love khao niao, I hope it never gets hybridized. I want to eat it again when back in Thailand

Today landrace sativas are wiped out of planet earth. In the best of cases what we are having is many different kinds of weed grown at the same place. The most similar to what landrace quality was seems to be family kept weed in small gardens. What you have in the himalayas is not sativa, is bhang, is charas
Same happens with food. In South America landrace food in some places is gone
Where I live potatoes are painted. The vegetable seller says if you put unpainted potato next to painted one, people only buy painted potato.
Where I live apples get waxed. If you put the same apple unwaxed at half price next to the waxed one, people still pick the waxed apples
People eat with their eyes. People seem to smoke with their eyes too sometimes
Cows done eat grass anymore, now they are fed soybean. The difference in taste is huge, I dont like feedlot beef
I like landrace food. I grew up with it and I am finding a very hard time finding it. For vegeatbles like tomatoes if you want landrace quality vegetables just grow them yourself because it is not available. I cant believe there is not a market for it
I like landrace weed. I grew up and smoke it all my life until recently. I cant believe there is not a market for it

not those exact bricks , but yes from other laos brick i have seed funky ...
I hope you dont mind a few questions
When did you collect those seeds? What year? Do you have seed from many different bricks?
You know, the more you grow the more you learn and realize things
When is the flowering onset of your Laos weed in your environment? I am guessing mid may and finnishing mid august. Is this correct? The same way I guess in Isaan your Laos should flower from mid november to mid february.
Have you grown your Laos in Thailand or someone else in North Thailand? If yes, do you have report of it?

View attachment 19011833
This is makhong classis from P.Prempavee. And Changrai landrace from P.Ampfree. View attachment 19011835
Khun weedebook
Sawadeekhap 🙏
The weed I have had from South east Asia flowers for 3 months outdoors since they show first pistil. The difference is when they start flowering, some earlier and some later. I think it is also important where you are on planet earth for flowering times and growing conditions
Questions for Khun weedebook
1)Can you please give smoke report for Mekhong Classic? How does it compare with brick from 15-20 years ago?
2)Do you know harvest date and how long it was cured the Mekhong Classic you have?
3)Are you very very hungry after you smoke Mekhong Classic? If yes, how many minutes you need to wait until you are hungry after you smoke it?
4)What is the size of cigarette you smoke Mekhong Classic? How many tokes you need to feel Mekhong Classic? How many minutes last the effects of Mekhong Classic?
5)Can you post link of the source of Chiang Rai landrace? Is it coming from any of these Chiang Rai dispensaries?

Kap khun krap

Update grow report
May has been the coldest in history at this part of the world since it is measured. For me it was the coldest month since I live here
Temperatures hardly got to 20C or over. Many days it didnt reach 20C
This week starts a weather phenomena at this part of the world I never heard of called veranito de San Juan

I hope june will be much hotter than may. It is too cold for me and it has been very hard to dry weed this month. I have some weed drying for one month and still waiting for better weather to jar/bag. It is too humid

Plants are doing much better than expected at these conditions
The weed from Prempavee stays small, grows some pistils and plans are to make some seed with my Thai male and the firm girls hopefully will survive the winter and next year i will grow them on living soil. The soil here is one of the most fertiles on planet earth, it is dark brown virgin soil and it is full of worms
The plants growing on living soil are very impressive and they seem happy even if cold
I think they are acclimatizing. It seems from cut it goes faster than from seed
This is N Thai P1 girl 1, she is getting fat. It is cold man, this simply exceeds my expectations.
Does anybody know how is she getting fat at weather hardly touching 20C for a couple of hours? Very humid, all day over 90% except when touches 20C it is getting down to 70% humidity
N Thai 1 (1).jpeg

N Thai 1 (4).jpeg
N Thai 1 (5).jpeg

This is N Thai P1 girl 8, long foxtail branches. I hope they survive winter again
N Thai 8.jpeg

The P2 next generation is similar to moms
This is one is the exception, it is the kind of plant that goes intersex but so far it is staying firm girl
It is on hermie watch
N Thai 1 x 3 hermie watch (1).jpeg
N Thai 1 x 3 hermie watch (2).jpeg

This is P2 N Thai girl 1 x N Thai male 3
N Thai 1 x 3.jpeg

This is P2 N Thai girl 8 x N Thai male 2
Foxtails like mom
N Thai 8 x 2 (2).jpeg

Have a nice week everybody

Donald Mallard

el duck
I hope you dont mind a few questions
When did you collect those seeds? What year? Do you have seed from many different bricks?
You know, the more you grow the more you learn and realize things
When is the flowering onset of your Laos weed in your environment? I am guessing mid may and finnishing mid august. Is this correct? The same way I guess in Isaan your Laos should flower from mid november to mid february.
Have you grown your Laos in Thailand or someone else in North Thailand? If yes, do you have report of it?
the seed was sent to me from friends in thailand ,
i dont really remember too many details ,, they are/were just labelled laos brick ,
i assume i got them from my friend prof ,
the laos seed i got from blb are not from any brick though ,
they were from a family who had been reproducing that variety a few generations who are from Laos ,
i was never sure if that detail meant a few generations of family , or of the seed/plants ,
but i kinda guessed the family since we were told about the death of one of them .. i think the old man/father ..
sorry funky , too much life sometimes and i have trouble recounting everything that happens ....

the blb , aka super laos was planted late , flowering time , around 16 weeks , total time from seed to harvest 5 to 6 months , standard for south east asian sativas ,
im pretty sure they do what we do , or did ,
plant them with the idea that they grow for up to 6 months total ,
so they will want harvest around the shortest days , as we do ,
a month past that things are likely to want to reveg..

i havent grown any of the seed from the brick ..

no reports about the laos in northern thailand ,
but i suspect it will be much the same as my experience given the fellow that gave them to me lives in a province at the same latitude as me , but in the northern hemisphere of course ,
so maybe june/july , to december/january .... gets cold up there late december and january ... at night time of course , days are lovely and warm and sunny ....


Well-known member
Thanks for posting the article
I agree 100% with this, thats why the thread title is Thai weed from Thailand and not landraces from Thailand
All this new thai scene started 2 years ago, nothing is landrace anymore
What we are getting from different sellers as landrace is at best heirloom. I think many seed sellers are making a landrace out of any little private garden they find
I feel similar to weedebook, for me current weed is not the same as before, this is why I started growing
Something happened with weed. At least something happened with landrace sativas
What I smoked all my life was landrace, it didnt matter if it was in South America, Middle East or Far East, it was all landrace weed, the difference with current weed is clear, hybrid weed dont have same quality as old landrace weed and all these crops of many varieties in one field is not producing the quality of not so long ago.
It seems it is not commercial for farmers to grow landrace weed. I wonder how long it will take until jasmin and basmati rice gets hybridized too. Even glutinous rice will get hybridized at this pace.
Man I love khao niao, I hope it never gets hybridized. I want to eat it again when back in Thailand

Today landrace sativas are wiped out of planet earth. In the best of cases what we are having is many different kinds of weed grown at the same place. The most similar to what landrace quality was seems to be family kept weed in small gardens. What you have in the himalayas is not sativa, is bhang, is charas
Same happens with food. In South America landrace food in some places is gone
Where I live potatoes are painted. The vegetable seller says if you put unpainted potato next to painted one, people only buy painted potato.
Where I live apples get waxed. If you put the same apple unwaxed at half price next to the waxed one, people still pick the waxed apples
People eat with their eyes. People seem to smoke with their eyes too sometimes
Cows done eat grass anymore, now they are fed soybean. The difference in taste is huge, I dont like feedlot beef
I like landrace food. I grew up with it and I am finding a very hard time finding it. For vegeatbles like tomatoes if you want landrace quality vegetables just grow them yourself because it is not available. I cant believe there is not a market for it
I like landrace weed. I grew up and smoke it all my life until recently. I cant believe there is not a market for it

I hope you dont mind a few questions
When did you collect those seeds? What year? Do you have seed from many different bricks?
You know, the more you grow the more you learn and realize things
When is the flowering onset of your Laos weed in your environment? I am guessing mid may and finnishing mid august. Is this correct? The same way I guess in Isaan your Laos should flower from mid november to mid february.
Have you grown your Laos in Thailand or someone else in North Thailand? If yes, do you have report of it?

Khun weedebook
Sawadeekhap 🙏
The weed I have had from South east Asia flowers for 3 months outdoors since they show first pistil. The difference is when they start flowering, some earlier and some later. I think it is also important where you are on planet earth for flowering times and growing conditions
Questions for Khun weedebook
1)Can you please give smoke report for Mekhong Classic? How does it compare with brick from 15-20 years ago?
2)Do you know harvest date and how long it was cured the Mekhong Classic you have?
3)Are you very very hungry after you smoke Mekhong Classic? If yes, how many minutes you need to wait until you are hungry after you smoke it?
4)What is the size of cigarette you smoke Mekhong Classic? How many tokes you need to feel Mekhong Classic? How many minutes last the effects of Mekhong Classic?
5)Can you post link of the source of Chiang Rai landrace? Is it coming from any of these Chiang Rai dispensaries?

Kap khun krap

Update grow report
May has been the coldest in history at this part of the world since it is measured. For me it was the coldest month since I live here
Temperatures hardly got to 20C or over. Many days it didnt reach 20C
This week starts a weather phenomena at this part of the world I never heard of called veranito de San Juan

I hope june will be much hotter than may. It is too cold for me and it has been very hard to dry weed this month. I have some weed drying for one month and still waiting for better weather to jar/bag. It is too humid

Plants are doing much better than expected at these conditions
The weed from Prempavee stays small, grows some pistils and plans are to make some seed with my Thai male and the firm girls hopefully will survive the winter and next year i will grow them on living soil. The soil here is one of the most fertiles on planet earth, it is dark brown virgin soil and it is full of worms
The plants growing on living soil are very impressive and they seem happy even if cold
I think they are acclimatizing. It seems from cut it goes faster than from seed
This is N Thai P1 girl 1, she is getting fat. It is cold man, this simply exceeds my expectations.
Does anybody know how is she getting fat at weather hardly touching 20C for a couple of hours? Very humid, all day over 90% except when touches 20C it is getting down to 70% humidity
View attachment 19012430
View attachment 19012431 View attachment 19012432

This is N Thai P1 girl 8, long foxtail branches. I hope they survive winter again
View attachment 19012433

The P2 next generation is similar to moms
This is one is the exception, it is the kind of plant that goes intersex but so far it is staying firm girl
It is on hermie watch
View attachment 19012435 View attachment 19012436

This is P2 N Thai girl 1 x N Thai male 3
View attachment 19012434

This is P2 N Thai girl 8 x N Thai male 2
Foxtails like mom
View attachment 19012437

Have a nice week everybody
Sawasdeekub i'm bad in eng i'll try.
1)Can you please give smoke report for Mekhong Classic? How does it compare with brick from 15-20 years ago?
Effect is similar to the same but softer and smell is not the same.

2)Do you know harvest date and how long it was cured the Mekhong Classic you have?
about 6 month and cure 3 month

3)Are you very very hungry after you smoke Mekhong Classic? If yes, how many minutes you need to wait until you are hungry after you smoke it?
a little bit about 10-15 minute not like the old day.

What is the size of cigarette you smoke Mekhong Classic? How many tokes you need to feel Mekhong Classic? How many minutes last the effects of Mekhong Classic?
4-5 hit with bong. about 1-2 hour

5)Can you post link of the source of Chiang Rai landrace? Is it coming from any of these Chiang Rai dispensaries?
https://www.facebook.com/ToppyAmfee get it from here smell like old bud. but the effect is lighter maybe farmer are havest it early same me at first grow. 12-16 week flower.

People eat with their eyes. People seem to smoke with their eyes too sometimes
Cows done eat grass anymore, now they are fed soybean. The difference in taste is huge, I dont like feedlot beef
I like landrace food. I grew up with it and I am finding a very hard time finding it. For vegeatbles like tomatoes if you want landrace quality vegetables just grow them yourself because it is not available. I cant believe there is not a market for it
I like landrace weed. I grew up and smoke it all my life until recently. I cant believe there is not a market for it
Agree with you i'm lonly in this way. have you try malawi cob with thai landrace . i found chocolate smell with this method it make cure to short than jar cure. and enhance effect with sativa. what do you think about it.


Well-known member
Agree with you i'm lonly in this way. have you try malawi cob with thai landrace . i found chocolate smell with this method it make cure to short than jar cure. and enhance effect with sativa. what do you think about it.
I understand not easy in english, thank you very much for trying. Many people here in this forum use translators to read

I tried making brick with corn. I didnt like it, it makes corn soup taste
I changed to banana bark last year. Thai weed comes out green with this cure similar to the bricks
I just wrap the buds on banana brak and leave them long time there
I just opened now this brick almost 1 year old now
It is Laos from @Donald Mallard , Thai from Ace Seeds and Northern Thai 2008 all mixed up in one brick
Thai weed gets better with time. I just made a spliff of it, nice to have this on stock
Laos n Thai and ACE Thai mix brick (1).jpeg
Laos n Thai and ACE Thai mix brick (2).jpeg
Laos n Thai and ACE Thai mix brick (3).jpeg

This year I am using only vacuum bags. I think it is a better method, now that vacuum sealer machines are being more affordable I think it beats jars big time, it beats corn cob and it beats banana bark as well.
I also tried making brick with bamboo
This is a thai weed hybrid
Original Haze x Northern Thai bamboo cure. It came out same results, same taste and smell like paraguayan weed. Impressive. Inside the bamboo it ferments.
Thai haze Bamboo cure front dry back moist (1).jpeg
Thai haze Bamboo cure front dry back moist (2).jpeg
Thai haze Bamboo cure (1).jpeg

I am liking the vacuum bags more than old methods. It preserve the terpenes a lot better when you bag them dry than any other method and for humid areas I think it is a must to keep your weed on vacuum
There are good things in new tech too. These vacuum bags are very interesting


Well-known member
I understand not easy in english, thank you very much for trying. Many people here in this forum use translators to read

I tried making brick with corn. I didnt like it, it makes corn soup taste
I changed to banana bark last year. Thai weed comes out green with this cure similar to the bricks
I just wrap the buds on banana brak and leave them long time there
I just opened now this brick almost 1 year old now
It is Laos from @Donald Mallard , Thai from Ace Seeds and Northern Thai 2008 all mixed up in one brick
Thai weed gets better with time. I just made a spliff of it, nice to have this on stock
View attachment 19012560 View attachment 19012561 View attachment 19012562

This year I am using only vacuum bags. I think it is a better method, now that vacuum sealer machines are being more affordable I think it beats jars big time, it beats corn cob and it beats banana bark as well.
I also tried making brick with bamboo
This is a thai weed hybrid
Original Haze x Northern Thai bamboo cure. It came out same results, same taste and smell like paraguayan weed. Impressive. Inside the bamboo it ferments.
View attachment 19012564 View attachment 19012565 View attachment 19012566

I am liking the vacuum bags more than old methods. It preserve the terpenes a lot better when you bag them dry than any other method and for humid areas I think it is a must to keep your weed on vacuum
There are good things in new tech too. These vacuum bags are very interesting.
Thank you very much. This is Hang sue. smell like orange peel Slightly pungent smell. i grow 18 plant and found many smell. i choose this one i think it close to the old day.it smell like Chromolaena odorata. why the old have one smell? This years i will try cob with hang sue too.


  • 1717562512263.jpg
    1.2 MB · Views: 36


Well-known member
why the old have one smell?
I think is because the old one was landrace. There was variability, phenotypes are reported, but the smells I have are the same on all plants on the weed from 2008

I think now there is a lot of pollen flying around from many different varieties of cannabis having different properties and everything gets mixed up
I think today if you are lucky and find something you like, you need to keep it as cut because there is no breeding at all with thai weed and very little original seed left

I was reading this thread

Very interesting thread indeed. Almost no likes in the whole thread must be a gem
This is from post 150 by Bushweed from that thread
It is their GN Thai Stick cut. Collected at Nongkhai Highlands 2007
It looks same same as Northern Thailand 2008 and descriptions for GN Thai Stick are pretty much spot on with N Thai 2008

This thread is another jewel with no likes
I had my ass in VangVieng during Gypsy´s trip.
Are there more threads like this?

Where are the old thai/south east asian weed threads?
Please post them. Thank you very much 🙏


Well-known member
Nice thread by kanga!

I think @Dave Coulier did a thread on his indoor repro of the GN thai stick here somewhere ... interesting that kanga thinks that this could be the legendary thai stick from back in the day.

The only other theory could be hempy's '78 is the real deal ... it does brown off like @cannabisnz suggests

"Then all Thai Stick isn't equal. The early stuff, which was brown, was the legend"

So do you think your 2008 N. Thailand is just GN Thai stick renamed? Or instead a separate collection from a similar region?

Is the N. Thai 2008 you favorite strain?


Well-known member
Nice and interesting thread indeed The Thai

I dont think any Thai Stick or any other legendary strain from the 20th century like Punto Rojo is alive
It is not clear what cannabisnz calls early but I think it should be beginning 70s or so
Kangativa is old enough to have smoked the real deal?
I smoked the real deal southamericans of the 80s, I grew up with them. All that stock is extinct and their high was unique
In case Thai Stick would have miraculously survived from the 70s, with all that pollen flying around I doubt it is alive pure

I think N Thai 08 was sourced somewhere else. It was sourced by a swedish traveller, a different garden for sure. But it shows all thai weed grow similar morphology plants from that time at least before the massive hybridization that took place in the area

N Thai cures like the thai brick shown by Wally. Thai brick from this century cures green as bud and makes green brick even fermented

From all the weed I grew myself from seed sourced in cannaworld, the tropical chunky pheno N Thai 08 is the best. Still far from the best I smoked in real life but from the 21st century weed I smoked is up there with the best. This particular girl has creeper high

I just harvested a sample of N Thai girl 8. This year is a lot more resinous than last year grow, she seems happier too, it will be interesting to compare if the high this year will be better than last year with the same plant


Well-known member
This is another northern thai landrace. smell like old day but effect is softer. smell sour mango and pomelo not the same as ripe mango nothern thai. this year i'll grow this too. i'm a newbie grow. If you have any advice or teaching, please let me know.


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Well-known member
Thai landrace cure about 2 half month cure with malawi cob style smell like chocolate. it enhanced high not like as modern cure. i make it by myself because can't find who sell or make it with old style cure. very sad if the old method is gone. i asked and old farmer he cure like malawi cob. wrap it and store them at underground or thai barn or cave. it happened by chance.


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Well-known member
Thai landrace cure about 2 half month cure with malawi cob style smell like chocolate. it enhanced high not like as modern cure. i make it by myself because can't find who sell or make it with old style cure. very sad if the old method is gone. i asked and old farmer he cure like malawi cob. warp it and store them at underground thai barn or cave. it happened by chance.
So like a cellar..

What did he wrap it in?


Well-known member
This is another northern thai landrace. smell like old day but effect is softer. smell sour mango and pomelo not the same as ripe mango nothern thai. this year i'll grow this too. i'm a newbie grow. If you have any advice or teaching, please let me know.
What farm is this weed coming from?
Did you find the seed in the buds?

I am new grower too. I came to South America from Thailand 7 years ago. I didnt like the local weed so I started growing from scratch. I didnt know how to sprout seed. You never stop learning.
I like growing so much now I grow vegetables. I learnt to grow using this Icmag site mostly.
It is amazing that you can learn something like this from the internet

Thai landrace cure about 2 half month cure with malawi cob style smell like chocolate. it enhanced high not like as modern cure. i make it by myself because can't find who sell or make it with old style cure. very sad if the old method is gone. i asked and old farmer he cure like malawi cob. warp it and store them at underground or thai barn or cave. it happened by chance.
I think the brick was made like this
This is how paraguayan weed is made and @elchischas said this method was used in Mexico too
Chischas, is this bricking method still used today or everybody is adapting to the new consumer demands and keep the buds in jars unpressed?

Finally the plant on hermie watch showed her true sex and moved her to the pollen producer greenhouse
I want to let them ripe and try if the flower is same quality as the pure girls
The trait dont fail. When I see this kind of flowering plants are intersex
N Thai 1 x 3 hermie watch (3).jpeg

N Thai 1 x 3 hermie watch (5).jpeg
N Thai 1 x 3 hermie watch (6).jpeg

Now in the new greenhouse
N Thai 1 x 3 hermie watch (4).jpeg

This is a girl that showed a low branch with male eggs. I cut it and she didnt grow any more balls so far
Same selection as the pure N Thai 08 male
N Thai 8 x 2 hermie (4).jpeg

Mekhong Classic, the only pollen making plant so far. I might use this pollen on a N Thai P1 maybe make 10 seeds or so just to see what might do
MKC male (3).jpeg

Phon Sawan
Phon sawan (3).jpeg

This is the only pure thai male this season
It is the foxtail selection and he will be pollinizing everybody and hopefully try some of this seed in the future
He keeps stretching
N Thai 8 x 2 male.jpeg