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BreederBrad2 said:
yup 8k of personal!

That's what i'm talking about. True smoker right there. lol. Love to see the program thriving as it is. I love that you worked your own line and are reaping the benefits from her. Smoked on some of shmoe's chemist and that stuff is straight fire!!! A great flavor and wonderful high to her. Got a few Rogan's that are looking unreal right now as well. I'll try to dig up a pic for you later on. It's good to see you doing your thing bro, keep it green.


thanx man! i kept 2 diffrent cuts of chemist and they both kill, rogan is wicked to got a cut of that im goin to dedicate 4 k next run, program works for me!


shut the fuck up Donny
Very nice.

Real interesting that you cut off nutes at day 35. Have you tried it both ways? Do you use accelerated doses while you are feeding them?

Do you use any preventative measures for bugs/mildew etc? Plants all look flawless.


godzilla gets cut off nutes at d35...b39 and rom at day 42 and chemists gets cut off nutes at day 56.....well we feed once a week about double the recomended dose...it takes time to get a feel for your strains, so ya just gotta try new things every once in a while, controlled feeding tests with a few cuts will go a long way for your yeild in the end...as for bugs i have been battling fungas gnats this crop but they havent been a problem,more of a nuisence. As for mold, good intake air and great outake and lots of fans blowing every leaf is important. also having fans blowing air under the canopy is very very important.


mmmm good stuff

mmmm good stuff

Hi Brad

I know its been awhile since we last chated.I am still growin your godzila Grape.I love this cut.I have been growin her out for around a year and a half to 2 years now and I can't keep enough of it around.
Thought I would chime in and show you a few pics to add to your thread.
Got some fresh pics of the Godzilla Grape for yas.She is a wonderfull herb.Very Hapy smoke that smells Spicy and Grapy.Her flave is Grape with a hint of Lemons.
I have been sharing this wanderfull herb with some peeps lately and I am quite surprised by all the demand for it lately.My pals are just lovin the taste and its upbeat happy buz.

So here are a few pics of 1 of 2 ladies.She/they are the largest plants of this cut I have grown so far.They stand at 3' high.I left these ones un topped just so I good see what she does on her own.Definately on the Sativa side.her lower branches just stretch right out.



Now heres a couple that r ready to come down.They are at day 56 in these pics.They are in the dark room awaiting to be harvested tommorow wich wil be 60 days in the making..

I love this stuff.Its what I call happy weed cause it always picks me up.I have a cancer patient that I supply and this is the weed he likes the best,He claims it really helps him out with his appetite and just over all well being.
So I shall keep this cut for as long as she will let me.



just awesome man! im glad it really helps your med patient out, i know someone with ms that just loves this stuff....Is that godzilla grape or the godzilla grape x Lemon swiss( grape lemonaide) either way looks GREAT!


ocanabis, nice pics of a great looking plants.

Brad, looks like an awesome strain but What'r the parents of Godzilla grape?


Hi Brad

I believe it might be the Grape lemonade.When I 1st ran the seeds I had some Lemon Swiss in their as well.They were short and stocky plants that reaked of Lemons so I assume it must be the Grape Lemonade.
I didn't keep the L. Swiss cause I found it to be not as potent as the Grape pheno's.I also had 1 plant that had hermied so I didn't want to take any chances of pollination.
I have had a lot of requests for this strain to.I had gifted out the seeds you had sent me as well.I sent 10 to the US and the other 10 went to the UK.
Lookin forward to seein what these folks can do with them.I'll let you know when the time comes.


wow! you are an expert with the camara dude! POTM quality for sure

Thanks for your kind words buddy.I feel that it's important to take the best photo's I can in order to represent the fine quality genetics you create.
You could say it's my lifes work now as I have no interest in breeding myself but I do enjoy imensly in trying new genetics as they cross my path..
I fully intend on keeping this cut for as long as she will alow me to do so and I am doing my best to spread the word about Your Godzila every chance I get.It is trully a fine speciman and a joy to grow and smoke.
later Brad


Active member
just stumbled into this thread from PurpPaki thread that you are posting in, which youve added killer pics to, and i must say you are doing things up right... and big. love the looks of your godzilla grape creation by the way.


Active member
Nice room.Your garden rocks the house. Wicked looking Godzilla and Grape Lemonaid.


Hey, thanks for sending me the link Breederbrad. I do love the big grows, its like eye candy, even if it is a soil grow :)

The only problem I see is that chair in the room. That is taking up room where you could put more plants in LOL.

I dont have much else to say as I know nada about soil.

Looks good, keep up the good work and I'll check back for more eye candy.


still lookin awesome man.ur grow is off the hook.
they are lookin nice and healthy.
i had to goback a couple pages and catch up,so much happening in here.
ocann has really captured the beauty of that godzilla,great lookin strain brad,ur definetly oozin with talant my friend.peace -Y-
Hey Brad, I have heard nothing but awesome stuff about the Gozilla genetics. Any chance of crossing with say a GG and making it suitable for the outdoor climate? Hehe.



great thread Brad, respects for working/ refining the godzilla grape for 5 years, thats dedication.
