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Texas cops smell weed in black woman's car so they stick hand up her vagina in public


Active member
what I want to know is what kind of blood hound nose this cop had to smell a half gram of bud stuffed up her privates ? COMON MAN,

the gnome

Active member
Gnome - because we dont know what all happened doesnt make it ok to blame the victim. `

try reading the 1st sentence in my post... boyd
incase your taking it another way let me make it clear
no way am i blaming the victim k.

I'm not connecting the dots for what popo did to this girl
for a 1/2 gram of dope.
this cop had it out for for whatever reason
but back mouthing is usually a big reason for a cop to go off on ya.
if this girl did do it I'm not blaming her but stupidity would play its part.
these cops had it out for her more than were seeing


Not true at all, in 1965 the first year I smoked the laws and the pigs were worse then now. If they thought you had weed in your home they would raid you and completely trash the house in an effort to find it. I remember one day in 1965 I, a 15 year old wanna be freak, was walking down the street when I saw an undercover cop car drive by, I let out a loud sooiee, and they hung a u-turn and proceeded to chase me, I ducked into a large apartment building and they followed me in and blocked the exits and swept the building and found me. They took me downstairs to their car and tossed me in the back, they drove me to a secluded place and said to me, all we have to do is say you tried to resist and I had to shoot you, all the time pointing his cocked 38 revolver at my head. He wanted to terrorize me, but I was on acid and I just looked at him and said "do your thing" I knew I could do nothing so I just surrendered to the flow. He flipped out that I had no fear, that is what he wanted, he could no believe I was smiling saying do your thing, he almost shit his pants. Anyway after a speech or two they let me go, they had no idea I was on acid, it was not even illegal yet anyway.
Fuck the pigs, they are not deserving of respect because of the way they act and treat others. I do not suggest folks yell sooie, at undercover pigs unless they want to have a further discussion with the officers....
Or they are high on acid and just do not care.....

There's a huge difference in the way leo has evolved over 30 years ago. .. When I was young cops where in the neighborhood all the time. Nice friendly people... They would get out and talk to us kids black, white, Hispanic. We knew there name they knew ours. Anytime we got caught with weed or beer all they did was make us grind it into the ground or pour it out it was never a big deal.. I ran once got caught and let go..Today anyone doing this would have been shot or at the least a boot or knee in your face..

Police today are lost. Morals, compassion, empathy are gone. It's all about how to kill or hurt other people. Talking to anyone anymore is gone. I have no respect for the law in today's world. They lost it a long time ago for there behavior they exhibit everyday. They do not have any respect for most people..They def have a superiority complex. I never saw this shit back in the day. The violence we endure at there hands is humiliating. There's no reason for them to kick in your door, Shoot our dogs and Stand on your family's back. Then they find out they had the wrong house. None of them feel any remorse they laugh about it. Its happening in every state in every city. None of it is needed to make the arrest or serve there warrant. There are ways to do what they do with out using violence. They do it back asswards. Lets beat on everyone, damage there property, kill there animals then ask who is who.. I'm tired of seeing my black friends being killed because they moved to fast or they thought they where in fear for there life It's bullshit.. I don't have much time left in this hellish of a worlds.. The ones that will suffer the most is our children that hurts me the most. I can only hope my children don't meet up with a bad cop the odds are not in there favor.

That's my rant for the day .
Peace HH


Active member
Its not just about law enforcement anymore.

An officers main job is to hunt the two legged animal. Simple. And theyve gotten very good at it. These new breeds are the men and women we bought (yes , when you join the military , you are legally owned by the US government ) to kill brown people in iraq and afghanistan. Once youve killed that first two legged animal , you want that rush again. And Again. Martial Power is Intoxicating. A drug , if I may.

Their second job is earn the dollars that keep them, and an ENTIRE industry funded and growing. They earn those dollars by jailing the poor , brown and/or marginilized . They earn them by stealing assets from traffic stops and charging a physical item wth a crime , not the victim. They earn from federal monies paid for each head in incarceration. And these are just some of the LEGAL income streams.

30 years ago , we didnt have the war on drugs.
Thats my point really, its a WAR for them now. Literally. The WoD is an ACTUAL WAR. Our problem as potheads is, we never took that shit seriously, we just chuckled, took another hit on the bong , changed the channel and scarfed some more doritos.

But They Did Not.

Cops have TANKS, Armored personnel vehicles, and weapons no bullet proof vest could hope to stop. Right Now, In your BACKYARD.
And they are winning because we let this happen. We voted for this to happen.
We voted in the bush/reagan cabal. We allowed the CIA to become the worlds biggest dope dealer to fund their south american revolutionaries and the warlords in the hills of the 'stans, for what ? opium? oil, bananas, sugar and coffee (all private industries)? Yes, and also cocaine. Then it became an addiction , like coke and opium have a tendency to do; easy money, hard to let that income stream go.
With coke and heroin comes violence, with violence comes war.

In a sense, LEO is High On Drug(Money)s and gets their kicks by killing poor brown people and destroying lives and families. And they get paid to do it.

They would do this job for FREE, dont you understand ? A License To Kill? Sure , Sign Me Up , Harlan!

These are some of the reasons this will continue until the war on drugs is officially over. Once that happens, the civil forfeitures, the non violent (income streams) offenders are freed, the bribe money dries up, the job market for leo shrinks to ~40-60% its current size. Private jails go bankrupt, big pharma loses 20% of its customers, Big Finance loses its cartel money. And a WHOLE LOTTA people are unemployed.

We can find jobs for them though, I hear their hiring security goons out west for the MMJ industry.....

Whew, sorry for the rant, i think I got all that out my system for awhile.....

:tiphat: All I can say to this, is AMEN!!!!


Active member
Not true at all, in 1965 the first year I smoked the laws and the pigs were worse then now. If they thought you had weed in your home they would raid you and completely trash the house in an effort to find it. I remember one day in 1965 I, a 15 year old wanna be freak, was walking down the street when I saw an undercover cop car drive by, I let out a loud sooiee, and they hung a u-turn and proceeded to chase me, I ducked into a large apartment building and they followed me in and blocked the exits and swept the building and found me. They took me downstairs to their car and tossed me in the back, they drove me to a secluded place and said to me, all we have to do is say you tried to resist and I had to shoot you, all the time pointing his cocked 38 revolver at my head. He wanted to terrorize me, but I was on acid and I just looked at him and said "do your thing" I knew I could do nothing so I just surrendered to the flow. He flipped out that I had no fear, that is what he wanted, he could no believe I was smiling saying do your thing, he almost shit his pants. Anyway after a speech or two they let me go, they had no idea I was on acid, it was not even illegal yet anyway.
Fuck the pigs, they are not deserving of respect because of the way they act and treat others. I do not suggest folks yell sooie, at undercover pigs unless they want to have a further discussion with the officers....
Or they are high on acid and just do not care.....

I remember those years, my first year in the garden was in '63, but I was in a much more rural area. I never taunted cops, ever. Most back then in the country side just did their best to get along, city was different. Nasty folks, working for the machine, and viciously so. Today is getting to be the same, but even the countryside is going bad now. Too many "Warriors",,,,,, and all of the citizens are the enemy, mostly the brown folks though, same as the folks they were trained to kill already.....:fsu:


The Tri Guy
Until 2 things happen, this will continue.
The cost of abusing people is greater than the cost of respecting people, and more importantly, until there are DNA tests on every public servant to remove sociopaths from public service.
No compassionate person could have taken part in this.
The stats are 10 percent of the population being sociopaths and the public sector attracting the majority of them.


ICMag Donor
As far as I am concerned...
Police forces, now a days, are nothing more than domestic militarization forces designed to keep a nations Citizens in check... In the US of A, these powers are extremely limited! First, by the constitution of the united States of America, then by the various federal & state rules governing police/government actions. Today police forces aren't scared of the politically correct, unarmed subject/citizens because they don't understand and so distort the legal system in order to enforce their version of freedom for the masses.

If more citizens stood up for themselves & took their case to court, talking the judge that the cop must prove that the charge(s) filed are legit, there would be less criminal/police activity.

Far as this womans case goes...
Cops are not trained in medical procedures & this woman was violated by some power drunk cops!
Consent or not... This woman's Rights to Due Process were violated from the very beginning.

Cops that do this kind of shit should be removed from the face of this earth. They don't deserve to breathe... Fuckin oxygen thieves!!!

I home this woman gets her day in court and these cops serve time in the most fucked up penitentiary in the state of Texas but... I'm sure some attorney, paid for with tax dollars, will not allow that to happen.

sdd, I 111% agree with you.
They say "one bad apple spoils the whole bunch" & it absolutely applies with police forces the world over, once they realize the power they have over their subjects.

There are some things worth fighting and dying for, this is one.

Fighting for a plant... Nah...
Fighting for the ideals that this plant represents... For Damn sure!!!

Skinny Leaf

Well-known member
While this was yet one more vial act by piece of shit cops, it does happen in other parts of the country. I am sure some of you will remember this incident in New Mexico.

Another man is coming forward this week with allegations that a New Mexico hospital performed forced anal probes looking for drugs after his car was stopped by police for failure to signal when turning.
A week after a lawsuit by David Eckert revealed that police transferred him to Gila Regional Medical Center for forced anal probes and a colonoscopy, Timothy Young says state police transferred him to the same hospital for similar procedures because the same drug dog alerted drug detection during the traffic stop. In both instances, the doctors found no drugs, according to a KOB 4 review of medical records.
In its initial report on Eckert, KOB 4 had said the reason Eckert was transferred to the hospital for invasive searches was because police believed Eckert was clenching his buttocks to hide drugs. But the release of the search warrant reveals that Leo the K-9 alerted to the detection of drugs during both incidents.
In both instances, the police went outside the jurisdiction of the limited search warrant to have the procedures performed at Gila Regional Medical Center. And the drug dog, Leo the K-9, is not even registered in New Mexico as required by state law. Nationwide, there are no standards set for drug dogs, and their reliability is questionable at best. As then-U.S. Supreme Court Justice David Souter wrote in a 2005 dissenting opinion, “The infallible dog … is a creature of legal fiction. … In practical terms, the evidence is clear that the dog that alerts hundreds of times will be wrong dozens of times.” Nonetheless, the U.S. Supreme Court last term upheld an alert by a Florida drug dog whose certification had expired.

I don't see any the folks posting that were all in favor of the pot breathalyzers.

Skinny Leaf

Well-known member
(CBS) NORTH TEXAS - The Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) has settled a lawsuit with two Irving women who filed a lawsuit claiming they were humiliated after they were subjected to an illegal cavity search by police during a traffic stop last July, CBS DFW reports.
Attorney Scott Palmer confirmed his client Angel Dobbs and her niece, Ashley Dobbs, received a settlement of $185,000 in the federal civil rights case.

The women were reportedly pulled over after throwing cigarette butts out of their car window while taking a road-trip to Oklahoma.

Trooper David Farrell claimed he smelled marijuana coming from the vehicle and performed a search, but turned up nothing, according to the station. He then called female Trooper Kelly Helleson, who proceeded to do a very personal cavity search to see if the women were hiding illegal items, the station reports.

The women claim Helleson used her fingers to search body cavities and used the same latex glove on both women. The searches reportedly happened on the side of the road, in full view of passing vehicles.

After the search turned up nothing, a roadside sobriety test was performed on Angel Dobbs and she passed. The women were ultimately given a warning for littering and were sent on their way.

The women's attorney called the actions of the troopers reprehensible and illegal. He said the six-figure settlement is not only good for his clients, but for other potential victims as well.

"It will deter any future misconduct by any police officer or trooper in the future, for sure. That's part of why they brought this lawsuit," Palmer said. "This will probably never happen again because of this lawsuit and the attention this has gotten."

Trooper Helleson was reportedly fired earlier this year and has been charged with two counts of sexual assault and two counts of official oppression. If convicted, she could have to register as a sex offender.

Trooper Farrell was suspended while officials investigated allegations that he took a prescription bottle of the painkiller hydrocodone from one of the women during the roadside search, according to the station.


Active member
While this was yet one more vial act by piece of shit cops, it does happen in other parts of the country. I am sure some of you will remember this incident in New Mexico.

Another man is coming forward this week with allegations that a New Mexico hospital performed forced anal probes looking for drugs after his car was stopped by police for failure to signal when turning.
A week after a lawsuit by David Eckert revealed that police transferred him to Gila Regional Medical Center for forced anal probes and a colonoscopy, Timothy Young says state police transferred him to the same hospital for similar procedures because the same drug dog alerted drug detection during the traffic stop. In both instances, the doctors found no drugs, according to a KOB 4 review of medical records.
In its initial report on Eckert, KOB 4 had said the reason Eckert was transferred to the hospital for invasive searches was because police believed Eckert was clenching his buttocks to hide drugs. But the release of the search warrant reveals that Leo the K-9 alerted to the detection of drugs during both incidents.
In both instances, the police went outside the jurisdiction of the limited search warrant to have the procedures performed at Gila Regional Medical Center. And the drug dog, Leo the K-9, is not even registered in New Mexico as required by state law. Nationwide, there are no standards set for drug dogs, and their reliability is questionable at best. As then-U.S. Supreme Court Justice David Souter wrote in a 2005 dissenting opinion, “The infallible dog … is a creature of legal fiction. … In practical terms, the evidence is clear that the dog that alerts hundreds of times will be wrong dozens of times.” Nonetheless, the U.S. Supreme Court last term upheld an alert by a Florida drug dog whose certification had expired.

I don't see any the folks posting that were all in favor of the pot breathalyzers.

that sucks but at least it wasent in a damn parking lot. I cant imagine the emberrasment that girl went through.

Skinny Leaf

Well-known member
Seven officers and a supervisor at the Milwaukee police department have had their badges taken away after allegations surfaced that police have been conducting body cavity searches on suspects with no authority to do so.

Reports of officers arresting suspects then subjecting them to cavity searches first surfaced in local media in March. On Monday, after getting access to a police report, The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported that officers allegedly performed these searches on a routine basis.

One Milwaukee officer, Michael Vagnini, "had a reputation" for forcing suspects he believed had drugs in their body cavities to bend over for him, said defense attorney Alex Cossi, who handled a July 2011 case that alleges Vagnini searched his client and another suspect in the booking room.

Improperly conducted body searches can be construed under Wisconsin law as sexual assaults because of their invasive nature. It's not clear how much penetration allegedly occurred during the searches.

John Birdsall, a Milwaukee defense attorney, said that if the claims are true, police are abusing their authority.

"One thing is clear, if they're doing rectal searches in the field, that's just illegal," he told the Journal Sentinel. "Clothes or no clothes, you can't do a body cavity search. They don't have the authority to do that."

Skinny Leaf

Well-known member
Houston cop shot in back during traffic stop

A Houston police officer is recovering after being shot in the back during a traffic stop in Midtown Tuesday evening.

Officer Terry Smith and another motorcycle unit officer were conducting traffic duties in the 4200 block of Main Street, across from Sears, around 6 p.m.

The driver Smith pulled over had already left the scene and the officer was chatting with the other motorcycle officer.

At some point, a shot was fired in the direction of the officers and Smith was struck in the back.

“The officer was putting away his ticket book and stuff he needed for the traffic stop,” HPD Capt. Dwayne Ready said. “He was leaning over into his saddlebag when they heard the pop and it was shortly thereafter that he felt pain.”

“Just before the shooting, both officers saw a champagne-colored Buick, believed to be involved in an accident with a white Jeep minutes before, pull into the parking lot. The driver was a man and the passenger was a pregnant woman. They both fled after shots were fired.

Officers are gathering surveillance footage from nearby cameras, hoping to find evidence that could lead them to the mysterious shooter.

“We’re on the hunt for videos as well as other evidence,” Ready said.

The shooting happened next to a busy METRO rail line, but investigators said they think the shooter was in a car.

“We believe at this time, since there wasn’t a lot of foot traffic, it’s got to be a passing vehicle that fired the rounds,” Ready said.


Apparently a citizen has been pushed over the edge by the Houston P.D.

Looks like those boys better be ducking and covering for a while