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Texas cops smell weed in black woman's car so they stick hand up her vagina in public


3rd-Eye Jedi
I think prejudice may have evolutionary under pinning. At one time in our evolutionary development different peoples meant a threat to our well beings.

Much like our primordial fear of snakes and spiders, many of us have developed enough use of our facilities to over come irrational fears, some of us have never asked our own selves that question.

Where is the fear born from? why is it there? does it still stand up to reason today?

IMHE prejudice is as learned as it is inherited, as is the converse.


Active member
It's theses daily police abuse stories that make me feel ashamed to be an American. Land of the free my ass.....


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
There's a huge difference in the way leo has evolved over 30 years ago. .. When I was young cops where in the neighborhood all the time. Nice friendly people... They would get out and talk to us kids black, white, Hispanic. We knew there name they knew ours. Anytime we got caught with weed or beer all they did was make us grind it into the ground or pour it out it was never a big deal.. I ran once got caught and let go..Today anyone doing this would have been shot or at the least a boot or knee in your face..

Police today are lost. Morals, compassion, empathy are gone. It's all about how to kill or hurt other people. Talking to anyone anymore is gone. I have no respect for the law in today's world. They lost it a long time ago for there behavior they exhibit everyday. They do not have any respect for most people..They def have a superiority complex. I never saw this shit back in the day. The violence we endure at there hands is humiliating. There's no reason for them to kick in your door, Shoot our dogs and Stand on your family's back. Then they find out they had the wrong house. None of them feel any remorse they laugh about it. Its happening in every state in every city. None of it is needed to make the arrest or serve there warrant. There are ways to do what they do with out using violence. They do it back asswards. Lets beat on everyone, damage there property, kill there animals then ask who is who.. I'm tired of seeing my black friends being killed because they moved to fast or they thought they where in fear for there life It's bullshit.. I don't have much time left in this hellish of a worlds.. The ones that will suffer the most is our children that hurts me the most. I can only hope my children don't meet up with a bad cop the odds are not in there favor.

That's my rant for the day .
Peace HH

Lester Beans

Frequent Flyer
This is appalling, imagine if that was your wife?? Daughter?? I'd go ape shit. These fucks will never stop until they are faced with a massive amount of civilian protest. Makes me sick these pricks act like isil for fuck sake. Hold you down and shove a hand up yer respective junk?? Oh hell no, let's hope a savvy lawyer gets a hold of this and the media runs with it.

Sad sad day when this is happening to american citizens, I'm sure the folks I have known that have died in war to defend our rights died so we can all get fisted for some herb. Goddamit man, makes me sick.

I recently got off my lawn mower, from parking it in the garage, and heard a voice say hello? I yelled what's up butthole? Thought it was my Dad lol. It was a cop, hand on gun telling me not to move. Wtf!?!? What can I do for you, sir? I am looking for so and so. Oh that's about four houses down. Still hand on gun, hand out telling me not to move. I said is there some problem I should know about? No, someone hit his mailbox. Well why are you holding your gun?? Because we never know what to expect. I laughed and said maybe its because you are a pussy and hide behind your gun and badge? Now get the fuck off my property. He did.

Off to build a giant wall and gate....


3rd-Eye Jedi
There's a huge difference in the way leo has evolved over 30 years ago. .. When I was young cops where in the neighborhood all the time. Nice friendly people... They would get out and talk to us kids black, white, Hispanic. We knew there name they knew ours. Anytime we got caught with weed or beer all they did was make us grind it into the ground or pour it out it was never a big deal.. I ran once got caught and let go..Today anyone doing this would have been shot or at the least a boot or knee in your face..

Police today are lost. Morals, compassion, empathy are gone. It's all about how to kill or hurt other people. Talking to anyone anymore is gone. I have no respect for the law in today's world. They lost it a long time ago for there behavior they exhibit everyday. They do not have any respect for most people..They def have a superiority complex. I never saw this shit back in the day. The violence we endure at there hands is humiliating. There's no reason for them to kick in your door, Shoot our dogs and Stand on your family's back. Then they find out they had the wrong house. None of them feel any remorse they laugh about it. Its happening in every state in every city. None of it is needed to make the arrest or serve there warrant. There are ways to do what they do with out using violence. They do it back asswards. Lets beat on everyone, damage there property, kill there animals then ask who is who.. I'm tired of seeing my black friends being killed because they moved to fast or they thought they where in fear for there life It's bullshit.. I don't have much time left in this hellish of a worlds.. The ones that will suffer the most is our children that hurts me the most. I can only hope my children don't meet up with a bad cop the odds are not in there favor.

That's my rant for the day .
Peace HH

So true.

When I was a kid police where like firemen, looking out for the public's safety, both criminal and civilian since they are in essence the same.

Seems the militarization of America has spilled over to the police but what do you expect they resell the cops everything they use in the military as if the initial price tag wasn't enough.

Cops treat the people they police as enemies and they are public servants, plain and simple.

Boyd Crowder

Teem MiCr0B35
Its not just about law enforcement anymore.

An officers main job is to hunt the two legged animal. Simple. And theyve gotten very good at it. These new breeds are the men and women we bought (yes , when you join the military , you are legally owned by the US government ) to kill brown people in iraq and afghanistan. Once youve killed that first two legged animal , you want that rush again. And Again. Martial Power is Intoxicating. A drug , if I may.

Their second job is earn the dollars that keep them, and an ENTIRE industry funded and growing. They earn those dollars by jailing the poor , brown and/or marginilized . They earn them by stealing assets from traffic stops and charging a physical item wth a crime , not the victim. They earn from federal monies paid for each head in incarceration. And these are just some of the LEGAL income streams.

30 years ago , we didnt have the war on drugs.
Thats my point really, its a WAR for them now. Literally. The WoD is an ACTUAL WAR. Our problem as potheads is, we never took that shit seriously, we just chuckled, took another hit on the bong , changed the channel and scarfed some more doritos.

But They Did Not.

Cops have TANKS, Armored personnel vehicles, and weapons no bullet proof vest could hope to stop. Right Now, In your BACKYARD.
And they are winning because we let this happen. We voted for this to happen.
We voted in the bush/reagan cabal. We allowed the CIA to become the worlds biggest dope dealer to fund their south american revolutionaries and the warlords in the hills of the 'stans, for what ? opium? oil, bananas, sugar and coffee (all private industries)? Yes, and also cocaine. Then it became an addiction , like coke and opium have a tendency to do; easy money, hard to let that income stream go.
With coke and heroin comes violence, with violence comes war.

In a sense, LEO is High On Drug(Money)s and gets their kicks by killing poor brown people and destroying lives and families. And they get paid to do it.

They would do this job for FREE, dont you understand ? A License To Kill? Sure , Sign Me Up , Harlan!

These are some of the reasons this will continue until the war on drugs is officially over. Once that happens, the civil forfeitures, the non violent (income streams) offenders are freed, the bribe money dries up, the job market for leo shrinks to ~40-60% its current size. Private jails go bankrupt, big pharma loses 20% of its customers, Big Finance loses its cartel money. And a WHOLE LOTTA people are unemployed.

We can find jobs for them though, I hear their hiring security goons out west for the MMJ industry.....

Whew, sorry for the rant, i think I got all that out my system for awhile.....
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Seems to the boiling point. Insanely stupid cop behaviour against black people. Hate to say it but its time to stand the fuck up. They want that behaiviour tho from the blacks. They r pushing your buttons. Why???? Someones gotta have a reasonable answer.. why push the blacks to the insanity??? Cause you know they gonna label you all crazy when you stand up for your rights.... this shits gotta stop sooner or later... karmas a bitch...


Active member
Its not just about law enforcement anymore.

An officers main job is to hunt the two legged animal. Simple. And theyve gotten very good at it. These new breeds are the men and women we bought (yes , when you join the military , you are legally owned by the US government ) to kill brown people in iraq and afghanistan. Once youve killed that first two legged animal , you want that rush again. And Again. Martial Power is Intoxicating. A drug , if I may.

Their second job is earn the dollars that keep them, and an ENTIRE industry funded and growing. They earn those dollars by jailing the poor , brown and/or marginilized . They earn them by stealing assets from traffic stops and charging a physical item wth a crime , not the victim. They earn from federal monies paid for each head in incarceration. And these are just some of the LEGAL income streams.

30 years ago , we didnt have the war on drugs.
Thats my point really, its a WAR for them now. Literally. The WoD is an ACTUAL WAR. Our problem as potheads is, we never took that shit seriously, we just chuckled, took another hit on the bong , changed the channel and scarfed some more doritos.

But They Did Not.

Cops have TANKS, Armored personnel vehicles, and weapons no bullet proof vest could hope to stop. Right Now, In your BACKYARD.
And they are winning because we let this happen. We voted for this to happen.
We voted in the bush/reagan cabal. We allowed the CIA to become the worlds biggest dope dealer to fund their south american revolutionaries and the warlords in the hills of the 'stans, for what ? opium? oil, bananas, sugar and coffee (all private industries)? Yes, and also cocaine. Then it became an addiction , like coke and opium have a tendency to do; easy money, hard to let that income stream go.
With coke and heroin comes violence, with violence comes war.

In a sense, LEO is High On Drug(Money)s and gets their kicks by killing poor brown people and destroying lives and families. And they get paid to do it.

They would do this job for FREE, dont you understand ? A License To Kill? Sure , Sign Me Up , Harlan!

These are some of the reasons this will continue until the war on drugs is officially over. Once that happens, the civil forfeitures, the non violent (income streams) offenders are freed, the bribe money dries up, the job market for leo shrinks to ~40-60% its current size. Private jails go bankrupt, big pharma loses 20% of its customers, Big Finance loses its cartel money. And a WHOLE LOTTA people are unemployed.

We can find jobs for them though, I hear their hiring security goons out west for the MMJ industry.....

Whew, sorry for the rant, i think I got all that out my system for awhile.....

all true, I am not trying to compare myself to that poor lady but when I got busted months ago, feds and police came to my house, full swat team. sit in front of house with a bull horn telling everyone in the house to come out, only my 25 yr old daughter was home, she went out in her t shirt nighty and they hand cuffed her and made her stand in the middle of the street while they sent in a robot camera into the house , tore up the garage door , tested the oil in my turkey fryer, they thought it was a oil lab, all for a few plants. how damn much money did they waste doing all this ? then have the nerve to call us and ask for donations for the city police boy did they get a ear full of shit.

Boyd Crowder

Teem MiCr0B35
all true, I am not trying to compare myself to that poor lady but when I got busted months ago, feds and police came to my house, full swat team. sit in front of house with a bull horn telling everyone in the house to come out, only my 25 yr old daughter was home, she went out in her t shirt nighty and they hand cuffed her and made her stand in the middle of the street while they sent in a robot camera into the house , tore up the garage door , tested the oil in my turkey fryer, they thought it was a oil lab, all for a few plants. how damn much money did they waste doing all this ? then have the nerve to call us and ask for donations for the city police boy did they get a ear full of shit.

they would do the job for free , joe


Well-known member
Fuck All Cops! That's right I said it and I mean it. Don't trust them an inch they are all liars. Fuck them all and if your a cop reading this Fuck You!!!


"I bend over and she proceeds to try to force her hand inside of me. I tell her, 'Ma'am, No. You cannot do this,'" Corley told us candidly.

Sounds to me like she gave consent.... I would have told them to fuck off. Ain't no piggy getting his hands near any of my orifices unless they knock me out first!


The only person who's gonna do a search on me is my gynecologist ! A person who is trained to deal with that part of the body. How degrading it must have been for that poor women. I don't care if they thought she had a snuke in there! It gives them no right at all! Shit is ridiculous!

the gnome

Active member
what happened to this lady is dead wrong,
no way is it procedure to do a cavity search in the 7-11 parking lot.
that said,
it was so out of line It get me thinking popo was on some kind of payback.
was there dash or body cam of the initial contact.
not taking a side but there's 2 to every story.
I'm wondering if this sweet innocent looking young lady turned into a prima donna and went off all ballistic on the cop when she was pulled over.
not taking a side or condoning anything the cops did
they should be fired!
but there can be 3 to every story like this, his hers and the truth :D


Active member
being in texas and all I would take her side in a minute, also if she gave consent or not it still doesent give them a right to do a body cavity search in a public location, I am so surprised this hasent hit national news. also they dident even charge her for running a stop sign .

Boyd Crowder

Teem MiCr0B35
This s a weed forum so lets first focus on that aspect of this story...

What, exactly was her crime ?

Did she forget her seatbelt? Did she have an air freshener on her mirror? Too many "I support the Local Police" bumper stickers ? Nah, thats too easy - She ran a stop sign.

And We do know the officer said something like "I didnt find any weed in your car, ma'am, so I'm just gonna need to do a quick cavity search and you can be on your way...."


Even Worse, this being Texas, she could have died for failure to use her turn signal...I mean running that stop sign. Or having a set of "cajones". Take your pick....

IMHO, She got a quick Texas Rangers lesson in cajones - She Survived - She Lawyered Up. She will likely become a millionaire overnight.

This is a violation of her human and constitutional rights. Cops in texas are not trained in Texaco Gynecology ™, they are trained to bring the suspect into either the jail or a hospital to perform this kind of "probe".

Gnome - because we dont know what all happened doesnt make it ok to blame the victim. `
That priveledged mindset of "Oh, if she'd have just kept her mouth shut like a good ------ and gone along with it , this all wouldve been ok" doesnt apply here or in any state. We have something called the first amendment thats supposed to protect her here. Your argument is invalid, bro.

Her crime was possesion of .56 grams of some pretty loud weed. And having some cajones.
For that crime , She will get no apologies and a handsome settlement check. And nothing will change in Texas until the War on Drugs has ended on the federal level.

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