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Texas cops smell weed in black woman's car so they stick hand up her vagina in public

Boyd Crowder

Teem MiCr0B35
File Under : This Shit Gotta Stop!


Houston deputy who pulled over Charnesia Corley, a 21-year-old black woman on her way to the store to pick up medicine for her sick mother, thought he smelled weed in Corley's car. He searched the car and couldn't find any. He called for a female officer to come to the gas station where Corley was being held so she could have her vagina searched. They arrested Corley because she objected to having her vagina examined in a gas station parking lot.

From KRTK:

"She tells me to pull my pants down. I said, 'Ma'am, I don't have any underwear on.' She says, 'Well, that doesn't matter. Pull your pants down,'" Corley said.

She admits hesitating. Deputies say she resisted.

Link: http://boingboing.net/2015/08/10/texas-cops-smell-weed-in-black.html

"I bend over and she proceeds to try to force her hand inside of me. I tell her, 'Ma'am, No. You cannot do this,'" Corley told us candidly.

She insists at no time did she give consent for any such search. She's retained an attorney, Sam Cammack, who argues that a search like this in a public parking lot is a violation of her civil rights.

From Houston Chron:

When the female deputy arrived, she told Corley to pull her pants down, but Corley protested because she was cuffed and had no underwear on. The deputy ordered Corley to bend over, pulled down her pants and began to search her.

Then, according to [Corley's attorney, Sam] Cammack, Corley stood up and protested, so the deputy threw her to the ground and restrained her while another female was called in to assist. When backup arrived, each deputy held one of Corley's legs apart to conduct the probe.

KTRK-TV reports deputies found 0.02 ounces of marijuana on Corley, but did not say from where.

The Harris County Sheriff's Office said its deputies acted appropriately. corley

Some Things In This LEO Biz Are Gonna Change And Soon - Boyd


ICMag Donor
I think it would be a great public service is some smart computer savvy person could post ALL personal information of the perpetrators across the internet.

That'd make some changes


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
0.566990463 gram...next time eat it
ps. fuck texas
Last edited:


0.02 ounces=0.5 gram However, where was it found and what difference does it make? This citizen was unlawfully detained and physically assaulted by LEO in public over an officers statement that he smelled "weed" and never found any until after the assault was completed. What if this had been a 21 yr old WF and the officers were African American? There is going to be a special place in HELL for these " good old, church going, beer drinking, law enforcement officers.


Well-known member
cops that pull shit like that need to be anally fistfucked and have it posted on YOUTUBE for all of us to laugh at...


Well-known member
I am sure she cannot afford a proper lawyer which is why the cops targeted her. I can talk about how lame the cops are in Texas but I have seen this sort of shit in Seattle, a liberal northern supposedly non racist town. Cops know they can do whatever they want to poor black people without getting sued.
I know the shootings get all the headlines and I understand why but it is the day to day harassment that affects everyone.
I was waiting at a bus stop with a few other white people and maybe 8 black people. The garbage can at the bus stop was piled over and garbage was spilled all over the sidewalk and into the street. There were homeless people across the street living on cardboard who were the obvious culprits.
Just as the bus arrived a cop car showed up and they blamed the black people for the mess. As if some black people waiting for a bus had time to throw garbage all over.
Asked to see everyone's ID. I started getting mine out and they said no, told all the white people to get on the bus. Then made the bus wait while they ran the black people for warrants. I was on probation so I got the hell out of there but if I hadn't been..
This kind of nonsense happens every day in northern, supposedly non racist places like Seattle. All the nice open minded polite liberal white people look the other way.

Bud Green

I dig dirt
It doesn't just happen in the south, or just happen in Texas...

And it doesn't just happen to black people...

Just my 2 cents....


Well-known member
Surely it doesn't matter if it's 0.02 oz or ten oz... If you are a cop and want to do an intimate search it must be done at the station.
Sounds very fuckin illegal to me.


Active member
I am sure she cannot afford a proper lawyer which is why the cops targeted her. I can talk about how lame the cops are in Texas but I have seen this sort of shit in Seattle, a liberal northern supposedly non racist town. Cops know they can do whatever they want to poor black people without getting sued.
I know the shootings get all the headlines and I understand why but it is the day to day harassment that affects everyone.
I was waiting at a bus stop with a few other white people and maybe 8 black people. The garbage can at the bus stop was piled over and garbage was spilled all over the sidewalk and into the street. There were homeless people across the street living on cardboard who were the obvious culprits.
Just as the bus arrived a cop car showed up and they blamed the black people for the mess. As if some black people waiting for a bus had time to throw garbage all over.
Asked to see everyone's ID. I started getting mine out and they said no, told all the white people to get on the bus. Then made the bus wait while they ran the black people for warrants. I was on probation so I got the hell out of there but if I hadn't been..
This kind of nonsense happens every day in northern, supposedly non racist places like Seattle. All the nice open minded polite liberal white people look the other way.

Just No. That reeks of false equivalency.

Sure, there are racist cops everywhere but this goes way beyond that. In any half-assed civilized State, it would have ended with the car search & a pat down. Body cavity searches are generally not performed until the suspect is booked into jail & the cops had insufficient cause to arrest her in the first place, let alone perform such a search in a parking lot.

It's completely outrageous, even in a semi fascist place like Texas.


ICMag Donor
Might be the water in Houston that makes people irrational....supreme authority types.

Bet attorney's are contacting her for representation!

Shake my head.....what is this world coming to???

Boyd Crowder

Teem MiCr0B35
I just hope this increased scrutiny causes a change for the better - outraged media , cellphone footage , social media and real world activism can hopefully change the working pigs behavior and culture


Well-known member
Premium user
This is a prime example of a total simpleton acting like the moron that they are.....

she had dope on her down texas wey....a....NO...........................NO!

was probably one of these retards smoking while operating a motor vehicle as well....sMerT!

Deserves what happend you dont ride around in your hoopty burnin it down like some 16 year old fool. Act like an adult and keep it at home and off the streets and you will not encounter the rollers trying to rectal cavity search yourself all over.

Fyi in Tejas she is screwed no matter what lawman she picks up as they have zero tolerance there and she was caught holdin granted up her privates.

uggggghhhh grossssss.....


Yes, lets totally blame the victim. There was nothing that said she had the weed in her vag. She was stripped and violated in public. Seriously? WTF? I had a cop said he smelled weed on me at a time way before I even smoked. Fuck that Orwellian bullshit.


Active member
Texas SEMI-fascist? Oh I beg to differ. I give Texas FULL fascist status.
I'm willing to bet that she didn't even have the .5 gram on her. I'm betting the cops down there carry around many small samples of dope to plant on people to justify their jack boot behavior.
Like the dude said previously, let black cops vaginally search a white girl in public and see what happens. It would be a national kkk rally.


3rd-Eye Jedi
Any white American who tries to compare their plight to that of a black or hispanic minorities is in serious denial of racism that exist in this country.

If you think you get targeted in your community my guess is your profiled for being poor or a drug user or a combination thereof, and those conditions don't get you targeted as powerfully as color or country of origin.

Not that being treated unfairly doesn't suck in any measure, but to deny racism is a second slap in the face of the minorities who are subjected to it daily.

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